Trestolone hype? Ment log with pics

Im only 7 weeks in to eating like this. So its still a learning curve. I agree that people eat way too much protein. Leanest and meanest I ever looked and felt was when I was doing my bodyweight in protein. There is no need for 500g a day imo.

With the veg diet im doing 4000cal a day. I fill my protein quota up first, then fats, then fill in the rest with carbs.
Howccome your going vegy
I am a very ectomorphic body type and hard gainer. At 5'11" I fought at weight 155. The most I ever weighed was 175 at 5% body fat after I ran a cycle of sust years ago. Last spring I started my own business and quit working out and started drinking heavily after long hours at work. so this is how I looked this fall when I started working out again at 165 which is my natural sloppy weight.

Because I live in the upper Midwest and I have no sources for good gear I bought into these reaseasch chemical guys. So after I ran two short cycles of igf1 lr3 (alone) I look looked like this. Btw I don't work in the winter and I train hard and eat like a freak
Much to my excitement because like I said I'm a hard gainer and it's nice to get up in the 170's. After building some confidence and a lot of research I decided to try trestolone I ran 30 IM straight into the front delt every day. With a full dose of exemestane 25 daily. With a letro on hand. Within the first week I hit 180 and was all bloat and looked like this.
I kinda freaked out and hit the letro. If any of you have used this you know what I went through that week. Complete crash of estrogen is horrible. Your dick is in the dirt. Lazy. Joints pop and ache. Horrible but it worked here is what I looked like on week two. The bloat is down and I'm still at 180.
I would say ment is a 15 20% strength increase. Right now I'm finishing week 3 of a 4 week run and I'm at 183 so I'm up 10 pounds and I'm hoping to make it to 185. My target weight is 185 at 5%. I think I can hold that weight I don't think I could ever be in the 200's without a shit ton of roids. I won't hit my goal this run. Honestly I am kind of disappointed with how the trestolone went. It was sold to me as 23 times more powerful then test. It doesn't feel like it when I'm on it. When I was on sust it made me so aggressive sometimes I thought I was going to turn into a werewolf. This I just get really annoyed. If I didn't know any better I would think I was on tren. I have mood swings and back pumps. Now on week three I have zits coming in. I go between having high estrogen to crashed estrogen I can not find a sweet spot. All in all, stick to test if you have a good source. Here is me now at 183 at my 3rd week.

(Btw if it looks like I have a little gyno it's probably from the prohoremone days not from ment) I was going to run the ment longer but it's not worth it. Don't get me wrong I'm super happy to be 180 for my first time. I'm just saying it was sold to me as a wonder drug and it's not. It's kind of a bitch to run and I don't see myself gaining more than 10 pounds. I'll take one more pic for everyone at the end of the cycle. Thanks for reading.
Do you know how much lean muscle you would have to put on to weigh 185 pounds and 5% body fat from where you are now?

This is a long term goal I'm guessing.

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Howccome your going vegy

Just trying something different. Ill give it 4-5 months. See how results are with the body and strength and either go back to meat everyday or keep it how it is. Really im eating a whole chicken easy every 3rd day so its not too bad. And I still throw in 1-2c egg whites in my morning veg shake. so not going vegan by any means. Just trying to get the vegetable input up as I find I was eating way too much meat.

And I dont care what anyone says. Eating 4-500g a day protein in meat cant be healthy. I have a couple buddies in mid 40s who have had heart surgery now. Wont point at red meat as the culprit but I will say they ate a ton of it every day. I dont want to end up like them
Just trying something different. Ill give it 4-5 months. See how results are with the body and strength and either go back to meat everyday or keep it how it is. Really im eating a whole chicken easy every 3rd day so its not too bad. And I still throw in 1-2c egg whites in my morning veg shake. so not going vegan by any means. Just trying to get the vegetable input up as I find I was eating way too much meat.

And I dont care what anyone says. Eating 4-500g a day protein in meat cant be healthy. I have a couple buddies in mid 40s who have had heart surgery now. Wont point at red meat as the culprit but I will say they ate a ton of it every day. I dont want to end up like them
Same i am slakkin in red meat... I eat mainky eggwhites and whey
Just trying something different. Ill give it 4-5 months. See how results are with the body and strength and either go back to meat everyday or keep it how it is. Really im eating a whole chicken easy every 3rd day so its not too bad. And I still throw in 1-2c egg whites in my morning veg shake. so not going vegan by any means. Just trying to get the vegetable input up as I find I was eating way too much meat.

