TrenboloneTax: Hybrid Cycling / Lifting Log aka Make Hulk Bike Fast

If anyone has mouse dosing references for SLU-PP-332, please link me the reference. I've been looking for the last 30 minutes or so, and can't find much at all. Found one website that references 50mg/kg....but that seems pretty wild if you convert to HED, lol.

Basically, how did Amino Asylum / Modern Aminos decide on 100mcg - 500mcg per dose? From a price perspective, their margins are absolutely insane at the prices they're selling. Jay Campbell says 600mcg, but why and from where? Said a waste of money probably past that. I don't really follow much of him, but why not use more if cost isn't and issue.

And why did Chase Irons just stop at 1.5mg per day?

Any info is appreciated before I go higher than 3mg per day.
Found some info from our forum favorite vigorous Steve. The cited mouse study is in fact up to 50mg/kg. So call it around 2 to 4mg/kg in HED.

You could say I’m on a super low dose then at 3mg per day.

I wonder what happens when you go higher? Let’s just find out what 3mg per day does first.
Okay…I’m starting to be a believer in this SLUPP stuff… literally just waking up leaner with a pump? Wtf.

Around 3mg per day right now. May go to 5mg at some point. Only sides to speak of is nasty farts and a bit of diarrhea, but mild.


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Okay, couple updates after 1.5 hr chill bike ride spent reflecting, listening to some Type-IIx podcasts,

1) I'm doing that thing again...that I always do. "If a little is good, more is better?" Sigh... gonna reel this in now instead of later.

2) Making some changes to compounds...removing / reducing. I still would like to fill the 1ml syringe for now, but step in the right direction. I should probably just get .5ml syringes, lmao.

- SLUPP332 to 1.5mg, 500mcg 3x per day. I don't need to be a trail blazer
- reducing salbutamol to 4mg.
- reducing GH to 5.somethingiu; will make my way to 4iu eventually.
- reducing cardarine to 10mg
- reducing anavar to 10mg
- removing EQ; I'm a fan, but I'm moving towards a lower concentration oil to help fill the syringe with less mg. tricking my brain.
- adding 100mg/ml primo e at 30mg
- bumping mast to 40mg to make up extra space
- HCG to 1000iu

new protocol looks like:

30mg test p
40mg mast p
30mg primo e
10mg anavar
80mg Telmisartan
5mg cialis
200mcg t4
4mg salbutamol
~5iu GH
10mg Cardarine
600mg inj l carnitine
1000iu HCG or 75iu HMG (alternating EoD; sometimes i forget which day I'm on and just do both...)
150mg armodafinil
~2mg retatrutide (daily avg. I do two 6mg shots per week)
2mg TB500
2mg BPC157
1.5mg SLU-PP-332
1000iu eod seems like a lot? I'm interested in HCG so could you specify why you dose it so high rn even though you do not want to kickstart you balls atm, as far as I understand?

Also, why do the EOD hassl with the hcg, I would go for M/W/F. No constant headache to remember "what day".

Also - crazy that you can add 80mg telmisartan and still have a pulse lol. When I did 40mg I was unable to get my heartrate above 125. Was literally doing heavy comound exercises and 5 seconds after the set is finished, my heart was feeling like I'm sitting on the couch doing nothing. :]

Strong stuff.

Your body is filling up nicely, gl with your training.
1000iu eod seems like a lot? I'm interested in HCG so could you specify why you dose it so high rn even though you do not want to kickstart you balls atm, as far as I understand?

Also, why do the EOD hassl with the hcg, I would go for M/W/F. No constant headache to remember "what day".

Also - crazy that you can add 80mg telmisartan and still have a pulse lol. When I did 40mg I was unable to get my heartrate above 125. Was literally doing heavy comound exercises and 5 seconds after the set is finished, my heart was feeling like I'm sitting on the couch doing nothing. :]

Strong stuff.

Your body is filling up nicely, gl with your training.
Primo and EQ tend to lower my estrogen, so a little extra estrogen from HCG I actually welcome.

I am trying to maintain fertility, so I want my balls on, and think I will have better success with that on my AAS doses with a higher HCG dose alongside.

EoD cuz I want more stable levels. I should just do ED. I inject enough stuff it doesn't bother me one bit.

Telmisartan doesn't impact my pulse one bit, maybe you're thinking of nebivolol or a different beta blocker? But in terms of BP, I've been on this dose for about 10 years and it works perfectly to keep my BP in range.

Thank you for the complement. It's fun to fill back out quickly via muscle memory.
Body weight is up today. 268. Not surprised. Went from close to zero carb to about 100ish yesterday + fluid + salt. Still feel like I’m looking leaner.


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I was hoping you would show up! Why don’t you throw up your physique and stats? When you’re 150lbs soaking wet, cycling is a bit different, but you know that.

Not even sure why you act like I’m on a ton of gear. Everything serves a purpose. But cool story bro.

Why would I get blood work 48 days in? You’re welcome to go check out my natty blood work from 2.5 months ago. It’s somewhere on this forum. I’m sure you can find it, since you always find me lmao.

Damn you’re salty, and it really shows dude.

post fizeek and ride metrics. Put up or shut up, @Benf15harp
I would love to see a head to head physique comparison with @Benf15harp.

Common let’s go lol.
I would love to see a head to head physique comparison with @Benf15harp.

Common let’s go lol.
Eh we had a rough start together but he’s been on pro tennis tour so that tells me it’s not really fair to compare our physiques.

