Time for some size!

Legs 6/7 Wednesday

Adductor 3x10 120
Abductor 3x10 150
One Leg Press Back 3x10 170, 180, 190
Dead Lift 3x10 145
Quad Extensions 3x10 85,100,110
Leg Press 4,5,6,7 plates
Split Romanian Split Squat 45x3x10
Standing Hammy Curls Extension 210 2x10
Meal Prepping

Chicken all are at 7 oz per serving

- 2 containers 7 oz chicken Cous cous 1 cup cooked
BBQ sauce 1 TBS

-2 containers 7 oz chicken with cream of mushroom soup instead of BBQ sauce

-3 containers chicken 7 oz servings with lowmein

So 8 meals premade….
Pinned .5mL each left delt

Off day from gym

Will go for run tonight, along with stretch/foam roll

Eating my premade meals.

Will have 3 of them today, and protein shake
Put 1 ML in water since away for the weekend, will take 1/3 no, and 1/3 preworkout in hotel at gym.
You keep changing your doses daily …
Yes because i decided to start lower…i have a little issue with memory at the moment, which is why i have been making so many notes

The final is a .25 mL of the anavar, which equates to 30 mg a day TOTAL! And 15 mg per dose.

The reason is i want to start low, i thought i was going run higher. But will add more as cycle goes on.
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You keep changing your doses daily …
So its not that i am changing doses, its that i cant freaking remember how much the stans anavar suspension is, i keep confusing the dose on here, not taking it.

Have very terrible short short term memory, like an minute to minute. But after some time i remember.

I look at the email and go to write it and write the wrong number.

Its so frusterating.

I finally got it down though.

Hoping this memory improves more
My memory isn't the greatest either. Maybe from hitting my head a time or 2. I've also heard some stuff about nandrolones being hard on the neurons. I'm not sure if they've been able to find any hard evidence that it makes us dumber.
So its not that i am changing doses, its that i cant freaking remember how much the stans anavar suspension is, i keep confusing the dose on here, not taking it.

Have very terrible short short term memory, like an minute to minute. But after some time i remember.

I look at the email and go to write it and write the wrong number.

Its so frusterating.

I finally got it down though.

Hoping this memory improves more
Did you have covid?
-standing arm scaption 5#
-Incline pushups
-One arm walking straight cables side steps 3x5 lbsx10 steps
-Around the worlds 10 sec x 10 times
-one arm punches
-Standing cable press
-shoulder raises
-rear delt flys
-Core leg raises
Went to gym again today at night i am starting to see some comeback.

Took the anavar spread throughout day, i actually squirted in water bottle and took 2x today, was easy that way.

Treadmill 30 minutes jog
5 ab workouts
Adductor 150,150,150
Abductor 120,130,140
One leg press back 170,170,170
Deadlift 135,135,185,185
Hammy curls 130,130,130
Calf seated 1.5 plates 3x10
Calf press 170 3x10
Pinned right delt today. Taking tomorrow off from gym and all AAS, want to see where this added anxiety is from. I think i need to donate blood, and high bp. Will do yoga and foam roll/walk dog.
Seems like the anxiety has subsided, i think i was just in a stressful enviornment and was overwhelmed. I pinned the rest of the BPC and am done with that.

Going to be getting some HGH soon, wanting to run 4 iu, 2 split am with fasted cardio and 2 pm prior to bed.