TrenboloneTax: Hybrid Cycling / Lifting Log aka Make Hulk Bike Fast

Interesting, And forgive me if this is mentioned elsewhere and my lazy ass just can't track it down but I am assuming you are cutting right now then, correct? Given the use of two weight loss drugs.

What are you looking at as far as a target for weight? Or are you looking for a target BF% to hit? What was your most recent DEXA numbers?
Yeah, I'm pretty much simultaneously cutting + rebounding from being off of AAS lol. It's weird.

Honestly man, I don't know what my target is. I just want to get lean, improve my cycling performance, and look + feel good. I have never done a DEXA scan so I couldn't tell ya, lol.
Yeah, I'm pretty much simultaneously cutting + rebounding from being off of AAS lol. It's weird.

Honestly man, I don't know what my target is. I just want to get lean, improve my cycling performance, and look + feel good. I have never done a DEXA scan so I couldn't tell ya, lol.
No shit? A DEXA virgin in this day and age? I feel like we need to take up a collection here among members and send you pronto then. It's a moral imperative.
No shit? A DEXA virgin in this day and age? I feel like we need to take up a collection here among members and send you pronto then. It's a moral imperative.
Yeah dude. I just don't care about somethings; cuz ultimately I'll just go based on the mirror anyways haha. But I always will take donations for science!
and what are the benefits/sides you got from ti?
Sides so far: a bit of loose stool initially, mildly hotter at times but super minor, mild headache at times at 12mg dose.

Benefits so far: think I am accelerating fat loss, notice a gym endurance benefit when I am fueled with food properly. noticed a bike endurance benefit when fueled. carb tolerance is up. feels like i soak up carbs into muscles incredibly well; indicating improved insulin sensitivity. everyday energy is up, not in a stimulatory way, but just that all day pace type of energy.

Hey Type-II, I know myself and others really value your opinion regarding PEDs in general, from practical application to theoretical. I was wondering if you might provide some very short insight / commentary to SLU-PP-332 dosing?

Currently most orals are dosed in mcg. However, rats were injected with up to 50mg/kg. If we do the HED conversion, that gets guys like me close to 1g of SLU-PP-332.

The main question I have and would really appreciate if you wouldn't mind rattling off the top of your head is: do you see any potential big downsides from a safety perspective for folks like me that are now running 12mg per day say versus the 1.5mg chase irons dose? Obviously I am 12x that dose, but still orders of magnitude below what the HED would be based on the few studies we have.

I know there is limited information; but I would appreciate your stream of consciousness thoughts / opining on this if you have a moment.

Thanks for the time; I am likely going to take you up on the consultation offer on a rolling 30 minute basis, regardless of your answer here.

Hey Type-II, I know myself and others really value your opinion regarding PEDs in general, from practical application to theoretical. I was wondering if you might provide some very short insight / commentary to SLU-PP-332 dosing?

Currently most orals are dosed in mcg. However, rats were injected with up to 50mg/kg. If we do the HED conversion, that gets guys like me close to 1g of SLU-PP-332.

The main question I have and would really appreciate if you wouldn't mind rattling off the top of your head is: do you see any potential big downsides from a safety perspective for folks like me that are now running 12mg per day say versus the 1.5mg chase irons dose? Obviously I am 12x that dose, but still orders of magnitude below what the HED would be based on the few studies we have.

I know there is limited information; but I would appreciate your stream of consciousness thoughts / opining on this if you have a moment.

Thanks for the time; I am likely going to take you up on the consultation offer on a rolling 30 minute basis, regardless of your answer here.
I've used Cormac for a recent consultation and can confirm a high degree of professionalism and expertise. Whether or not he solves my problem we will know in a week or so :)

Hey Type-II, I know myself and others really value your opinion regarding PEDs in general, from practical application to theoretical. I was wondering if you might provide some very short insight / commentary to SLU-PP-332 dosing?

Currently most orals are dosed in mcg. However, rats were injected with up to 50mg/kg. If we do the HED conversion, that gets guys like me close to 1g of SLU-PP-332.

The main question I have and would really appreciate if you wouldn't mind rattling off the top of your head is: do you see any potential big downsides from a safety perspective for folks like me that are now running 12mg per day say versus the 1.5mg chase irons dose? Obviously I am 12x that dose, but still orders of magnitude below what the HED would be based on the few studies we have.

I know there is limited information; but I would appreciate your stream of consciousness thoughts / opining on this if you have a moment.

Thanks for the time; I am likely going to take you up on the consultation offer on a rolling 30 minute basis, regardless of your answer here.
It's a small molecule hematopoietic that augments erythropoieisis potentially even where bone marrow failure exists.

