TRT muscle gains


New Member
i have been lifting weights for almost 17 years and recently started TRT using compounded testosterone cream. I am on 200mg applied 2x a day and my lab results came out as follow:

Total testosterone 905.8 ng/dl (ref range 249-836 ng/dl)
Free testosterone 234.88 pg/ml (ref range 30-150 ng/dl)

It has been 4 months and i am not seeing the results i was expecting in terms of muscle gain. How long did it take for you guys to start noticing a drastic transformation in terms of body composition? My diet and work outs are spot on.

Would results from T-injections be better for muscle building (Assuming same testosterone levels) ? My understanding is that testosterone levels using creams mimic the natural circadian rhythm while injections will maintain steady levels during the day. So in theory have high testosterone levels during the day would be more beneficial for muscle building?
Wats ur diet like?

Doing Intermittent Fasting for the last 2 weeks. But diet before was very similar adding breakfast and redistributing a bit calories throughout the day

midday – Brown rice, sweet potato, chicken breast, broccoli

: 1 meal replacement (32g protein, 44g carbs, 9g fat) 2g sugar
Pre-workout (): 1 avocado + banana. 1 whey protein shake with peanut butter and 50g low GI carb. Tuna

Post-workout (): 1 whey protein shake with peanut butter and 50g low GI carb. Sweet potato. Tuna

: Casein + oatmeal + Egg white + 2 eggs
I gained 10 lbs in 2 months TRT and dropped 2% body fat.

It really depends on your diet and training to maximize results.

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TRT puts your T levels in the normal range. Yours are slightly elevated. Expect normal gains with normal testosterone levels. Not a bad thing, there's just not enough T in you to make the same gains as a cycle would. The rest is like they said - your diet.
I didnt post the calories just generic info on diet. But i am eating 500 caloris over my maitanance number. I will increase food intake and see what happens. Thanks guys. Any thoughts on if there is any difference in muscle building using cream vs injections (assuming achieving same t-levels)
I didnt post the calories just generic info on diet. But i am eating 500 caloris over my maitanance number. I will increase food intake and see what happens. Thanks guys. Any thoughts on if there is any difference in muscle building using cream vs injections (assuming achieving same t-levels)
Most of us have been eating long enough to be able to calculate the calories off the top of our heads. Your blood levels are 900 weather it's from cream or injections. I would never use a topical.
Why are you slamming so much fat preworkout? Doesn't that cause any gi distress? Especially peanut butter.
You aren't keto so I don't see any benefit to it. If you did fast digesting carb source it would probably help you out more.

Just curious if there was any reason behind it though?
Why are you slamming so much fat preworkout? Doesn't that cause any gi distress? Especially peanut butter.
You aren't keto so I don't see any benefit to it. If you did fast digesting carb source it would probably help you out more.

Just curious if there was any reason behind it though?
Good catch lean.
Why are you slamming so much fat preworkout? Doesn't that cause any gi distress? Especially peanut butter.
You aren't keto so I don't see any benefit to it. If you did fast digesting carb source it would probably help you out more.

Just curious if there was any reason behind it though?
Yes. I used to use fast gi carbs but messed up with my blood pressure and would put on fat in my mid section. So i needed to replace calories. Feel better with fats and low gi carbs
When I got put on trt they wanted to put me on topical after doing a lot of reading I shot that shit down, got a wife and a toddler neither one of them needs a mustacheo_O
Most find that fats pre workout fuck with thier stomach, not to mention or slows nutrient absorption.

As well as your bodies main focus at that point is nutrient absorption/digestion, so your body is sending blood to your intestines and not so much to your muscles.
You want that glycogen already on your muscles when you hit the gym so your body can focus on delivering those nutrients instead of breaking them dow .
Most find that fats pre workout fuck with thier stomach, not to mention or slows nutrient absorption.
My stomach is fine. Maybe i should replace this with some vitargo. I am currently using primocarb by beast nutrition. In the past i used to use a mix of dextrose + maltrodextrin. What you guys recomend. Drop the fat before workout and add what sort of carb? Keep fat post workout?
As well as your bodies main focus at that point is nutrient absorption/digestion, so your body is sending blood to your intestines and not so much to your muscles.
You want that glycogen already on your muscles when you hit the gym so your body can focus on delivering those nutrients instead of breaking them dow .

I will replace pre-workout fat with carbs. What sort of carbs your recommend? What about post workout? Keep the fat? If i remove the fat pre and post i will have to replace the calories lost with something else
I will replace pre-workout fat with carbs. What sort of carbs your recommend? What about post workout? Keep the fat? If i remove the fat pre and post i will have to replace the calories lost with something else

Personally I like to consume 1g of carb per kg of bodyweight... around 80g. Usually bananas for me. Love them things.
Post workout fat slows absorption as well, but it's not going to be a make or break thing. Do you like coffee?
Mixing some whole heavy cream/full fat cream in some coffee would be an easy way to keep the calories up.
Personally I like to consume 1g of carb per kg of bodyweight... around 80g. Usually bananas for me. Love them things.
Post workout fat slows absorption as well, but it's not going to be a make or break thing. Do you like coffee?
Mixing some whole heavy cream/full fat cream in some coffee would be an easy way to keep the calories up.

Caffeine make my blood pressure skyrocket ;-) f... Up heart. I am already eating more the 80g of carbs before workout. I still have some dextrose and maltrodextrin so will probably add that to the mix. I used to get ridiculous pumps having these 2 pre-workout probably because fast GI fueling muscles readily

