Triple B Solutions

*raises hand*

The arimidex was 13% underdosed.

Here we go again with my rant on caps... Caps are hard to consistently.

Do the initial measurements wrong and your math is off from the start.

Assuming that your initial measurements are on, then the issue is with the blending. You put the correct amount of API in the batch and one cap is 13% underdosed, the API is somewhere else in another cap. So somewhere else it could be 13% overdosed. It’s all over the place.

1 mg caps are even more difficult because of the small room for error. His Lady Var was off by 20% overdosed (6 mg instead of 5 mg). It makes a difference for these compounds too. Fluctuating doses of arimidex each week makes it difficult to dial in your estrogen levels.

And well aware it’s a UGL. But this kind of stuff separates an “average” UGL from an amazing one. There’s UGLs that can nail these doses time after time consistently. Or buy pharma.
I would like to point out that the Adex raws were something like 92% pure. So not much variation. Grinding the API was crucial to get the small capsules correct and I expect my other capsules will be better now too
What was arrogant about what I said?

I’m not going to stop asking questions because someone selling drugs online doesn’t like them. Him even asking me to not ask questions is a pretty dumb request.
You went ham on the dude for him basically asking to keep as much of what's what on the DL as possible. Granted, his delivery could use refinement, but we are all reading printed text here and for some people perceiving tonal inflections is not a natural skill or ability.
Hey, anyone use his Hcg kits? I did a test order that went well and want to order some more things for an upcoming cycle but would like to know if anyone on this thread has used his Hcg kits. I’ve read the thread and didn’t fine anything on it unless I’m dumb as fuck and can’t read.
Hey, anyone use his Hcg kits? I did a test order that went well and want to order some more things for an upcoming cycle but would like to know if anyone on this thread has used his Hcg kits. I’ve read the thread and didn’t fine anything on it unless I’m dumb as fuck and can’t read.

If I’m not mistaken I think I seen the test report on this thread buried back some pages. It might also be in the lab testing section posted by Trip himself.
Ok so today I checked blood pressure at local store it came back 156/78, High. I'm on triples tren test and anavar, I hit 6 weeks today, 300tren 450 test and 50mg var, I am planning on getting bloods but just wondering from the vets here if I should be concerned I know yall arent doctors but is this somewhat expected?? I did take pre workout, hit the gym, I ate then took the test all in order. Ive heard the cialis can be used to lower BP and I do have some on hand.
Ok so today I checked blood pressure at local store it came back 156/78, High. I'm on triples tren test and anavar, I hit 6 weeks today, 300tren 450 test and 50mg var, I am planning on getting bloods but just wondering from the vets here if I should be concerned I know yall arent doctors but is this somewhat expected?? I did take pre workout, hit the gym, I ate then took the test all in order. Ive heard the cialis can be used to lower BP and I do have some on hand.
You should get one of the BP monitors off Amazon and check it daily. Mine would always be super high at the doc and she said it’s white coat syndrome or some shit. I would do it everyday at home and it would be fine.
Ok so today I checked blood pressure at local store it came back 156/78, High. I'm on triples tren test and anavar, I hit 6 weeks today, 300tren 450 test and 50mg var, I am planning on getting bloods but just wondering from the vets here if I should be concerned I know yall arent doctors but is this somewhat expected?? I did take pre workout, hit the gym, I ate then took the test all in order. Ive heard the cialis can be used to lower BP and I do have some on hand.
I believe the study showed 10mg Cialis lowered ambulatory BP by ~5pts. In the situation you find yourself that’s not going to be terribly useful. Start eating three stalks of celery a day, add some more LISS, and as SkankHunt said get a monitor for home. If you’re still high in a week or so I would consider dropping the tren. Tren is not great for your kidneys. High BP is also not great for your kidneys. Possible dangerous combo you’ve got on your hands if you don’t get it under control.
If I’m not mistaken I think I seen the test report on this thread buried back some pages. It might also be in the lab testing section posted by Trip himself.
Okay, I’ve been reading this thread for days and probably missed it. Appreciate it I’ll go back and look for it.
You should get one of the BP monitors off Amazon and check it daily. Mine would always be super high at the doc and she said it’s white coat syndrome or some shit. I would do it everyday at home and it would be fine.
I believe the study showed 10mg Cialis lowered ambulatory BP by ~5pts. In the situation you find yourself that’s not going to be terribly useful. Start eating three stalks of celery a day, add some more LISS, and as SkankHunt said get a monitor for home. If you’re still high in a week or so I would consider dropping the tren. Tren is not great for your kidneys. High BP is also not great for your kidneys. Possible dangerous combo you’ve got on your hands if you don’t get it under control.
I just ordered the BP monitor, thanks for the advice
I just ordered the BP monitor, thanks for the advice
Just be safe, man. The damage from steroids long term takes years to accumulate and for the most part can be mitigated. But BP is the one thing that we might encounter that could kill you quickly if it gets out of control.
Ok so today I checked blood pressure at local store it came back 156/78, High. I'm on triples tren test and anavar, I hit 6 weeks today, 300tren 450 test and 50mg var, I am planning on getting bloods but just wondering from the vets here if I should be concerned I know yall arent doctors but is this somewhat expected?? I did take pre workout, hit the gym, I ate then took the test all in order. Ive heard the cialis can be used to lower BP and I do have some on hand.
Hey man, seems like you already have some good answers, but I just wanted second and third the advice about getting a BP monitor. Make sure you are buying a reputable one, that will fit your arm size. If the cuff is too small/large for your arm the reading will be off.

I like to take my BP in the morning, right after I wake up, for my “base” then a few times through-out the day to try and get my “average”

Cialis definitely helped my BP, also, you can try carditone on Amazon, or Revive’s blood pressure supplements, both seem to work pretty decent. Also adding in LISS if you are not already doing it would help.

Gear can definitely cause your blood pressure to rise, especially tren, but just because it’s expected does not mean it’s ok. The damage it can do even over a short few weeks is not worth it in my opinion. I would do your best to check it often and keep it under control. If you cannot control it via LISS, cialis, or something like carditone, then I would either cut the cycle short or look into some sort of blood pressure medicine either from your doctor or elsewhere.

Either way, good luck man and stay healthy
I believe the study showed 10mg Cialis lowered ambulatory BP by ~5pts. In the situation you find yourself that’s not going to be terribly useful. Start eating three stalks of celery a day, add some more LISS, and as SkankHunt said get a monitor for home. If you’re still high in a week or so I would consider dropping the tren. Tren is not great for your kidneys. High BP is also not great for your kidneys. Possible dangerous combo you’ve got on your hands if you don’t get it under control.
This.Drop the tren,oral and lower test to a "cruise dose".I suggest you buy carditone it's cheap and effective.Check the bp daily and if it continues high i would see your doc asap.You may need prescription bp meds as i do.High bp over time will wreck your kidneys and there is no coming back from that.
Also Hawthorne Berry has plenty of studies to back up its use.

The first time I used it, I dosed 500mg 2-3 times per day to combat bp issues. I dropped 10 points systolic in a little over 2 weeks. Its a staple for me on cycle now. It keeps me in range... expect when I run Superdrol. I've said "never again" 3 times now.


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