Training question for those that have ran bpc157 and/or tb500


10+ Year Member
Long story short I had my tricep detached almost 3 years ago and had the surgery. It’s come back a lot but still nowhere near 100% and I deal with a lot of inflammation when I train pressing movements or triceps.

So I figured fuck it, I’m doing an 8 week healing protocol with tb500 and bpc157. Fairly aggressive dosing and it’s going to either work or it’s not at this point.

My question is what you guys think about changing a training split to give the tendon more recovery time between workouts? What I’m talking about is doing a single push day involving delts, chest, light tricep work, followed by days off apart from leg training and back and biceps. I’ll possibly hit legs twice a week to fill in gaps and burn some calories but seriously debating on whether to combine any pushing movements into just 1 day per week training. Is this very beneficial while using the peptides or do you find the pain subsiding while training with more traditional splits throughout the week? Thanks in advance
Eliminate all pressing movements for a while. Do Flys for chest, various raises for delts and then for tris just light high rep banded pushdowns to get the blood pumping through them. Implement these changes while running the peptides to optimize recovery.

500mcg 2x daily on the Bpc-157
1,000mcg daily on the tb500
Pretty much this^

Can add static holds and negatives (where you assist the contraction with the other hand but control the lengthening with the muscle) when you’re on the way to healed. Both good for the problematic connective tissues iirc.
Thanks guys! I was starting with 5mg twice a week tb500 and 700 mcg daily bpc but looks like I could increase it according to the feedback! Awesome thanks again
Thanks guys! I was starting with 5mg twice a week tb500 and 700 mcg daily bpc but looks like I could increase it according to the feedback! Awesome thanks again
That’s a decent protocol, maybe more BPC. But that’s about right. Give it some time to work.
Interestingly enough I am just now (actually made my initial shot earlier today) beginning a 1mg/day TB and 500mcg x 2/day BPC to heal a partial tricep tendon tear which happened 6 weeks ago. Going to post my own thread later on but I thought to confirm your protocol is alright and that I am also planning on training chest/deltoids/triceps extremely high volume to maximize blood flow in chosen area. One difference being I am literally at a point where I am just now working my way up from 10 lb weights while yours is an older injury but I think in both cases rehab working out is optimal justin harris had a great podcast on that matter recently
As things start to kick in (TB takes some time) you might notice that your recovery time has increased. Incorporating the exercises suggested above with focus in the problem area every other day to take advantage of the optimized healing from the peptides could be beneficial after you access your own recovery.
Interestingly enough I am just now (actually made my initial shot earlier today) beginning a 1mg/day TB and 500mcg x 2/day BPC to heal a partial tricep tendon tear which happened 6 weeks ago. Going to post my own thread later on but I thought to confirm your protocol is alright and that I am also planning on training chest/deltoids/triceps extremely high volume to maximize blood flow in chosen area. One difference being I am literally at a point where I am just now working my way up from 10 lb weights while yours is an older injury but I think in both cases rehab working out is optimal justin harris had a great podcast on that matter recently
Where I fucked up was by doing too much, too soon. I still stimulated it and did what I could, but it pretty much inflamed the hell out of it and made recovery harder. And who knows, maybe it would have been a grim outlook on a full recovery anyways but I’m sure I didn’t help it along
Interestingly enough I am just now (actually made my initial shot earlier today) beginning a 1mg/day TB and 500mcg x 2/day BPC to heal a partial tricep tendon tear which happened 6 weeks ago. Going to post my own thread later on but I thought to confirm your protocol is alright and that I am also planning on training chest/deltoids/triceps extremely high volume to maximize blood flow in chosen area. One difference being I am literally at a point where I am just now working my way up from 10 lb weights while yours is an older injury but I think in both cases rehab working out is optimal justin harris had a great podcast on that matter recently
Mine was fucked for about a year where it was partially torn and I had to tip toe around it in the gym, to falling on it one day at a roller skating rink with my son and totally detaching it (probably the best thing since it could actually be put together at that point and I wasn’t walking around in no man’s land with a tendon that’s was torn threads)

