Treating pssd with test, HCG and proviron


New Member
A bit of backstory first. I'm an 18 year old male who was prescribed antidepressants from a young age. I used them for like 7-8 years with little to no help for my migraines. I quit using them around a year ago but the low libido and erectile dysfunction on the medication didn't go away. This is a condition called PSSD post ssri sexual dysfunction. I have been reading on the r/pssd reddit and seen that a lot of people recovered from cycling supraphysiological dose of testosterone and using HCG at the same time aswell as doing a proper pct. Doing this supposedly resensitizes the androgen receptors in some people suffering from pssd.

My plan is to use 300-400mg of testosterone a week as well as using HCG with it. I have also heard that proviron has helped a lot of people with pssd since it is a DHT derivative and apparently boosts libido in many. So I'm probably going to incorporate that in my cycle too. For my PCT I will most probably be using nolvadex. I'm not sure if I'm going to be using an AI but I will buy some aromasin on hand.

I'm just wanting to hear the opinions of some veteran steroid users and some advice on this shit. Will I need to use an AI? Also I'd like to hear some trusted sources especially for proviron and aromasin.

Sorry for my bad English.
A bit of backstory first. I'm an 18 year old male who was prescribed antidepressants from a young age. I used them for like 7-8 years with little to no help for my migraines. I quit using them around a year ago but the low libido and erectile dysfunction on the medication didn't go away. This is a condition called PSSD post ssri sexual dysfunction. I have been reading on the r/pssd reddit and seen that a lot of people recovered from cycling supraphysiological dose of testosterone and using HCG at the same time aswell as doing a proper pct. Doing this supposedly resensitizes the androgen receptors in some people suffering from pssd.

My plan is to use 300-400mg of testosterone a week as well as using HCG with it. I have also heard that proviron has helped a lot of people with pssd since it is a DHT derivative and apparently boosts libido in many. So I'm probably going to incorporate that in my cycle too. For my PCT I will most probably be using nolvadex. I'm not sure if I'm going to be using an AI but I will buy some aromasin on hand.

I'm just wanting to hear the opinions of some veteran steroid users and some advice on this shit. Will I need to use an AI? Also I'd like to hear some trusted sources especially for proviron and aromasin.

Sorry for my bad English.

Please work closely with your doctor and or endocrinologist.
As the other guy said, go see a doctor.

Only turn to self medicating if you know more than the doctors. I saw an endocrinologist and an andrologist and they were both absolutely fucking stupid. I’m talking making noob mistakes. Most of the people on this forum know more than they do. I still have the letters where they admit that they’re wrong and I’m right lol.

I’d advise the following:
1: go see a doctor. Exhaust the professional route
2: take daily tadalafil. It’s generally good for you anyway
3: exercise hard every day. Weights and cardio daily. If you’re a fat dude, get your bf% below 20.
4: eat a clean, plant-based diet. Whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, fruit, vegetables. Reduce red meat and saturated fat
5: try no fap. Works for some
6: test your blood pressure, hba1c, thyroid, prolactin, testosterone, shbg, estradiol, FBC, lipids. You should know where these all are anyway. And if any are out of range, you know what to treat
7: start reading up on your symptoms. Read medical literature on Pubmed. This is very important. You need to know what’s going on with your body, and what the treatments do.
8: supplement the medical literature with reading this forum. You may read things you didn’t know you’d benefit from knowing
9: if you’re not getting anywhere with the doctors and if you’re willing to take some risks, only then consider self-medicating if you’ve done enough reading that you feel like you know more than the doctors