Tren dick


Hi all, I'd like to introduce myself. I started in training highschool as a swimmer, glory days I swam a 23sec 50yd free, weighed 160lbs lean like an Ethiopian. Now I Work as Roofer and weight train. I am 22 weigh 225lbs 6'2" height and my bench is. 225lbs 3 sets of 10. I'm finishing up a 4week dbol only cycle my first ever. My goal is to curl one hundo's and 315lbs bench and 270lbs lean. I want to keep lifting, eating, supplementing until I am the biggest around and don't have to worry about body dysmorphia anymore. Arnold Schwarzenegger is my Idol and always has been, I don't care for any of these new guys. I've spent many nights learning from these forums and now I'm here to share contribute and continue to learn some more.
I would of ran Test with the Dbol... but you are 22, i would of waited at your age to do anything until 25. The gains will vanish as fast as they appeared. GO natty for acouple years then run a test cycle.
Thanks for the welcome guys
I would of ran Test with the Dbol... but you are 22, i would of waited at your age to do anything until 25. The gains will vanish as fast as they appeared. GO natty for acouple years then run a test cycle.

I had an issue with getting my test on time so I went with the dbol only unfortunately. I understand nice natty gains can still be made up till 25 I just feel that doing so would waste 3years of time that I can pack quite a bit of mass on.
Not sure but once your done dbol your natural test should be in the gutter for a few days , go see the doctor get tested eat 5 chocolate bars and stay up all night the night before and pound a 2litre pepsI then walk into the clinic and your test level should be lower than average the maybe you can a shot of testosterone lol you will be fine
Not sure but once your done dbol your natural test should be in the gutter for a few days , go see the doctor get tested eat 5 chocolate bars and stay up all night the night before and pound a 2litre pepsI then walk into the clinic and your test level should be lower than average the maybe you can a shot of testosterone lol you will be fine

The fucked up thing is I actually have considered doing this pct, Ive wondered if I could get trt or some hgh
K brother I can't tell how to live but unless your going to be a model or play sports or compete in bodybuilding I would not use steroids : if u have not ran anything but dbol one cycle I would train until my body was totally at its peak naturally , the body only produces enough testosterone to maintain the muscle it has, some guys are naturally bigger others will never get big because there body cannot ever produce enough test naturally , so it's your call If you feel you will never get bigger naturally then the answer is obvious , If your gonna run steroids like testosterone deca etc make sure you have enough money for lots of food and if your a rammy prick normally roids will just turn you into a asshole
K brother I can't tell how to live but unless your going to be a model or play sports or compete in bodybuilding I would not use steroids : if u have not ran anything but dbol one cycle I would train until my body was totally at its peak naturally , the body only produces enough testosterone to maintain the muscle it has, some guys are naturally bigger others will never get big because there body cannot ever produce enough test naturally , so it's your call If you feel you will never get bigger naturally then the answer is obvious , If your gonna run steroids like testosterone deca etc make sure you have enough money for lots of food and if your a rammy prick normally roids will just turn you into a asshole

Goals as stated above I'm 6'2" and want to pack on 270, as far as genetic potential when I weighed 160 I was literally dickskin varsity swimmer 5% body fat, now I weigh 225 and am just
under 15. when I weighed 160 I looked at myself in the mirror like i was pathetic and small, today I'm 225 and I look at myself in the mirror like I'm pathetic and small. measured my biceps today 18inches and thats shit I want 30inch biceps. I made the decision because I can't be happy if I'm not the elephant in the room. Who knows I have done a few model photoshoots that weren't body orientated and if I can get myself up to 240 I will start competing.
Next cycle in spring 600TestE for 10weeks and 4weeks dbol. Money will be good so you can bet I will be eating A fat ass asada burrito for lunch and at a steak house for dinner on top of all the other meals at home. 6 - 12hr days a week roofing intense, along with 5days of powerlifting training. If this doesn't give me 20lbs of lean mass then yeah maybe PED is meant for me, but I plan on killing it zero to hero.

