TrenboloneTax: Hybrid Cycling / Lifting Log aka Make Hulk Bike Fast

Frustrated Clint Eastwood GIF
That’s disappointing, dang. Maybe it was the CJC1295 that helped my sleep last night more so than epitalon. Idk. I try again tonight though and hope for same results.
What was the dose of CJC you used? I was going to try that myself to help with sleeping through the night. I just started looking into it.
What was the dose of CJC you used? I was going to try that myself to help with sleeping through the night. I just started looking into it.
I used 250mcg CJC. It seems to help a bit. I’ve tried combining Ipamorelin with it but oddly enough haven’t had as much success doing that
Fuck I had all this shit typed up and I refreshed and it didn't save. Pardon my abbreviated rage typing version.

298.6 this morning. Hit legs. Have lost pretty much all definition thanks to me eating like an asshole. Sucks I can only spam isolation movements due to hip(s). They are getting better though. Lost grip strength in left hand probably due to neck / back issue and sleeping on it wrong couple weeks ago. Left shoulder labrum acting up. Body says it's ready for a bit of a breather.

Dropped anavar and methylstenbolone. Last 2 pins of 3cc test and mast to round out the year. I will then drop to about 1g of total aas, and then drop to 500mg, and then sports TRT after that.

Not sure exactly what that looks like yet, but I don't want to go from 2.4g to TRT; doesn't sound super fun.

Cleaning up diet in the new year. No more McDonalds, burritos, Raising Canes, etc etc. Will be eating lower carb.

Bloods next week for sure.

Picked up RC car hobby again. Put on some new bling and cleaned her all up. Ready for a (re)maiden voyage after a few more parts come in.

301.8 on the scale. Maybe I will actually hit 303.

Took yesterday off from the gym. Needed that.

Feeling better after dropping the orals...I forget that I don't really like the toxic ones (looking at you MSten); but it was fun for the workouts.

Last couple days of eating like an asshole. However, then it will be a "new year, new me."

Getting fat - about damn time. A bit scared what my bloods will show re: fasting insulin + HBA1C + BG, lol.

Sending some samples off to Jano today - SLU-PP-332 and 5Amino1MQ. Thank you to those of you who contributed to the cost of testing + shipping. Very much appreciated. I would name you all but I don't want to do so without consent. You know who you are. Special earmark in my mental notes - let me know if you ever need anything, and I'll go above and beyond to help.

Push day today was:

Work Sets Only
Seated Machine Bench Press: 305 x 12, 305 x 10, 250 x 15
Seated Plate Loaded Shoulder Press: 315 x 15, 405 x 12, 495 x 12, 405 x 15
Plate Loaded Unilateral Bench Press: 315 x 12, 405 x 10, 315 x 12
DB Lateral Raise: 35 x 15, 40 x 12, 50 x 12, 40 x 12, 30 x 20
Single Arm Cable Tricep: 40 x 12, 50 x 12, 50 x 10, 40 x 15
Single Arm Bicep Preacher Curl Machine: 45lb x 15, 45lb x 15, 45lb x 15 (just wanted a little pump)

Contemplating what's next AAS wise. Waffling between 1ml of test p and mast p (50mg each) daily, or tapering down on long esters (test c + mast e). I may opt for the daily shots of short esters as it serves as a good reminder that I'm on gear when you have to pin each morning. We will see. I'll probably just finish up the test c + mast e vials and then switch. Might even give primo a run again. Decisions decisions.
Happy New Year, bros!

I got absolutely WILD last night. Early dinner and then in bed by 7:30pm to comfort my thunder buddy since she doesn't like fireworks. No resolutioners at the gym at 3:30am, lol.

Back day today: nothing out of the ordinary.
Hammer Strength High Row
Lat Pull Downs
Cable Pull Downs
Rear Delts on Pec Fly
Bicep Curls + Machine Preacher Curl

@cinder you asked for a double bicep, got one today. And then obligatory nude ball cupping selfie

Wish I had better bicep peaks but I also don’t really know how to pose lol not sure what the problem is. Think it’s just my physiology and need to focus on bicep contraction at top
Happy New Year, bros!

I got absolutely WILD last night. Early dinner and then in bed by 7:30pm to comfort my thunder buddy since she doesn't like fireworks. No resolutioners at the gym at 3:30am, lol.

