Toremifene (Fareston) PCT


New Member
Hey all.

I'm currently coming off my first cycle of Test E only, 500mg per week. Everything went great. For PCT I have Nolva, and was going to run standard protocol for it.

After already getting mine from a local source, I found a source to get pharm grade Nolva but they were out. I was instead offered Toremifene at Nolva price, and a box of Clomid (both pharm grade). So I went ahead and bought it.

I've read good things about Toremifene and was wondering if anyone else has run it successfully for pct? I've seen some great and some not so great things. My thought is the quality that causes it, and I know mine is legit. If it's not a good route to go I still have the Nolva/Clomid standard protocol on hand.
I think it will be just fine.
Not much different than nolva.
I would keep the dose lower, 60/60/30/30
if it was me anyway....
I think you're right. I saw some posts citing studies that show increasing the doses more than 60mg doesn't facilitate more recovery, and is more or less just a waste. Thanks for the advice. I will update this post again once I'm done with PCT with blood work.
Unless you are buying Toremifene from a pharmacy, as it is under patent, you're likely just getting nolvadex.

Don't buy black market PCT drugs if you can avoid it. And the reality is virtually all Torem is fake on the black market, so this inquiry is pointless.
Unless you are buying Toremifene from a pharmacy, as it is under patent, you're likely just getting nolvadex.

Don't buy black market PCT drugs if you can avoid it. And the reality is virtually all Torem is fake on the black market, so this inquiry is pointless.

As I stated in the OP, it is from a pharmacy.

Your statement is true, it is common that people say it's great or it doesn't work at all. I suspect that has to do with the quality and sourcing of their Torem. Also, I believe that out of anything, PCT drugs should be sourced from pharmacies or trusted sources. Running a cycle is pointless if you can't recover properly, and taking that chance is not worth it at all.

Thanks for your input, but I don't think this inquiry is pointless at all.