What I found was that pushing motions weren’t nearly as bad as pressdown motions, pressdown motions were/are where it’s weak and painful
How important is it to get the bpc157 directly into the injury site? I was going about 1” above the site of pain and inflammation thinking it was close enough, well today I decided to go directly into the area and it inflamed it pretty good, I don’t know if this would be a good thing to do a lot or if getting it close enough but not directly into my elbow area would be better, any thoughts?
Research material points towards it really working good enough systemically but anecdotal evidence is apparently that it is better local I personally inject in all heads one with optimal proximity being the medial head pretty much directly next to both the olecranon and epicondyle where tendon inserts though my tear is at the lateral portion exactly on the other side of the injection and I rather not put micropunctures in that part and my fat choices to pinch are extremely limited being rather lean
Update: healing is speeding up dramatically now! Inflammation is totally gone and today I did some presses for chest with moderate weights and NO PAIN!! I left all pressing alone for a few weeks and today I didn’t go heavy but I wanted to assess the results and OMG, it’s unbelievable! I opened up with 100 reps with a single 45 on each side of incline hammer strength machine, went to a 45 plus a 25 x 20, then a couple 45’s a side x 20, super easy and no pain at all!!! I didn’t go beyond that (I use 4 45’s a side as work weight with a good tricep) cause didn’t wanna push it. I nailed 5mg of tb500 3 days in a row just cause I had a bit extra of that compared to the bpc I have (10 vials of each) and doing 1,000mcg day of bpc157. I admit I was just doin the bpc once a at one injured area at 1,000mcg but decided to go twice a day recently at 500 x. Twice a day. I do think twice a day makes a difference! I could not be happier with the results so far and I still have 5 or 6 weeks to go with it all! Thanks to everyone’s input
Awesome man, getting some good results. And your TB is probably just starting to kick in.

Have you run the BPC @ 1000mcg the whole time? A bit more of an aggressive protocol than I’ve seen but seems to be working great.
Awesome man, getting some good results. And your TB is probably just starting to kick in.

Have you run the BPC @ 1000mcg the whole time? A bit more of an aggressive protocol than I’ve seen but seems to be working great.
Yes, dose has been 1,000mcg daily everyday. I’m probably going to cut back to 700mcg daily in abt another week or so, just cause I had 10 vials of each (tb500 is 10mg per vial and bpc157 is 5mg per vial) and I’m going to run out of the bpc before the tb500 if I’m using 1,000mcg daily. I’d like to keep running them in conjunction with each other
Good stuff. I think I’d like to give the bpc a go next time around. I’ve only done TB so far, with good results.

Good luck moving forward.
So I ran bpc and tb together 3x, it was a blend of both together so I used 500 mcg a day, would have raised it but I didn’t have enough. I was told to wait until after a blast but I tried it during and from my perspective it made me feel like I was healing faster. I also have severe stomach problems, had pancreatitis quite a few times and the bpc helped a little, probably needed more but it made me a believer of both peptides
Update: so I progressed on the incline hammer strength press and belted out a 45 lb plate plus a 25lb plate on each side and hit my first set for 100 reps, it was super easy too! That’s a 50lb jump since the time before so I moved another 5,000 lbs in that first set. I then dropped back on reps to sets of 20 reps and got to 2 plates plus a 25 per side, I quit there because I’m still trying to err on the side of caution. I threw in some very light French presses while lying down and did sets of 50 reps,very light weight here, we are talking abt maybe 30 lbs max. Progress is still moving forward
Update: this stuff is definitely working, progress has been huge so far and now that I’m about 6 wks into it it’s getting much faster. I wish I injected in the area I recently have been going in for the tricep, I started going to the inside of the arm rt above the elbow and it’s getting the area a lot better, see pic for the site


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