We're bodybuilders, what the fook we need this for bro?
It's a small molecule hematopoietic that augments erythropoieisis potentially even where bone marrow failure exists.

We're bodybuilders, what the fook we need this for bro?
Well, shit.

I don’t need it, I want it.

I’m not really a bodybuilder…and I wanted to get more into / better at cycling so figured I’d throw it in… seemed to help getting lean as well.

I guess back I go to 1.5mg per day while I figure this shit out a bit better.

Thanks for the sanity check. I want to learn more so I’ll be hitting you up soon.
Well, shit.

I don’t need it, I want it.

I’m not really a bodybuilder…and I wanted to get more into / better at cycling so figured I’d throw it in… seemed to help getting lean as well.

I guess back I go to 1.5mg per day while I figure this shit out a bit better.

Thanks for the sanity check. I want to learn more so I’ll be hitting you up soon.
OK! That makes sense, it's for endurance (cycling). I had not heard of it until you asked so I looked into the patent applications that have to be very detailed about the intended use, mechanisms of action, etc.

It could be a new class of seriously potent "blood boosters" in the sport of cycling to the point that I hope it's kinda bunk (though I doubt it) since everyone involved in cycling has been pretty adamant and passionate that it's cleaned up.

If guys start getting popped for this... worst of all retroactively... it'll be pretty bad for the sport, that's really had an influx of cash (see Team Israel, UAE).

There is very little research data on this that has been published. Makes me think, cynically, even more so, that this might be a new paradigm in that class.

So, to answer your question... I think this shit could be similar but novel, to rh-EPO.

I don't know how to use it. Hope guys aren't already in the sport. And thank you for the info on it!
OK! That makes sense, it's for endurance (cycling). I had not heard of it until you asked so I looked into the patent applications that have to be very detailed about the intended use, mechanisms of action, etc.

It could be a new class of seriously potent "blood boosters" in the sport of cycling to the point that I hope it's kinda bunk (though I doubt it) since everyone involved in cycling has been pretty adamant and passionate that it's cleaned up.

If guys start getting popped for this... worst of all retroactively... it'll be pretty bad for the sport, that's really had an influx of cash (see Team Israel, UAE).

There is very little research data on this that has been published. Makes me think, cynically, even more so, that this might be a new paradigm in that class.

So, to answer your question... I think this shit could be similar but novel, to rh-EPO.

I don't know how to use it. Hope guys aren't already in the sport. And thank you for the info on it!
Just noted the patent application date of 2009. So this stuff has been around! I've never heard of it it's just so outside my wheelhouse bro @Trenbolonetax

And so guys know, I don't work with anyone involved in sports doping.
Well, shit.

I don’t need it, I want it.

I’m not really a bodybuilder…and I wanted to get more into / better at cycling so figured I’d throw it in… seemed to help getting lean as well.

I guess back I go to 1.5mg per day while I figure this shit out a bit better.

Thanks for the sanity check. I want to learn more so I’ll be hitting you up soon.
Well, you've got a new subscriber to your training log now brotha!
Hey All,

This will be my log detailing efforts to remain quite strong, large, and with a good physique while I push to get faster cycling. As I've detailed other places in the forum, I'm not interested in min maxing. I want my cake, and to eat it too. AAS will be fairly moderate. Training will not be optimal towards cycling or lifting. Nutrition will not be optimal towards min maxing lifting or cycling; I do very low carb as it what works best for my day to day life and mental acuity, something that is important for me to keep high given my career.

This is my 48th day back on AAS after a 7 month break where I came off everything except GH to get my wife pregnant. Tried megadosing HCG and HMG for 6 months while on trt test and still did not have sperm count budge, so bit the bullet.

Here is my current stack. I have issue leaving room in a 1ml syringe every morning....and that's not up for debate, I've got to fill it with oil. I've toyed with the idea of lowering EQ, bumping up test and mast by 10mg a piece but we'll see. I'm open to changing what oil goes in the syringe though if anyone has suggestions / alterations to current ratio. The BBuilder in me is saying "10mgs of tren a won't hurt cardio much" but the angel on my shoulder is telling me that will wreck my chances of maintaining fertility even with HCG + HMG. Decisions decisions.

