Tren - High Prolactin

This is what I wrote in ANABOLICS. I have not been associating elevated prolactin in AAS users with 19-nor based-AAS or AAS with progestational activity. I personally think some of the confusion here comes from the simple similarity between the words progestin and prolactin.

"High prolactin levels (as would be associated with the need for cabergoline) are sometimes documented in steroid-using athletes. We do know that estrogen plays a stimulatory role here, and likely is the key to increasing prolactin secretion in males.658 659 660 Other studies, however, show suppressive actions toward prolactin from other hormones including androgens.661 This is perhaps why an actual hormonal imbalance, and not necessarily high estrogen, may be the cause of lactating gynecomastia. Scanning the medical books, there are few studies even looking at prolactin levels and steroid use, and those few are relatively inconclusive. One study analyzed the effects of testosterone enanthate and propionate in men and noted a significant prolactin increase 4 days after injection.662 Yet another noted a 7-fold increase in estrogen (to values typical for women) in 5 power athletes self-administering testosterone and other steroids, yet no consistent effect on prolactin secretion.663 A third self-administration study with athletes,664 and a fourth clinical with nandrolone,665 failed to show an increase in prolactin levels."

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Great info. Thank you for the input.

FYI: The Tab for your book says 10th edition, but when clicked on shows the 9th.
This is what I wrote in ANABOLICS. I have not been associating elevated prolactin in AAS users with 19-nor based-AAS or AAS with progestational activity. I personally think some of the confusion here comes from the simple similarity between the words progestin and prolactin.

"High prolactin levels (as would be associated with the need for cabergoline) are sometimes documented in steroid-using athletes. We do know that estrogen plays a stimulatory role here, and likely is the key to increasing prolactin secretion in males.658 659 660 Other studies, however, show suppressive actions toward prolactin from other hormones including androgens.661 This is perhaps why an actual hormonal imbalance, and not necessarily high estrogen, may be the cause of lactating gynecomastia. Scanning the medical books, there are few studies even looking at prolactin levels and steroid use, and those few are relatively inconclusive. One study analyzed the effects of testosterone enanthate and propionate in men and noted a significant prolactin increase 4 days after injection.662 Yet another noted a 7-fold increase in estrogen (to values typical for women) in 5 power athletes self-administering testosterone and other steroids, yet no consistent effect on prolactin secretion.663 A third self-administration study with athletes,664 and a fourth clinical with nandrolone,665 failed to show an increase in prolactin levels."

© 2015 Read more Anabolic Steroids & Substance Info at:
You are absolutely right. I've been associating progestins with prolactin. Wow, thank you for the clarification.
This is what I wrote in ANABOLICS. I have not been associating elevated prolactin in AAS users with 19-nor based-AAS or AAS with progestational activity. I personally think some of the confusion here comes from the simple similarity between the words progestin and prolactin.

"High prolactin levels (as would be associated with the need for cabergoline) are sometimes documented in steroid-using athletes. We do know that estrogen plays a stimulatory role here, and likely is the key to increasing prolactin secretion in males.658 659 660 Other studies, however, show suppressive actions toward prolactin from other hormones including androgens.661 This is perhaps why an actual hormonal imbalance, and not necessarily high estrogen, may be the cause of lactating gynecomastia. Scanning the medical books, there are few studies even looking at prolactin levels and steroid use, and those few are relatively inconclusive. One study analyzed the effects of testosterone enanthate and propionate in men and noted a significant prolactin increase 4 days after injection.662 Yet another noted a 7-fold increase in estrogen (to values typical for women) in 5 power athletes self-administering testosterone and other steroids, yet no consistent effect on prolactin secretion.663 A third self-administration study with athletes,664 and a fourth clinical with nandrolone,665 failed to show an increase in prolactin levels."

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Is the new copy going to be available on MESO RX? @Millard Baker
I personally think some of the confusion here comes from the simple similarity between the words progestin and prolactin.

I think that's correct and will just add that I suspect the 19-nor/PRL myth probably originated with someone reading the literature and failing to differentiate binding affinity and potency. The research has shown trenbolone to have a high binding affinity at the PR, but the ED50 needed to produce biologic activity is up to 100 times higher than that of progesterone.
This is what I wrote in ANABOLICS. I have not been associating elevated prolactin in AAS users with 19-nor based-AAS or AAS with progestational activity. I personally think some of the confusion here comes from the simple similarity between the words progestin and prolactin.

"High prolactin levels (as would be associated with the need for cabergoline) are sometimes documented in steroid-using athletes. We do know that estrogen plays a stimulatory role here, and likely is the key to increasing prolactin secretion in males.658 659 660 Other studies, however, show suppressive actions toward prolactin from other hormones including androgens.661 This is perhaps why an actual hormonal imbalance, and not necessarily high estrogen, may be the cause of lactating gynecomastia. Scanning the medical books, there are few studies even looking at prolactin levels and steroid use, and those few are relatively inconclusive. One study analyzed the effects of testosterone enanthate and propionate in men and noted a significant prolactin increase 4 days after injection.662 Yet another noted a 7-fold increase in estrogen (to values typical for women) in 5 power athletes self-administering testosterone and other steroids, yet no consistent effect on prolactin secretion.663 A third self-administration study with athletes,664 and a fourth clinical with nandrolone,665 failed to show an increase in prolactin levels."

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Wow, Mr. William Llewellyn himself posting in my thread :cool:

Would love to know your feed back on TRT level of Test (100mg/WK) and Tren A @ 400mg/WK if an AI is necessary. Granted each individual is different, but typically would an AI be advisable in such situation?

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