Former D1 dlineman / short stint in pros vs former tour tennis player is just not apples to apples lol. Like I told him in another thread, he’ll whoop my ass cycling that’s for sure, no doubt.

It’s fucking difficult making this mass move fast for a long time on a bike lol
Eh we had a rough start together but he’s been on pro tennis tour so that tells me it’s not really fair to compare our physiques.

Former D1 dlineman / short stint in pros vs former tour tennis player is just not apples to apples lol. Like I told him in another thread, he’ll whoop my ass cycling that’s for sure, no doubt.

It’s fucking difficult making this mass move fast for a long time on a bike lol
Is he a pro tennis player, damn some guys here elite.

For sure, construction workers look more muscular than tennis players lol.
Is he a pro tennis player, damn some guys here elite.

For sure, construction workers look more muscular than tennis players lol.
I don’t know what “on tour means” I just assume that was professional of some type?

Yeah exactly; so he wasn’t lying when he said my ride looked like 1/3 of his warm up lol
This might be a world first Jesus.

Great log! Your delts seem to be as big as your head lmao
Lmao! I do have a fucking big noggin - so I’m pretty thankful to be a large dude or it would be weird af.

I got 10g of this stuff…and I’ve been escalating slowly since I’ve started Sunday and decided since I’m not gonna run tren I’ll push this SLUPP up high.

Based on the rat studies, still not even CLOSE to HED…which does give me a bit of comfort.
1. i will do a pose off but need to be waxed/spray tanned and off course properly oiler up(diddy brand only). :)
2. As far as ? my “tennis tour” goes, without being too specific for privacy I was a top 5 ranked player on the ATP and have played and beaten anyone you can think of.
3. Regarding weightlifting: I only lift about 3 weeks per year. Only explosive compound movements and mostly lower body.
I do mostly band work, med ball and yoga as flexibility is essential.
1. i will do a pose off but need to be waxed/spray tanned and off course properly oiler up(diddy brand only). :)
2. As far as ? my “tennis tour” goes, without being too specific for privacy I was a top 5 ranked player on the ATP and have played and beaten anyone you can think of.
3. Regarding weightlifting: I only lift about 3 weeks per year. Only explosive compound movements and mostly lower body.
I do mostly band work, med ball and yoga as flexibility is essential.
1) of course, this is totally reasonable
2) oh wow - so it meant what I originally thought. That’s wild.
3) I need to add back in some bare minimum legs. I’ve been slacking and being lazy.
Woke up leaner this morning, I think. Getting lean has always been harder for me compared to getting big. I’m cautiously optimistic about this SLUPP. Hasn’t even been a week yet and I’m pretty convinced of the benefits.

Heading out on a bike ride soon. Think I felt the endurance boost in the gym profoundly yesterday. Hoping for similar magnitude on the bike.


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Woke up leaner this morning, I think. Getting lean has always been harder for me compared to getting big. I’m cautiously optimistic about this SLUPP. Hasn’t even been a week yet and I’m pretty convinced of the benefits.

Heading out on a bike ride soon. Think I felt the endurance boost in the gym profoundly yesterday. Hoping for similar magnitude on the bike.
Absolutely shit bike ride this morning. Worst in a while.

1) had no gas. just no top gear.
2) knee acting up again. shitty.
3) phantom shifting... need to take care of this.

Why so shitty?

Couple thoughts:

1) deep deficit yesterday. I had 12 eggs, cheese, ham, a ham sandwhich, and then PB and honey on toast right before bed because I got too hungry.
2) exercise mimetic impact of SLUPP: if i'm mimicking exercise by taking it, in a dose dependent manner, at what point does the cross over happen where my exercise performance is actually reduced because my body has been "exercising" all day?
3) #1 + #2 have to result in a "deeper" deficit, right? can't be good for performance if you're not fueling for performance.
4) body weight hit a new recent low in the 261s

Questions for plato:
1) paradoxical insulin resistance post marathon run: is there a crossover point where SLUPP will negatively impact glucose metabolism if you're mimicking running marathons?
2) interference effect re: hypertrophy: could this possibly impact hypertrophy via interference effect?

Just some broscience musings. to be continued.
Absolutely shit bike ride this morning. Worst in a while.

1) had no gas. just no top gear.
2) knee acting up again. shitty.
3) phantom shifting... need to take care of this.

Why so shitty?

Couple thoughts:

1) deep deficit yesterday. I had 12 eggs, cheese, ham, a ham sandwhich, and then PB and honey on toast right before bed because I got too hungry.
2) exercise mimetic impact of SLUPP: if i'm mimicking exercise by taking it, in a dose dependent manner, at what point does the cross over happen where my exercise performance is actually reduced because my body has been "exercising" all day?
3) #1 + #2 have to result in a "deeper" deficit, right? can't be good for performance if you're not fueling for performance.
4) body weight hit a new recent low in the 261s

Questions for plato:
1) paradoxical insulin resistance post marathon run: is there a crossover point where SLUPP will negatively impact glucose metabolism if you're mimicking running marathons?
2) interference effect re: hypertrophy: could this possibly impact hypertrophy via interference effect?

Just some broscience musings. to be continued.
Interesting, And forgive me if this is mentioned elsewhere and my lazy ass just can't track it down but I am assuming you are cutting right now then, correct? Given the use of two weight loss drugs.

What are you looking at as far as a target for weight? Or are you looking for a target BF% to hit? What was your most recent DEXA numbers?