Back day today: nothing out of the ordinary.
Hammer Strength High Row
Lat Pull Downs
Cable Pull Downs
Rear Delts on Pec Fly
Bicep Curls + Machine Preacher Curl

@cinder you asked for a double bicep, got one today. And then obligatory nude ball cupping selfie

Wish I had better bicep peaks but I also don’t really know how to pose lol not sure what the problem is. Think it’s just my physiology and need to focus on bicep contraction at top
View attachment 309878View attachment 309879
Bro you don't need bicep peaks when you make up for it by looking so massive!
Good motivation for me going into the new year, happy new year!!
Happy New Year, bros!

I got absolutely WILD last night. Early dinner and then in bed by 7:30pm to comfort my thunder buddy since she doesn't like fireworks. No resolutioners at the gym at 3:30am, lol.

Back day today: nothing out of the ordinary.
Hammer Strength High Row
Lat Pull Downs
Cable Pull Downs
Rear Delts on Pec Fly
Bicep Curls + Machine Preacher Curl

@cinder you asked for a double bicep, got one today. And then obligatory nude ball cupping selfie

Wish I had better bicep peaks but I also don’t really know how to pose lol not sure what the problem is. Think it’s just my physiology and need to focus on bicep contraction at top
View attachment 309878View attachment 309879
Looking Good White Chicks GIF by BrownSugarApp
Looking good babe
Happy New Year, bros!

I got absolutely WILD last night. Early dinner and then in bed by 7:30pm to comfort my thunder buddy since she doesn't like fireworks. No resolutioners at the gym at 3:30am, lol.

Back day today: nothing out of the ordinary.
Hammer Strength High Row
Lat Pull Downs
Cable Pull Downs
Rear Delts on Pec Fly
Bicep Curls + Machine Preacher Curl

@cinder you asked for a double bicep, got one today. And then obligatory nude ball cupping selfie

Wish I had better bicep peaks but I also don’t really know how to pose lol not sure what the problem is. Think it’s just my physiology and need to focus on bicep contraction at top
View attachment 309878View attachment 309879
Vince Mcmahon Wwe GIF

Those forearms...DAMN!
Took a little break from Meso and been spending more time on hobbies + baby preparations + side hustles. Sorry for the lack of nude ball cupping selfies everybody.

My big blast ended on Dec 31st. I ended up hitting 303lbs on the scale. I'm sure I was heavier than that one morning however I took the day off and didn't go to the gym so didn't have the same scale to weigh myself. But the scale at home told me

Retrospective thoughts:
- toxic orals are overrated. I've learned this once, and I learned it again. All my GI distress subsided once I dropped the orals. And my appetite came back with a fucking vengeance.
- I tolerate test, mast, and EQ incredibly well. Aside from the increased snoring (weight + AAS doses + GH dose), I felt normal on that big blast.
- I should have taken more rest days to optimize for gains, but i was having too much fun lifting and getting sick pumps. However I didn't hit any PRs late into the blast and I attribute this to overtraining. I wouldn't change what I did because I love the act of lifting, however, it is a good reminder that sometimes less is actually more.

Plan moving forward:
- I have a vial of test, mast, and EQ that I need to finish up. So I'll be injecting 3ml, 2x per week for a total of 750 test / 600 EQ / 200 mast. Ratios dictated by the amount of oil left in each vial. This will only take me a couple of weeks to finish up.
- After this, I've decided that I'll run 500 test / 200 primo. I want to give primo another chance because I'd love to include it in my TRT+ instead of mast. Mast makes me shed more than primo, and I'll need help controlling e2 as the EQ leaves my system while I'm still doing HCG every day in an attempt to maintain fertility.
- This will be run for a couple of months, and then I will drop down to 250 test / 100 primo, assuming primo and I get along well. If primo and I do not get along well, I'll figure something else out. Probably test + mast.
- GH will be ran at 8iu until I drop down to "TRT+" which will be 250 test / 100 primo / 4iu GH.

Current protocol:
Test C
Mast E (finishing up vial)
EQ (finishing up vial)

75iu HMG ED or EoD (sometimes I'm lazy)
500iu HCG ED or 1000iu EoD (sometimes I'm lazy)
10mg Mots C EoD (inconsistent recently)
2mg NA Semax ED (this has been cool; interesting compound. Noticeable.)

100mg SLUPP
100mcg T4
80mg Telmisartan
12.5mg HCTZ

Peak gym weigh in + picture of physique at 303:

Fasted morning pic today (skipping gym; want to wrench on RC cars since I broke them all already and my body is feeling beat up)
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