Time for some size!

By the time the roids start to work in 3-4 weeks ill be able to be doing some pump chest exercises, cant do heavy though.

Everything else ill be good with
So this will be a 15 week cycle.

250 test cyp 2x = 500 test cyp
200 deca 2x= 400 deca

Pinned 1 mL Monday and Thursday
And .5 mL anavar 2x a day making 15 mg per dose and 30 mg a day. 1x AM and one PM.


30 mg anavar will up dose as time goes on.
Will be pinning Monday, Weds, Friday, .7 mL, instead 1 mL MTh.

This will lesses the gyno that has gone down drastically from not cycling.

.7 mL test cyp=2.1 mL per week
.7 mL Deca=2.1 mL per week

400 test cyp
500 deca
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That’s pretty light you did stronger cycles in the past
Why lowered the doses ?
Because coming off a pec tear, that is just about to be usable,

Still can only truely do pushups fo chest, about when the AAS will be kicking in ill be able to do pressing again, in 3 weeks.

(close chain chest)
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Ok will be switching to pinning EOD, going to drive myself insane. An sticking to this.

Deca EOD and Test CYP EOD. Leads to the same amount of dose. Just spread out for gyno symptoms. ED would be too much of a hassle right now.

So .5 mL eod of each.
Ok will be switching to pinning EOD, going to drive myself insane. An sticking to this.

Deca EOD and Test CYP EOD. Leads to the same amount of dose. Just spread out for gyno symptoms. ED would be too much of a hassle right now.

So .5 mL eod of each.
You don’t have a problem with your dick with deca ?
With deca only after 2 weeks no more erection…
Pinned left quad today
.5 mL each.
Took .25 mg arimidex, nipples are puffing up a little already.

Been eating well,

Meal prepped plain chicken and cous cous. Along with grilled teriaki chicken.

Have PT for chest today which ends up being a 45 min solid workout, and will be going on a run tonight too, afterwards.

Abs are already defined a bit.

225 6 foot

Want to hit 235 these next weeks lean.
Pinned 1 ML each today was in a rush, dammit. That was a mistake. .5 mL each EOD moving forward

moving forward

350 mg a week of test cyp per week
437.5 of deca per week
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Ok to be clear

The Deca is 250 and Test Cyp is 200

.5 mL 250 is 125 EOD 437.5 mg a week

.5 mL 200 is 100 mg EOD 350 mg a week