Trestolone hype? Ment log with pics

How much? Do you take test with it? I would recommend a test base with trest. That cycle was harsh
The fact that you're even asking that question shows that you need to do more reading & research. Don't just go by someone's suggustions, tren is a powerful steriod & should be treated like one. By the way test is usually the base for all cycles. Knowledge is definitely power
You must have gotten past the hard gainer thing, cause you made it way beyond 5% BF on this cycle. Welcome to the 15% club, not that there is anything wrong with that.;)
I honestly hate the notion of 'hard gaining' and then stuffing your face with crap to justify 'gains', you only get fat. Putting on tissue is slow, even while on gear, it takes time and quality calories, consistently. Eat crap if you want but make it no more than 10-20% at most of your total daily calories...honestly, the rest should really be chicken, beef, rice, black beans, potato, good oils, nuts, just clean and wholesome stuff.

OP you are not cut. You should actually start dieting down until you see at least 4 of your 6 abdominals before you consider pinning. Your muscles respond best to nutrients when your bodyfat levels are lower.
Don't pin just yet unless you really feel you have diet on check. It is just not worth the hassle to cycle anything if you don't know how to work the chemicals you're putting into your body (and that is through diet and training and knowing how your body responds to different things regarding those two aspects = takes time).

This only goes for people who arent powerlifters. For regular peeps trying to look good through use of AAS however this is a very true statement. Diet is #1, sleep #2, training #3 and then AAS if around 16-18%bf is acceptable if all three above are on point
Hard gainers most certainly exist. There are genetic tests to prove this.

I was always an “ectomorph” my whole life. Used to think BS for hard gainers until I took a genetic test. It showed that I was “more likely to weigh less than average”. My whole family is pretty slim.

My wife took the same test. It showed she was likely to weigh more than average, but this is what else it said... verbatim. “Elite power athlete gene”. Her family are big people. Her brother, same height as me but weighs 240lbs. He’s supposedly overweight, does not step a foot in the gym but looks fucking buff without even working out. Bro his fucking hobby is painting little figurines to play with his buddies. Meanwhile I’m killing myself in the gym every day and I eat more than her family.

Hard gainers exist. What it means is that our bodies aren’t very efficient at utilizing energy. It’s like a car that can go 40mpg vs 20mpg. We are just the 20mpg car. On top of that I require way more sleep than her whole family which shows that I’m literally genetically inferior in energy efficiency.

I’m on a test/tren cycle and my wife can give me a run for my money in arm wrestling. She fucked up my shoulder last time. She doesn’t work out. I’d also like to add, she’s stronger than all my buddies too and they work out