Trestolone(MENT) cycle

"I'm lazy"
"Haven't slept"

Maybe get a good night and gratify us with a paragraphed comment the following day ?
I'm not sure you understand what a paragraph is. Paragraphs don't require a line space to be paragraphs.
I'd love a good night sleep fucking insomnia is driving me up the wall.
I'm not sure you understand what a paragraph is. Paragraphs don't require a line space to be paragraphs.
I'd love a good night sleep fucking insomnia is driving me up the wall.

If your text is comprised of multiple paragraphs, by default each one of them will constitute a building block and they will de facto be separated by an indentation.

Anytime you want when it comes to grammar ;)
Well folks I just started trest Monday. Started at 1.25mg ed and will slowly titrate up based on how I feel per week. Don’t plan to go no higher than 5mg (less is more mentally). To the folks who don’t agree, at the end of it this will either be an “I told you so” moment for you, or…..or not lol. I’ll give weekly updates (probably every sat or sun) and will be very candid with the experience. Here goes nothing