I hope @Titanlabs is ready if the gc/ms comes out clean. Orders are guna be crazy..
Really? I hope that '@our members' are astute enough not to drop to their knees for a source who was smart enough to produce real gear in the beginning. I hope our members are smart enough to remember how many would-be-scammer sources started off good, with gear that was described as "fire" or "potent" in the beginning, only to stick the proverbial UGL Dick to our members once they gained everyone's trust.
A good gc/ms from this source, or any source, who has been around here less than 4 months, should mean very freaking little to our members by now. Good for Titan if he was smart enough to put out good gear in the beginning - that would put him in the same category as Bio, PEP, FML, Max Growth, etc, etc.
Those who do not learn from UGL history are bound to get a UGL facial.