TRT+ Journey to....?


New Member
Hey all. I'm a 36yo male who's suffered with just about every symptom of low T over the past 2 years. After getting the shaft from my Dr I finally decided started my own self guided regimen. I was sick of feeling like a shell of the man I used to be.
Currently 1 week in at 50mg of Test E eod. I'm going to draw labs at 4-6(?) weeks and then decided on upping it to 75. Then? Not sure how high to take it but I suppose labs and sides will help me decide. Already feel better though. Maybe placebo effect being so early on? Not sure. I feel like energy and sleep are a little better though.
The low T left me up in weight and fat and down in muscle and strength. Not super high but 5"10, 195lb 23% bf. Normally I hang out at 180-185 and 18%. This is the highest weight I've been when not bulking. Strength is down almost 40%. Gyno, low motivation, memory issues, anxiety, zero sex drive, injuries. About the only symptom I don't have is hair loss but I'm genetically resistant to that.
Diet right now is weight loss based. 1800 cal, 180g protein, 180g carbs, 40g fat. Hitting the gym as much as possible but it's going to be difficult this month d/t work schedule. Currently 36hrs on, 36hrs off, and sleep at work is hit or miss. Might get 7 hours, might get 2-3. No doubt that's not been helping my natural T levels, but it is what it is. Not ideal conditions by any means but I'm controlling what I can.
Looking forward to the journey and already looking ahead at what I might add the next go round.