Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Yeah I’m in the same boat man. I’ve been limited with orals to the same dbol and anavar. Both seemed to kick in around week three. Dbol I was swollen until I got my estrogen in check and anavar, like you mentioned, never really noticed much mass but could lift much heavier with weights that seemed heavy a week or two prior!! Next oral I want to try I anadrol. Also did the two weeks ananvar two weeks anadrol I hear someone do but couldn’t find a lot of info about that.

That's funny, 'cause Anadrol was the next on my list. Won't be until next year though, i need to give my body a break.

@Roger rabbit had mentioned 3 days of Anadrol, followed by 3 days of Winstrol, then repeat. i like that idea. i also suppose one could substitute either of the compounds for something different. It's something i'm interested in trying sometime in the future.
Have you given @atlas physics a go?
I’m positive @Wunderpus can get you there. They have a special going on right now too.

i would love to, but i'm a broke bitch and i have limited access to variety when it comes to how i lift. No machines, unless you count the bench.

i'm very antisocial/misanthropic, so i don't do gyms. i prefer the solitude of my own home for my workouts, my music, my rules, so forth and so on.
i would love to, but i'm a broke bitch and i have limited access to variety when it comes to how i lift. No machines, unless you count the bench.

i'm very antisocial/misanthropic, so i don't do gyms. i prefer the solitude of my own home for my workouts, my music, my rules, so forth and so on.
Let them know about your workout situation and they will taylor your wo around it.