Tren + Trest?

Was thinking of running this. Maybe TRT test, maybe more test with DHB as the AI.

Plenty experienced with both on their own, have ran both many times usually as trt + 350mg + ~500DHB as well as with other ancilliaries (didn't notice mast do anything, primo is fine but too much AI action so prefer DHB).

Never ran both together before.

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Aight gonna run this then:

350 Tren
280 Trest

I think that should keep my e2 high and nice around the 50s or so. Gonna get bloodwork in 3 weeks to see where things sit. That's about as high tren I can handle for 2 months. Done blasting 400+ of DHB so ~200 should be nice.

I could always tweak these numbers for optimal E2 and pack in more trest if I wanted. I could do like 350test/140DHB and double the trest to 560 if I wanted...

Gonna try to add 20iu insulin in the mornings too. Back to chugging skim milk again for those fat free proteins and carbs...
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lol is it that crazy of a cycle?

500test/350 19nor/ancillary seems like a pretty standard cycle.

The tren + trest makes it a little more advanced, but I don't think cycles of 700 tren is particularly unheard of. Trest doesn't seem to be used so high but I don't think ~280mg trest is that crazy.

Don't think I could handle 700 tren, it'd have me pissing blood in a few weeks, so, here I am.
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DHB seems to only mess with CRP, which goes down, plus I'm doing a lower dose of it. Test is test. Tren I don't think i could run at 700, trest has always been benign to me (except trashing cholest/bp but what steroid doesn't, and that's just what cycles do).

Did mast recently but didn't really notice much with it at 350/wk except acne. Primo is alright, crashes E2 a lot, I'd just be using a lot of test, little primo, would rather just use DHB.

I could do NPP instead of trest but I've never used it (have it on hand though), seems to cause a lot of issues whereas trest doesn't (the mental stuff, dick not working...). I'm all ears if someone wants to argue for that though.