2 days of training down. Push yesterday and pull today. Did not take it easy just started pounding the food and the weights. Didn’t really lose any strength and I’m actually doing phase 2 of Jordan Peters training principles his advanced routine. I’ll knock out legs A workout Sunday. Probably dumb but I’m wreckless when it comes to me. My new blast is 100anavar daily, 100trest e week and 500 test a week with 200mcg igf daily. I didn’t feel like taking a lot of drugs because I’m recovering still.
diet is 3000 cals of food I can stomach with 300grams protein a day.
Routine is Push A, Pull A, day off, legs A, day off, pb,pullb, off, legs b, off, repeat…
Trying to be careful so weight doesn’t skyrocket too quickly. I lost 18lbs in less than 2 weeks. After eating up for 2 days I’m up 15lbs.
Anybody who’s interested I’ll post the current routine in more detail.