Tren - High Prolactin

Easily the best forum on the internet. Love where this thread has gone, very much appreciate the input boys and big shout out to Dr. Jim and our boy Brutus. Confident I would have heard back from him on this one.

So question remains... is Tren "safe" for next cycle with TRT levels of Test-E? All other bloods are in check along with BP.
Okay so what I'm getting is that it does in fact have potential to elevate prolactin but the myth is prolactin induced gyno. That's easier to believe. Thanks for the info @brutus79
Like cbs has quoted- "the rooster crowed and the sun came up, therefore the rooster made the sun come up."

If some people take 19 nor and it causes an insignificant, but detectable, rise in prolactin levels it still can have nothing to do with the steroids directly. It could be that it causes stress and as noted stress raises prolatin. I get stressed on tren. It could be the increased volume in the gym on cycle with a 19 nor. It could be any part of a chain reaction, or just coincidence, feel me? At the end of the day if you are in double digits you are fine, and even in the hundreds it doesn't cause gyno or lactation in men. Just like blazing dick head just said- he has normal e2 and prolactin, yet he is lactating. That there shows me prolactin is not cause his lactatiin. It is probably his vagina.
All the prolactin hype could just be coincidental. Would elevated E2 be a cause for men to lactate?
Easily the best forum on the internet. Love where this thread has gone, very much appreciate the input boys and big shout out to Dr. Jim and our boy Brutus. Confident I would have heard back from him on this one.

So question remains... is Tren "safe" for next cycle with TRT levels of Test-E? All other bloods are in check along with BP.
No way to tell. You could have a host of other problems. Prolactin will not be one of them though, feel me?
I read here that even nipple stimulation can "raise" prolactin levels.

Having gyno surgery (pubescent gyno) in April and still a tad bit sensitive, maybe even something that stupid raised my levels by the slightest :confused:
A shotgun approach to lab testing quite often yields nonspecific highs and lows, many are the result of natural variance, normal physiologic patterns, the testing method utilized, lab error, a patients risk factors or a patients medications, to name a few.

Anyone can "order" lab tests but a certain level of expertise is required to interpret them accurately , IME.
No, not on any other medications.

I checked prolactin off, on my blood tests for my own curiosity. Dr. had no knowledge of me doing so.

Given that information no further "Prolactin zebra hunting" is warranted, IMO
Dr Jim my question is if I'm taking 250 mg a wk of test and don't have gyno problems and as soon as I add the tren what would cause the gyno to come? Then as soon as I come off it goes down? Not challenging the prolactin issue I'm just wondering if you have a logical explanation for this?
Dr Jim my question is if I'm taking 250 mg a wk of test and don't have gyno problems and as soon as I add the tren what would cause the gyno to come? Then as soon as I come off it goes down? Not challenging the prolactin issue I'm just wondering if you have a logical explanation for this?
How could he possibly ascertain the cause of your gyno with absolutely no panels before during and after the tren and no knowledge of your medical history or aas history? You don't even mention prolactin levels being an issue in your post. Did you ready any of the posts previous to yours or did you simply race to post your "proof" of tren gyno? These are the times when I wonder why I even open my mouth and waste my fucking breath. Fucking. Ridiculous.
Although a prolactin of 21 may be out of your labs reference range is most certainly is NOT considered high from a medical perspective.

The reference range most labs use is greater than 20ng/ml but even then no further investigation is needed excluding perhaps a repeat level in a 2-3 months.

An MRI is overkill IMO and simply not needed, unless you have symptoms of a prolactioma which is unheard of until the level is above 50 ng/ml for even very small "micro adenomas".

Finally 19-nor AAS do NOT raise prolactin levels especially to a symptomatic range

Are you taking any other medications?

Why did you have a prolactin level performed.
As soon as i stopped the tren a and deca my prolactin dropped back down into range. 16. I'm guessing that this is related to my use of gear. My dr had a fit and wanted me to have an mri, still does.
The coincidence is more than coincidental, another unproven 19-Nor anecdote to bolster the notion gynecomastia occurs via prolactin alone when it's clear it does NOT!

