Appreciate the detail manI would say I built most of my mass on test, yes. Doses ranging from 500mg per week to 1.5g per week.
I did accrue a decent amount of mass post football. That's when I started dabbling with other oils due to no risk of testing and not worried of metabolites sticking around in detection window.
Post football, I used a lot of tren cuz I was a fat boy that just wanted to be ripped. Diet has never really been "perfect" or "on point" for any long periods of time, except for 6 months increments here and there.
I was in a perpetual recomp phase from post football till probably a couple years ago (maybe 5 years total duration?) Sometimes oscillating between surplus and deficit, but on average, hitting a slight surplus.
This was a longer time period, and it's hard to quantify how much muscle tissue I accrued during this period versus the test only period. Test only period was like straight up mass monster bulk mode. Post football periods are more of recomp less dirty bulk.
I would characterize my AAS use into pretty distinct phases:
1) Test
2) Test + Tren
3) Test + Primo + GH
4) Current: Test + Mast + EQ + GH
The limit of test tolerability for me is always E2. When I was fatter I had much worse E2 issues. Now I feel like I can run quite a decent amount with very little high E2 sides.
I don't think other compounds were much of a game changer for adding on muscle tissue. I just wanted to try them all and I liked the look and effect from some more so than just test solo.
Part of why I really liked primo, and part of why I really like EQ + Mast. Good aesthetic benefit with the additional E2 control.
Did not really contribute to much additional muscle. This was a period of time I focused pretty hard on career + nutrition. Definitely helped me get leaner and stay leaner, though.
Re: GH. I didn't use GH until like 5 years ago for the first time? And I didn't start megadosing GH until early 2023. Early 2023 is when I started 12iu per day.
It's certainly had an impact on my physique though and I think contributed to the roundness / 3D look I have.
Gun to my head and I can only run 1 AAS the rest of my life (on top of a TRT base), with the goal being add as much LBM as possible? It's gonna be more test.
Gun to my head and I can only run 2 AAS the rest of my life? This one is tough. It would either be Test + EQ or Test + Primo due to the E2 control from both of them for me and the lack of need to use an AI.

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