Trest, MENT, Trestolone: Who has used it for a blast? Bulk? Cut?

I'm running 420/490 Test/Primo (60/70 ED).
I've got my MENT and I'm ready to run it. What should I drop Test to?
Will Primo help in the AI dept on on MENT like it does for Test?
I don't have an answer for the primo.. I've not yet used primo..have a good stock but not.made tje.move on it..
For me.. I was at 750 test.. I went to 500 and 10mg ment ed.. following week went 300 test 20 ment.. now I'm at.200 test 50 ment oh.and 750 eq the whole.time.. I'm taking 12.5mg aromasin eod.. feel great no.sidea no all check blood pressure eod.. morning and night.. my BP is in range..
The reason i.dropped test was to habe less e2 conversion and I felt it to be foolish to run test so high when taking ment.. my feeling is one or the other.. not both..
I don't have an answer for the primo.. I've not yet used primo..have a good stock but not.made tje.move on it..
For me.. I was at 750 test.. I went to 500 and 10mg ment ed.. following week went 300 test 20 ment.. now I'm at.200 test 50 ment oh.and 750 eq the whole.time.. I'm taking 12.5mg aromasin eod.. feel great no.sidea no all check blood pressure eod.. morning and night.. my BP is in range..
The reason i.dropped test was to habe less e2 conversion and I felt it to be foolish to run test so high when taking ment.. my feeling is one or the other.. not both..
Are u feeling/ seeing anything noticeable with the ment in vs the high test
Curious as to why some guys take Ment on an EOD basis. As I'm reading, has a half life of 8-12 hrs. EOD sounds like a hormonal roller coaster. Anyone use this stuff EOD and get results? I'm getting ready to start a cycle, had planned on 25mg. ED.
Curious as to why some guys take Ment on an EOD basis. As I'm reading, has a half life of 8-12 hrs. EOD sounds like a hormonal roller coaster. Anyone use this stuff EOD and get results? I'm getting ready to start a cycle, had planned on 25mg. ED.
That is exactly what I am
Doing. I was wanting to do eod but after research and some wisdom from others on here decided to go 25 ED to avoid that roller coaster.
One thing I’ll add I was peeing much less on trestolone. I’ve never had my prostrate checked but I’ve read things about trest having a positive effect on the prostate and I correlated with that
I use trestolone for this exact reason. Tren, primo, and anadrol all give me mildly annoying BPH, and a small amount of trestolone knocks it out.

A few other things I've noticed about trestolone:

-It makes me very lethargic, even at 5 mg/day. This can be mitigated by using primo (even as low as 100 mg/week) to lower the aromatization rate. I also found that dosing EOD helps with this side effect. The lethargy was definitely dose-dependant; dose was directly proportional to lethargy.

-Hunger is intensified considerably. When stacked with anadrol and/or tren, this is not an issue.

-Trestolone decreased my libido, but using a small amount of primo helped with this, as did keeping test at a reasonable level (at least 250/week, so not super high).
So a quick update:

After about 5.5 weeks on cycle, I bumped up my doses and added bold cyp:

600/400/400/40 test C/NPP/bold C/MENT A. The cut went fantastic. I dropped from 247 on July 5th to 233 by Aug 10th, and have been maintaining about 233 since then. I have gotten stronger and faster in the gym all while dropping ~2-3% BF. The MENT was fantastic for NPP related my mood sides, even at only 40 mg/wk (42mg to be exact). I should be running more or less maintenance cals until mid October, working on a recomp and hopefully getting to 10-11% BF (currently I am about 13%)

4 days ago I stopped NPP and started running Tren. My current cycle is:

600/400/400/40 test C/tren A/bold C/MENT A. I recall one member on here saying that he was good with NPP/MENT, but for some reason tren/MENT made his mood sides worse. So far I feel exactly the same as I did with the NPP, but I have only been running tren for 4 days.

8 weeks in, this has been one of the most smooth cycles I have ever run, even though I am running far more this cycle than I have ever run before. I have only 2 sides that I am really dealing with: a little bit of gyno (which is under control, not getting better but not getting worse) and mild to moderate acne. No ED issues, no BP or RHR issues, no mood issues (most common side for me), no increased or decreased appetite, no increased water retention or bloat, not even excessive nose bleeds that I usually get, even when running test only.

I think this has more to do with REALLY cleaning up my diet rather than the gear or supps I am using, although the supps certainly help mitigate some issues.

Also I will be getting bloods done in about 2 weeks.
Did you ever get blood work done?
I ran it at 20-25 daily about a year ago for 12 weeks. Strength went up, estrogen was managed but I did have to take more anastrazole than I typically have ever had to take before. I think it was 3-4 mgs a week. I’m not prone to estrogen sides though, never had gyno and only a few times have I felt nips get sensitive in the past. I used it as a recomp from being out the gym for 2-3 months. Worked exactly as i expected, strength came back. Size, libido was cranked way up. Felt really good on it and was able to go back to normal trt dose of 200 without any issue.
I ran it at 20-25 daily about a year ago for 12 weeks. Strength went up, estrogen was managed but I did have to take more anastrazole than I typically have ever had to take before. I think it was 3-4 mgs a week. I’m not prone to estrogen sides though, never had gyno and only a few times have I felt nips get sensitive in the past. I used it as a recomp from being out the gym for 2-3 months. Worked exactly as i expected, strength came back. Size, libido was cranked way up. Felt really good on it and was able to go back to normal trt dose of 200 without any issue.
Why did you stop using it? It seems most people like it but they don’t use it continuously.