And I dont care what anyone says. Eating 4-500g a day protein in meat cant be healthy. I have a couple buddies in mid 40s who have had heart surgery now. Wont point at red meat as the culprit but I will say they ate a ton of it every day. I dont want to end up like them
It can easily be done Brother!
I have been Vegan for over five years and yeah it took some getting used too, but now it's it's just routine.
I used to be a 135lb coke head! :oops:
So I changed my life went vegan as a challenge to myself and started working out and taking steroids. I am up over 50 lbs and my waist has stayed the same. Lol, I am 44 yrs old and 5"10 on a good day. I am currently sitting at 191 lbs on week 4 of my current Blast.
I suppose it would suck to eat 4000 plus calories on gear and barely make a dent. I'm on the opposite spectrum and it's not much fun either. 2000 to 2500 clean calories and I would maintain 230-240 at 6'1 not very lean. Consistent weight loss only starts for me at 1800 to 1500. weight gain is a stressful thing for me and I bet weight loss is the same for you hard gainers.
It can easily be done Brother!
I have been Vegan for over five years and yeah it took some getting used too, but now it's it's just routine.
I used to be a 135lb coke head! :oops:
So I changed my life went vegan as a challenge to myself and started working out and taking steroids. I am up over 50 lbs and my waist has stayed the same. Lol, I am 44 yrs old and 5"10 on a good day. I am currently sitting at 191 lbs on week 4 of my current Blast.

Thats awesome to hear man! The biggest challenge im finding is quick meals when hungry. Not like I can make a sandwich or reheat some chicken and rice. Lots of prep time and lots of ingredients a must. Im learning slowly. When rushed I still go to chicken. Habit mainly. But i would say 80-90% is plant based. And of course a ton of Orgain protein powder. Its definitely one of the better vegan ones taste wise. Cause man some powders are fucking awful. Like hemp protein bleh

Back to 180 so I'm up 7 pounds. It's true I'm a hard gainer, but could I eat harder? Yes, could I train harder? Yes but I haven't been slacking either. I'm a newbie to gear but I've worked out as a hobby for years. So I was thinking this summer I want to run sust 500 and IGF des for 6 weeks. I can't afford hgh and I liked igf lr3. Do you guys have any suggestions or comments on this cycle
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Back to 180 so I'm up 7 pounds. It's true I'm a hard gainer, but could I eat harder? Yes, could I train harder? Yes but I haven't been slacking either. I'm a newbie to gear but I've worked out as a hobby for years. So I was thinking this summer I want to run sust 500 and IGF des for 6 weeks. I can't afford hgh and I liked igf lr3. Do you guys have any suggestions or comments on this cycle
Tren ace bro
Do you know how much lean muscle you would have to put on to weigh 185 pounds and 5% body fat from where you are now?

This is a long term goal I'm guessing.

I'm at about 180 at 12% (wild guess) I haven't got it tested because I'm not even close. I just posted recent photos. How much do you think I would need to gain??
250 test e a week and 50 ed tren good start and ur like 16% easy
That works for me.. I judt cruze on 250 all the time then do just hcg for a bit.. I use test as base.. Ur not a hardgainer.. A hardgainer is someone who only has bones and nothing else.. U have water and fat ur def not ecto..

Habing your body i would do 2g per lbs of protein .. 60-80 fats and roughly start with 300g carbs
You answered your own question
No such thing as a hard gainer. It's all diet and training. Train Hard and eat hard. If your belly isn't full it needs to be period. I only let it rest while in the gym...but even then it's full of carbs.
That works for me.. I judt cruze on 250 all the time then do just hcg for a bit.. I use test as base.. Ur not a hardgainer.. A hardgainer is someone who only has bones and nothing else.. U have water and fat ur def not ecto..

Habing your body i would do 2g per lbs of protein .. 60-80 fats and roughly start with 300g carbs
Awesome thanks man. I'll post another log when I'm ready and see if I can make some better progress.
I ate 12 icecreasm sandwhiches last night at 2 in morning. I instatnly wanted ice cream. I will not see any of that on my body.
I ate 12 icecreasm sandwhiches last night at 2 in morning. I instatnly wanted ice cream. I will not see any of that on my body.
Yea I have to eat ridiculous for just a couple pounds. If all I do is party and drink and quit working out I go down to 165. I'm still muscular and cut. Like in the first pic of my post. I didn't work out at all last summer. That's the longest I went with no gym. Like 8 months
Don't pin just yet unless you really feel you have diet on check. It is just not worth the hassle to cycle anything if you don't know how to work the chemicals you're putting into your body (and that is through diet and training and knowing how your body responds to different things regarding those two aspects = takes time).