TrenboloneTax: Hybrid Cycling / Lifting Log aka Make Hulk Bike Fast

Hey All,

This will be my log detailing efforts to remain quite strong, large, and with a good physique while I push to get faster cycling. As I've detailed other places in the forum, I'm not interested in min maxing. I want my cake, and to eat it too. AAS will be fairly moderate. Training will not be optimal towards cycling or lifting. Nutrition will not be optimal towards min maxing lifting or cycling; I do very low carb as it what works best for my day to day life and mental acuity, something that is important for me to keep high given my career.

This is my 48th day back on AAS after a 7 month break where I came off everything except GH to get my wife pregnant. Tried megadosing HCG and HMG for 6 months while on trt test and still did not have sperm count budge, so bit the bullet.

Here is my current stack. I have issue leaving room in a 1ml syringe every morning....and that's not up for debate, I've got to fill it with oil. I've toyed with the idea of lowering EQ, bumping up test and mast by 10mg a piece but we'll see. I'm open to changing what oil goes in the syringe though if anyone has suggestions / alterations to current ratio. The BBuilder in me is saying "10mgs of tren a won't hurt cardio much" but the angel on my shoulder is telling me that will wreck my chances of maintaining fertility even with HCG + HMG. Decisions decisions.

30mg test p
30mg mast p
100 mg EQ
20mg anavar
80mg Telmisartan
5mg cialis
200mcg t4
10mg salbutamol
8iu GH
20mg Cardarine
600mg inj l carnitine
500iu HCG or 75iu HMG (alternating EoD; sometimes i forget which day I'm on and just do both...)
150mg armodafinil
~2mg retatrutide (daily avg. I do two 6mg shots per week)
2mg TB500
2mg BPC157

- i may consider throwing winstrol back in once knee is feeling 100%
- i may consider tbol to see if i get anything out of it
- i will be adding SLU-PP-332 today. probably something stupid like 1mg per day, lol. I did say I would drop cardarine when I did that, but i'm not sure I can part with bae.

Attached picture of current physique, taken today. 6'3'', 264 this AM post bike ride.

Training is 4x per week. push, pull, rest, lower, upper OR push, pull, rest, push, pull if my legs are gassed from a hard cycling week. 40 minute sessions.

Cycling is every day. Longer Z2 lower intensity or shorter higher intensity. What I do is based on feels, time and what seems more fun for the day.

Had what felt like a good ride this morning. In reality if any cyclists look at this they'll probably say it's dog shit, which is almost certainly true, lol.

questions, comments, concerns, whatever, ask away. curious to track my progress here.


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Lol your bike ride looks eerily similar to 1/3rd of my warmup.
Could you please find or make another thread to list the absurd amount of crap you’re taking again?
Where’s da bloodwork for all this?
Lol your bike ride looks eerily similar to 1/3rd of my warmup.
Could you please find or make another thread to list the absurd amount of crap you’re taking again?
Where’s da bloodwork for all this?
I was hoping you would show up! Why don’t you throw up your physique and stats? When you’re 150lbs soaking wet, cycling is a bit different, but you know that.

Not even sure why you act like I’m on a ton of gear. Everything serves a purpose. But cool story bro.

Why would I get blood work 48 days in? You’re welcome to go check out my natty blood work from 2.5 months ago. It’s somewhere on this forum. I’m sure you can find it, since you always find me lmao.

Damn you’re salty, and it really shows dude.

post fizeek and ride metrics. Put up or shut up, @Benf15harp
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Lol your bike ride looks eerily similar to 1/3rd of my warmup.
Could you please find or make another thread to list the absurd amount of crap you’re taking again?
Where’s da bloodwork for all this?

You could just leave, since you're giving zero value here. The man has a log, let him run it without the unnecessary bullshit.
I used to be hardcore into cycling back in my triathlon days. I even competed at USAT Nationals one year. I've never felt healthier than when I was a skinny 145 lb endurance athlete.

View attachment 299330
Damn bro! Did not know that. Think I could learn a lot from you.

Lowest body weight I’ve been in recent memory is 240 during COVID with no gym + lots of cycling.

I was 185 going into high school…needless to say endurance sports are not my cup of tea from a frame perspective. But I’ve never felt healthier in recent memory than when I was 240 doing a bunch of cardio.
Well, I just created a solution of SLU-PP-332. 500mcg/ml. 120ml. Used Humco oral solution as the carrier. Closest I could weigh out was 68mg and got tired of trying to be more precise.

First dose of 500mcg down. Real curious about this stuff. One thing this experience has reinforced...I will never ever under any circumstances use UGL clen, t3, or t4, or any other compound that has the capacity to cause harm in the mcg dose amount.

Going to look at other solution vehicles cuz I feel like dissolving this in alcohol would probably be a better way to go.
Well, I just created a solution of SLU-PP-332. 500mcg/ml. 120ml. Used Humco oral solution as the carrier. Closest I could weigh out was 68mg and got tired of trying to be more precise.

First dose of 500mcg down. Real curious about this stuff. One thing this experience has reinforced...I will never ever under any circumstances use UGL clen, t3, or t4, or any other compound that has the capacity to cause harm in the mcg dose amount.

Going to look at other solution vehicles cuz I feel like dissolving this in alcohol would probably be a better way to go.
Replying to myself in case helpful to anyone else. SLU-PP-332 is soluble directly in ethanol per @kain. Also per @Ghoul, DMSO / PG mixture would work, too.

Now to wait for my solvents to arrive... I'll try and be patient. But I'll probably end up using more of the Humco solution till other solvents arrive later in the week.
Replying to myself in case helpful to anyone else. SLU-PP-332 is soluble directly in ethanol per @kain. Also per @Ghoul, DMSO / PG mixture would work, too.

Now to wait for my solvents to arrive... I'll try and be patient. But I'll probably end up using more of the Humco solution till other solvents arrive later in the week.
Will commit to memory. Only 2 compounds I’ve done on my own are RU-58841 and Cardarine. Both super easy. Prop glycol and ethanol with the RU and PEG 400 on the cardarine.
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