Time for some size!

Thinking of slitting up legs,

Quads day 1 bike
Calfs 2 yoga
Hammy glutes 3 bike
Calfs 4 yoga
Full 5 bike
Cardio stretch 6

How is that?
Today did

10 min bike
5 min stair stepper medium speed
Stretch 30 min
7 min stair stepper medium then 2 min slow.

TrT pinned
Dammit cant eat a dam thing from the anxiety and depression, 2 days no food. Will have to make it up in future.
Decided to take the plunge into hair stuff, oral minox now, and nizoral.

Soon to come topical RU.

Will just do this for a bit.

Legs today
Working on getting food down, had a big bowl of cous cous pre workout,

Able to do solid legs…

Bike warm up 3 min
Glute kicks
Leg ext
Leg press 1 leg
Leg press 2 leg
Hammy sitting curls
Alright, getting some food down, eating ok. Next is upping my water intake.

Today I did

15 Min Bike
Calves seated
Leg press calves
8 min stairmaster medium/fast
2.5 min stairmaster slow, calf focus
3 different stretches
Disliking working out on trt dose, dammit. Lost very much gains. Been on trt for 6 weeks

Thats said

Legs again
Leg ext
Hammy curls
Leg press barbell weight
Leg press plated
One leg ext
Can you believe someone I know there natural test levels are 700 and are in there 60’s! Thats unbelivable.

Mine were freaking 180 at 24 years old
Legs today again lol

Bike 15 min
Calves 30 reps 3 angles 4 sets
Calves 30 reps 2 angles 3 sets
Calves 15 reps 1 angle 2 sets
Stairmaster 10 min HIIT, level 8-12-8-12-8
3 min-1 min-3 min-1 min-2 min
Sauna 10 min

I was wanting to cut, but ate 6 slices of pizza last night.

That said, i upped my protein to 200 grams a day.

Will be tracking now moreso.

Is it smart to cut on a trt dose?
I was thinking eat a maintenence amount then let the cal deficit from my exercising take care of amount needed to cut fat.

That said i am injured is it smart to cut with an injury?

This is going much slower than what i imagined, i was told longer then i realize for chest stuff. Doing good leg workouts, but growth is not there as compared to cycling
Well i fucked up so bad, going to take much longer to get bigger.

Trying to remember what hair stuff i was doing
Yes got my account back, did legs yesterday, still recovering from my injury.

Started back up with TRT 200 mg 1x a week. Been on for 2 weeks, feel much better mentally and such
With PT just started doing over head and tricep work, first time the PT put hand all the way above head. Dam this injury goes slow. Just started back TRT. As i needed a new script and needed low levels. Now at 200 mg a week.
Back doing legs, arm can move hogher up so was able to do safety bar squats

Hammy Curls
One leg push back
Reverse hyper legs
Safty squat
Glute bridges

PT for arm

I must of ate 6000 cals yesterday. No more of that lol

Doing posterior legs today then poster then anterior next time, and roatating that to hot legs 2x a week.

I then do my PT for arm.

And hit calves both days

Along with stair stepper/cardio in between.

I am only on TRT at 200 mg a werk at the moment until my arm heals.

I may start BPC and TB for healing