Tren Cycle, first timer here... whoop whoop!!

Ok the tren is definitely kicking in, today is the first day I really noticed it. Crazy killer arm workout today. Weight up and reps, just felt like a beast!!

I'm breaking out but only on my face. I never breakout so this is not pleasant.. Really freaking annoying.

Cardio sucked again, I only did 18min because I got an emergency call from the office. I never skimp on a workout but this was a big deal. You know when something really stressful is going on and you can't eat?? I've had a horrible couple days with shit just falling apart and I've had to substitute what would've been 3 or 4 solid meals with shakes.. I need to not let this happen. Plan on having a great relaxing weekend with the fam and then grabbing the world by the balls on Monday!!

I'm being lazy... How far into your cycle are you? And nice logging. Please keep it up!
Glad to hear the cycle is coming along well! Are you still solely on BL? Will you still plan on switching to Peps?

Yes it's all BL right now, except the hyges I just started.. Be back on Stretch's rips soon though..

Yea, like I said I'm going to switch to PEP's tren a after I get a feel for what tren is like from this bio stuff. Probably another couple weeks.

Note: Upped tren to 60mg today.
Felt like shit most of the day today, feverish, chills, no energy. My daughter has been sick a few days now and I thought I finally caught it. I fell asleep for an hour and a half or so while watching football and I woke up FREAKING DRENCHED!! [:o)] Clothes, couch cushions, everything.. I don't know what happened but shortly after I woke up I realized I felt pretty damn good!!:cool: I'm so happy, really feel like I dodged a bullet there.

I haven't had fast food in months and everyone wanted McDonalds so I got a double quarter pounder w/cheese and finished that S.O.B. in like 5 bites, it was awesome. Diet has been good except for the shake substitutions a few days ago.

I weighed myself yesterday and was 224.5lbs. Arms up to 19" cold which I'm ecstatic about, this is by far the biggest I've ever been. I have about a month to go before I post pics and I'll be busting my ass in the mean time!!;) I just looked at some pics from a year ago and I can't believe what I used to look like at 165-170lbs. I hope I never find myself in a situation where I'm back to that again. [}:)]

I have some bullshit to finish dealing with in the a.m. at work but after that it should be smooth sailing for the week!! After Friday's workout I'm really excited to see what I can do in the gym this week. :)
I definitely have the popcorn out for this one. Subscribed! Can't wait to hear your results. I have been contemplating tren but somewhat nervous. :popcorn:

It'awesome,My bench was sick! don't want to give numbers.Problem is ,Got a little aggressive and that's not good in my business..But wow! great results otherwise.
Haha yea the 170s suck ass Ballz!

Wanna trade???

Or better yet, bring home a new baby, stop dieting, and ill meet you somewhere near 180 ;)
Just wanted to note I have been taking 1mg adex ED and the tenderness went away but the gyno is still flared even though I'm taking 20mg nolva ED also. Seriously considering jumping on letro again, this shit pisses me the fuck off to no end!! [}:)]
Just wanted to note I have been taking 1mg adex ED and the tenderness went away but the gyno is still flared even though I'm taking 20mg nolva ED also. Seriously considering jumping on letro again, this shit pisses me the fuck off to no end!! [}:)]

JB, I feel sorry for you but can't say that I feel your pain. About .5dex EOD and 5-10mg Nolva EOD is enough for me when my E2 goes up. Even then I don't get any lumps or sensitivity. I seriously hope it all works out for ya. On the other hand you are a lot bigger than me. Keep on it bro.
All of this gear is kicking in HARD! Shoulders/traps today and amazing pumps!! Lower back pumps were a little out of control but I'll take it. I did my 30min of cardio but I had to stop every 5min for 10-15 seconds to let the pumps die down..[]==[]

Well no such luck with the cold it seems.. The beginnings of a sore throat and sinus issues are here as well as the chills and a slight fever. I've been sucking on these zinc lozenges all day and they're making all my food taste way worse than usual but I'm still getting it all down!! I'm trying not to think about it and hoping I can just plow through..

Other than that everything's great.. :)
Just wanted to note I have been taking 1mg adex ED and the tenderness went away but the gyno is still flared even though I'm taking 20mg nolva ED also. Seriously considering jumping on letro again, this shit pisses me the fuck off to no end!! [}:)]

I know the shit is a delicate balancing act. I need nolva and AI cause I am prone to the shit like a mfer. But what pisses me off is it doesn't take much to crash my E2. I am talking .25mg twice a week crashed the shit out of mine I dont know what gives with that. So what I take is .25mg every 5 days and I take 20mg of nolva a day when blasting. When I cruise I can get by with nolva 20 mg eod no issues. Now with that being said, I dont go real high on my dosages when I blast. When I blast I only use 250mg of test with small amounts of other stuff like var, mast, and winny.
I know the shit is a delicate balancing act. I need nolva and AI cause I am prone to the shit like a mfer. But what pisses me off is it doesn't take much to crash my E2. I am talking .25mg twice a week crashed the shit out of mine I dont know what gives with that. So what I take is .25mg every 5 days and I take 20mg of nolva a day when blasting. When I cruise I can get by with nolva 20 mg eod no issues. Now with that being said, I dont go real high on my dosages when I blast. When I blast I only use 250mg of test with small amounts of other stuff like var, mast, and winny.

I'm only running test at 350mg/week!! 1.25mg letro ED will crash my E2 but anything less than that and I seem fine. .25mg adex wouldn't do shit for me!! That's crazy. Wait were you talking adex or letro??
What about Aromasin? It's stronger than adex but weaker than letro.
I'm only running test at 350mg/week!! 1.25mg letro ED will crash my E2 but anything less than that and I seem fine. .25mg adex wouldn't do shit for me!! That's crazy. Wait were you talking adex or letro??

My bad man I thought I put it in there. .25mg of Adex. I have never used letro. I am really afraid of them damn AI's but I need the fuckers. I have put myself and my dick in the dirt before with it. My E2 was 6 and it took about a week and a half to almost two weeks to get it back up. Both my E2 and my dick! LOL!
What about Aromasin? It's stronger than adex but weaker than letro.

I have never used it either. I guess I always stick to adex because its a mental thing of only taking doses like .25mg. I know it may seem crazy. But if you crash your E2 I promise you will be hating life when you do. I never want to do that shit again. Joints hurt like hell, dick didnt work and I didnt even want any pussy.
What about Aromasin? It's stronger than adex but weaker than letro.

Umm.. I think 1mg adex is basically 25mg aromasin. Aromasin is more expensive and for me it doesn't seem to work better. I ran it at 25mg ED last cycle with dbol and that's what caused this gyno issue I'm still dealing with. Unless the shit was bunk.. It was Sciroxx.
I have never used it either. I guess I always stick to adex because its a mental thing of only taking doses like .25mg. I know it may seem crazy. But if you crash your E2 I promise you will be hating life when you do. I never want to do that shit again. Joints hurt like hell, dick didnt work and I didnt even want any pussy.

It's crazy how we're so different..

But I think our bodies just change.. In my early 20s I never ran an AI and only once had a very slight case of gyno. I remember DYS saying when he was younger he never needed an AI either..
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