Heck even patients with prolactinomas have an elevated E-2 level, but someone forgot that little factoid when this BS was etched in stone as bro lore, lol.

The final common pathway for the development of GCM is an elevated E-2 level period!
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Dr Jim my question is if I'm taking 250 mg a wk of test and don't have gyno problems and as soon as I add the tren what would cause the gyno to come? Then as soon as I come off it goes down? Not challenging the prolactin issue I'm just wondering if you have a logical explanation for this?

Your question is based on far to many assumptions for any logical explanation but I'll give you some food for thought, how do you a KNOW the Tren your cycling is Tren rather than some other aromatizable AAS.

Any further logical discussion mandates pre and intra-cycle E-2, TT and prolactin levels as Brute already mentioned.
How could he possibly ascertain the cause of your gyno with absolutely no panels before during and after the tren and no knowledge of your medical history or aas history? You don't even mention prolactin levels being an issue in your post. Did you ready any of the posts previous to yours or did you simply race to post your "proof" of tren gyno? These are the times when I wonder why I even open my mouth and waste my fucking breath. Fucking. Ridiculous.

This is exactly what new members mean when they say there are those very few members here that are here just to belittle people, first off Brutus did I ask you the question? I think Dr Jim can reply his own he is a big boy. Are you a doctor Brutus? Or you going off articles and and studies you have read? My point being is 99% of what comes out of your mouth is negative to people to belittle them. I do believe meso is the best community around. What exactly do you contribute to this community besides negativity? Do you have bully issues cause you were picked on as a kid? Since your a "awesome member" I would surely expect you to reply with as much respect until disrespected to show your "awesome member" status. I surely can't believe this is how meso wants its image to appear. I personally have no problem with you and do like a lot of your post, but I am not here to donate money and try to further the community to be disrespected by members who think that is their job. The worst part of it is you have people liking your comments that disrespect people helping enable you to think that's right. I surely know you wouldn't treat people off the internet like that would you? Now I know you will get defensive over this and come up with some "intelligent" smart ass comment about how stupid I am and blah blah blah. That's fine I'll be the bigger person over the Internet and ignore and deflect the further conflict.

Your question is based on far to many assumptions for any logical explanation but I'll give you some food for thought, how do you a KNOW the Tren your cycling is Tren rather than some other aromatizable AAS.

Any further logical discussion mandates pre and intra-cycle E-2, TT and prolactin levels as Brute already mentioned.

I figured as much would be said about the tren not being another compound. Let's say theoretically we know the tren is tren, and my e-2 is in check and say even my prolactin. Is there anything else that people might be missing that tren or a 19-nor would cause symptoms that replicate e-2 gyno? Or could it be even with e-2 in normal check for that specific person the tren makes the e-2 almost like more sensitive even though e-2 not being elevated? Sorry I do not know if this is worded correctly for you to understand what I am trying to say. This is a question, this is not me trying to say this is a prolactin issue.
This is exactly what new members mean when they say there are those very few members here that are here just to belittle people, first off Brutus did I ask you the question? I think Dr Jim can reply his own he is a big boy. Are you a doctor Brutus? Or you going off articles and and studies you have read? My point being is 99% of what comes out of your mouth is negative to people to belittle them. I do believe meso is the best community around. What exactly do you contribute to this community besides negativity? Do you have bully issues cause you were picked on as a kid? Since your a "awesome member" I would surely expect you to reply with as much respect until disrespected to show your "awesome member" status. I surely can't believe this is how meso wants its image to appear. I personally have no problem with you and do like a lot of your post, but I am not here to donate money and try to further the community to be disrespected by members who think that is their job. The worst part of it is you have people liking your comments that disrespect people helping enable you to think that's right. I surely know you wouldn't treat people off the internet like that would you? Now I know you will get defensive over this and come up with some "intelligent" smart ass comment about how stupid I am and blah blah blah. That's fine I'll be the bigger person over the Internet and ignore and deflect the further conflict.

