New Member
Ok the tren is definitely kicking in, today is the first day I really noticed it. Crazy killer arm workout today. Weight up and reps, just felt like a beast!!
I'm breaking out but only on my face. I never breakout so this is not pleasant.. Really freaking annoying.
Cardio sucked again, I only did 18min because I got an emergency call from the office. I never skimp on a workout but this was a big deal. You know when something really stressful is going on and you can't eat?? I've had a horrible couple days with shit just falling apart and I've had to substitute what would've been 3 or 4 solid meals with shakes.. I need to not let this happen. Plan on having a great relaxing weekend with the fam and then grabbing the world by the balls on Monday!!
I'm being lazy... How far into your cycle are you? And nice logging. Please keep it up!