30mg test p
30mg mast p
100 mg EQ
20mg anavar
80mg Telmisartan
5mg cialis
200mcg t4
10mg salbutamol
8iu GH
20mg Cardarine
600mg inj l carnitine
500iu HCG or 75iu HMG (alternating EoD; sometimes i forget which day I'm on and just do both...)
150mg armodafinil
~2mg retatrutide (daily avg. I do two 6mg shots per week)
2mg TB500
2mg BPC157

- i may consider throwing winstrol back in once knee is feeling 100%
- i may consider tbol to see if i get anything out of it
- i will be adding SLU-PP-332 today. probably something stupid like 1mg per day, lol. I did say I would drop cardarine when I did that, but i'm not sure I can part with bae.

Attached picture of current physique, taken today. 6'3'', 264 this AM post bike ride.

Training is 4x per week. push, pull, rest, lower, upper OR push, pull, rest, push, pull if my legs are gassed from a hard cycling week. 40 minute sessions.

Cycling is every day. Longer Z2 lower intensity or shorter higher intensity. What I do is based on feels, time and what seems more fun for the day.

Had what felt like a good ride this morning. In reality if any cyclists look at this they'll probably say it's dog shit, which is almost certainly true, lol.

questions, comments, concerns, whatever, ask away. curious to track my progress here.
I'm definitely interested in your training! I want to see what you're doing, specifically, zones, wattages. Are you using a power meter? Are you on Strava?
If anyone has mouse dosing references for SLU-PP-332, please link me the reference. I've been looking for the last 30 minutes or so, and can't find much at all. Found one website that references 50mg/kg....but that seems pretty wild if you convert to HED, lol.

Basically, how did Amino Asylum / Modern Aminos decide on 100mcg - 500mcg per dose? From a price perspective, their margins are absolutely insane at the prices they're selling. Jay Campbell says 600mcg, but why and from where? Said a waste of money probably past that. I don't really follow much of him, but why not use more if cost isn't and issue.

And why did Chase Irons just stop at 1.5mg per day?

Any info is appreciated before I go higher than 3mg per day.
You know what happens at the end of every rodent study, right? Sacrifice. They are labrats, the study is what they live and die for!
Absolutely shit bike ride this morning. Worst in a while.

1) had no gas. just no top gear.
2) knee acting up again. shitty.
3) phantom shifting... need to take care of this.

Why so shitty?

Couple thoughts:

1) deep deficit yesterday. I had 12 eggs, cheese, ham, a ham sandwhich, and then PB and honey on toast right before bed because I got too hungry.
2) exercise mimetic impact of SLUPP: if i'm mimicking exercise by taking it, in a dose dependent manner, at what point does the cross over happen where my exercise performance is actually reduced because my body has been "exercising" all day?
3) #1 + #2 have to result in a "deeper" deficit, right? can't be good for performance if you're not fueling for performance.
4) body weight hit a new recent low in the 261s

Questions for plato:
1) paradoxical insulin resistance post marathon run: is there a crossover point where SLUPP will negatively impact glucose metabolism if you're mimicking running marathons?
2) interference effect re: hypertrophy: could this possibly impact hypertrophy via interference effect?

Just some broscience musings. to be continued.
You, my friend, are on the very bleeding edge of chemistry. Nobody has one iota of a clue how to even begin to answer any question re: SLUPP, and if they tell you they do, BEWARE. In fact, I'd love you to send me a PM about it if any of these gurus tells you they got you on that.
Just noted the patent application date of 2009. So this stuff has been around! I've never heard of it it's just so outside my wheelhouse bro @Trenbolonetax

And so guys know, I don't work with anyone involved in sports doping.
OK! That makes sense, it's for endurance (cycling). I had not heard of it until you asked so I looked into the patent applications that have to be very detailed about the intended use, mechanisms of action, etc.

It could be a new class of seriously potent "blood boosters" in the sport of cycling to the point that I hope it's kinda bunk (though I doubt it) since everyone involved in cycling has been pretty adamant and passionate that it's cleaned up.

If guys start getting popped for this... worst of all retroactively... it'll be pretty bad for the sport, that's really had an influx of cash (see Team Israel, UAE).

There is very little research data on this that has been published. Makes me think, cynically, even more so, that this might be a new paradigm in that class.

So, to answer your question... I think this shit could be similar but novel, to rh-EPO.

I don't know how to use it. Hope guys aren't already in the sport. And thank you for the info on it!
I really appreciate your insight. I was hoping you might be leveraging it from a physique perspective for some of your athletes. It’s supposed to serve 2 purposes for me; physique and endurance.

I’m a washed up D1 football player with a short stint in the pros but certainly not competing in anything tested anymore.

I’ll probably bump down from 12mg per day until I learn a bit more about it out of an abundance of caution.

Please let me know if you think I’m fucking myself up!