New Member
Incase you missed it.
Also what you seem to not understand is you don’t need to know anything about TGIs real identity to get the law involved, if they want to they can catch TGI in a few weeks with a few hundred man hours. But they don’t have reason to with a cost benefit analysis. But start throwing in things about narcotics and other shit and you’ve all if a sudden got their attention and they’ll invest that man power. Again, it’s not hard to catch a drug dealer online with the tightest emails how never leaks personal information. Maybe I’m jaded having been inside the post office or dealing with the feds, but it’s really not hard to figure out how it’s down if you put a little thought into it.
Is your freedom worth someone turning over info to the feds? Are you willing to take that chance? If you fucked with your drug dealer in the streets and threatened to turn them over what do you think would happen, would you even get a threat or would you just never wake up one day? Just because we all see AAS as something innocent doesn’t mean it is on any level and everyone’s freedom is at risk every day we fuck with it. Stop being so complacent.
Whether that distinct difference excuses the comment TGI made I’m not advocating for or against, I’ll let everyone else debate that.
And again, still in no way does this absolve tgi of his behavior. Zero chance any of his actions are justifiable because of this.
Tgi fucked up, he fucked up to an insane degree. For some reason people are following this source up his creek with any paddles.
and what is this really eluding to? Take what chance? Not going to extremes because someone made a threat? Again, all if this is insane. So at the very least the offending person needs to be intimidated, worst case what? Killed? What happens when tgi fanbois go to take care of business and get lit up by a gun? Worth that little bit of Bitcoin that was offered?
Jesus Christ, take a step back and realize what is being said here. This is all over an online drug dealer. A drug dealer.
hey, you fucking beta cuck follower, fuck off. Why is that a big worry? Maybe you can give a good answer? Oh wait, nobody has given one so you obviously can't copy what other people have posted.
TGI opsec is faulty beyond the point of utter failure or he is simply unhinged.
I still can't figure out how to connect LE hitting the streets looking for a narco dealer would end up being an issue for an online aas dealer that has good opsec. Unless there is more than that going on, it doesn't make sense.
Because there is an active campaign to destroy people's good names. I got involved for that reason, and have yet to see real proof of what is being claimed regarding good standing members. I have however seen real proof of claims against tgi. This isn't some dog and pony show.
Also what you seem to not understand is you don’t need to know anything about TGIs real identity to get the law involved, if they want to they can catch TGI in a few weeks with a few hundred man hours. But they don’t have reason to with a cost benefit analysis. But start throwing in things about narcotics and other shit and you’ve all if a sudden got their attention and they’ll invest that man power. Again, it’s not hard to catch a drug dealer online with the tightest emails how never leaks personal information. Maybe I’m jaded having been inside the post office or dealing with the feds, but it’s really not hard to figure out how it’s down if you put a little thought into it.
Is your freedom worth someone turning over info to the feds? Are you willing to take that chance? If you fucked with your drug dealer in the streets and threatened to turn them over what do you think would happen, would you even get a threat or would you just never wake up one day? Just because we all see AAS as something innocent doesn’t mean it is on any level and everyone’s freedom is at risk every day we fuck with it. Stop being so complacent.