Trt causing kidney pain


New Member
My local doc has no clue on hormone health other than basic blood tests from what I can tell. But he did script me trt
I’ve been on trt for over 10 years with no issues other than lipids on high side but maintaining. I’m taking t cyp 200. I take .4 a week this puts me at about 1100 where I feel best.
I had a bladder issue develop over time that I was able to trace to most animal fats especially milk crème ect. This flared up last month with freq urine in day. Pain at night. Then seemed to pass treating with pure cranberry, kambucha probiotics but turned into a pain in right side kidney numb pressure kinda pain
Most concerning the last 2 injections of test cyp within hour administered turned into stabbing unbearable left side kidney pain for about 1 to 2 hours. Then eases into same numb pain for days.i have delayed next injection for 12 days got testosterone level test at 210. Little to no kidney pain at this level but feel like crap otherwise
I’ve done 2 blood tests and urine tests. No infection. Kidney,liver function are good but on lower side of normal. Any idea what the problem could be ? Ever hear of anything like this ?
Most have not. I’ve searched good bit here. Over all still very healthy. Good bp and weight. On the thinner side 5’10 180 lbs 54 and feeing older by the day with low t
Are you sure it’s not a kidney stone? My last one lingered for almost 3 weeks. I just go to the ER, say kidney stone, get a MRI and pain meds. AZO helps if you can tolerate the pain level without the drugs. Doesn’t really show up on normal blood tests.