I figured as much would be said about the tren not being another compound. Let's say theoretically we know the tren is tren, and my e-2 is in check and say even my prolactin. Is there anything else that people might be missing that tren or a 19-nor would cause symptoms that replicate e-2 gyno? Or could it be even with e-2 in normal check for that specific person the tren makes the e-2 almost like more sensitive even though e-2 not being elevated? Sorry I do not know if this is worded correctly for you to understand what I am trying to say. This is a question, this is not me trying to say this is a prolactin issue.
It is not worded correctly - it is another stupid fucking question on top of a stupid fucking question. You will be the bigger person- after you run your whiny little cunt tirade that is, right?

You are correct- I am not a doctor. You are also correct I read many articles and studies to come by the knowledge I am repeating. What irritates me is that you are too fucking lazy (and probably stupid) to do the same thing. Where I came about the knowledge is of little consequence. Is it right? The doctor seems to think so. And yes, this is how I speak to people in real life so how about you go fuck yourself and the image you feel meso should have propogated. I will donate my nuts in your fucking mouth, sound good?
It is not worded correctly - it is another stupid fucking question on top of a stupid fucking question. You will be the bigger person- after you run your whiny little cunt tirade that is, right?

You are correct- I am not a doctor. You are also correct I read many articles and studies to come by the knowledge I am repeating. What irritates me is that you are too fucking lazy (and probably stupid) to do the same thing. Where I came about the knowledge is of little consequence. Is it right? The doctor seems to think so. And yes, this is how I speak to people in real life so how about you go fuck yourself and the image you feel meso should have propogated. I will donate my nuts in your fucking mouth, sound good?

Alright, Tren its going to be boys. Plain simple cycle...
  • Tren-A @ 100mg/EOD
  • Test-E @ 100-150mg/WK
Since Mid-March, I have been supplementing with:
  • Garlic
  • CoQ10
  • Omega-3 (High EPA/DHA concentration)
  • Liver & Organ Defender (5% Nutrition)
Maybe this being another huge contribution towards my BP lowering to "Normal/Optimal" range amongst my diet change - Low Carb all fibrous no starchy carbs, high quality fats.

Now, wondering how long I should run this cycle for? Been reading 8 weeks is a long run, others being 10. Thoughts/input would be appreciated.
I hear a lot of guys talking about how 19nor steroids don't raise prolactin and then I hear even more talking about how it does. William Llewellyn's book ANABOLICS says they do elevate prolactin so there is literature saying it does happen. I would like to see some more definitive proof that it doesn't.

This is what I wrote in ANABOLICS. I have not been associating elevated prolactin in AAS users with 19-nor based-AAS or AAS with progestational activity. I personally think some of the confusion here comes from the simple similarity between the words progestin and prolactin.

"High prolactin levels (as would be associated with the need for cabergoline) are sometimes documented in steroid-using athletes. We do know that estrogen plays a stimulatory role here, and likely is the key to increasing prolactin secretion in males.658 659 660 Other studies, however, show suppressive actions toward prolactin from other hormones including androgens.661 This is perhaps why an actual hormonal imbalance, and not necessarily high estrogen, may be the cause of lactating gynecomastia. Scanning the medical books, there are few studies even looking at prolactin levels and steroid use, and those few are relatively inconclusive. One study analyzed the effects of testosterone enanthate and propionate in men and noted a significant prolactin increase 4 days after injection.662 Yet another noted a 7-fold increase in estrogen (to values typical for women) in 5 power athletes self-administering testosterone and other steroids, yet no consistent effect on prolactin secretion.663 A third self-administration study with athletes,664 and a fourth clinical with nandrolone,665 failed to show an increase in prolactin levels."

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