Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

I also personally think that Test and GH are some of the safest things to use since our bodies naturally produce them, and when done in moderate dosages, meaning, not too high above your physiological range. I believe a lot can be accomplished physique wise with just those 2 compounds, a good diet, and fucking hard work in the gym.
Well all he had access to was the test c and the test e. But we crossed paths and went to the gym together. He is 6.2 and I’m 5.6. I blew him away on every machine, and destroyed him on curls.
That led him to tell me about his gear, which in turn led me to tell him about mine. I decided to pct and let him get my gear for a slight profit.

Well I didn’t think he was gonna be a knuckle head. I let him get everything but my tren, winstrol, dbol, and anavar. That shit is staying in my safe. He would kill his self if I let him have the orals or the tren. I think I’m gonna get some test e for him when what he has is gone but make him trt with it. If I can get him to listen.

I know and I usually stay in my own lane and mind my own business but I just can’t get it out my head that this motherfucker is gonna kill him self like this.

I can’t believe that. How in the fuck can someone take 900 mg of test a week and not need an Ai? Fuck 300 mg of test and 20 mg of dbol and 21 days in I was having burning nips and high bp due to the bloating. I had to take 1 mg of arimidex 2 days in a row and then taper down. I was in such bad shape I couldn’t go to work. Stayed in bed like a woman on her period. If I’m being honest I was slightly scared! High estro for your first time will fuck with your head!
I ran 900 test e and 900 tren with no ai. Totally fucking honest I would take 150 mgs of dbol to top it off. Of course I had a moon face but I didnt die. Lol. Does that mean I'm tougher than most? Or dumber? All in the eyes of the beholder.
Everybody i know local that runs gear doesn't get bloods or know what pct or AI is. They won't be around long.
Local to your van down by the river?
Good! Although if you had raised him, maybe he wouldn’t be a typical millennial shit
yea, hind sight is always 20/20 and I guess everybody needs a fucking trophy
I've had 2 different women yell at me for getting into bed with them with(just) socks on. They were both like" you going somewhere? Take your socks off I'm not a whore." They lived 5000 miles apart too!
Lol, I remember getting into bed with black socks on, she laughed because she said she meant she want me to wear my other sock(condom) .