I hear you that is the right way to handle your business I was just having a little fun.
But if you stick around another few months and continue to grow in popularity while that still may be your position publicly, behind the scenes you will want to slam your nuts in a car door from having to deal with a bunch of idiots making $100 orders and sharing way too much information publicly putting you at potential risk. It plays out time after time here at Meso.
Carry on Titanium.
Oh i already do. I get emails all the time asking for info i the thread. When will this or that be available? Do you have such and such in stock. My mom works for meso can i get a discount? Why is 5mg var 20 and re var 25 if it is 1/5 of the active content?
Shit is insulting. But most of the time i spoon feed for that 100 minimum. Sometimes i lose my shit but then "it is in the thread" is usually my "angry" response.