I can honestly say I've ordered probably 40 or more bottles of triple b the past 6 or 7 months. Haven't used anything else since.
Of course, this is on top of the "stash" of balkan I keep on hand just in case.
No way an AAS user can have to much gear "on hand"
Because being a user of this stuff, often comes with a price of lifetime addiction, or the misery of horrendous withdrawal effects.
I ain't running out. And if I do, because circumstances or health demand it, I've got everything on hand for that too. Pct drugs, hcg, you name it.
Using these drugs as a lifestyle isn't for everybody. There are dire costs associated, and severe consequences. It comes with an addiction, or at best a constant cycle of controlled withdrawal and usage. A dedication to monitoring blood work and making constant adjustments where you often balance benefits with side effects.
I wouldn't recommend it to anybody. But, I'm not stopping it for myself. So go figure.
Anyway, I'll spend my money at a good quality domestic UGL before a foreign pharmaceutical option every day of the week.
But thats just me.