TRT Pct type cleanse being proposed by clinic


New Member
currently on TRT 200mg per week with adex and hcg 250 2x a week. Get 5 months worth at a time. Just re-upped for my second 5 months. Today my rep said that at the end of this run they recommend a two week tamoxifen or clomi cleanse?? Never heard of such a thing. Anybody?? Sounds absurd but would love to hear from our prestigious Drs and members on if there is a legit value to this?? If there is a value, I might consider doing it now between the two cruise regimes. Since I'm using cyp, I assume that even if advised it should be delayed a couple weeks from last inject?? For addtl info, I did a test only 12 week blast at the front end and am planning a low does test and npp blast in the near future.
I talked with a TRT clinic in FL that had a protocol like this.
When I asked why, they said " you dont want to be on TRT for life do you"
I think they cater to young guys that blast and cruise, with hopes of going natty again some day.
Interesting. Could be the same clinic. I still have to wonder what benefit anything less than a full pct would give. Thanks Bro.
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Useless. Even at 200mg/week you're looking at 2-3 weeks post-injection just for enough cyp to clear to be able to restart.

Beyond that, if you waited until enough test cleared prior to hoping on SERMs I suppose it would in theory make sense that it would be easier to come off in the future but I doubt any long-term studies have been conducted to prove efficiency. If there has Dr. Scally would probably by the man to know.

With that said, I personally would run it for at least 3 weeks if you're going to come off. Most of the LBM loses will come in the first 2 weeks of restart anyway.
@Michael Scally MD Late 40s, no aas for twenty years. Worked out 4-5 days a week at the time.

Test 226
free t 42.7
lh 2.3
E2 19
shbg 23
226? hahaha, dude forget any PCT, you are beyond that and your life is going to suck ass without TRT. Test for life at this point, 20 yrs off and 226 ng? Nah, aint no coming back, you are pissing in the wind
226? hahaha, dude forget any PCT, you are beyond that and your life is going to suck ass without TRT. Test for life at this point, 20 yrs off and 226 ng? Nah, aint no coming back, you are pissing in the wind

That was what I thought that's why I thought it made no sense for them to recommend it. I wasn't thinking I was gonna make a miraculous comeback lol. Clinic is recommending it and I wondered what possible benefit could be derived from it other than to make me feel like shit for 4/6 weeks.
That was what I thought that's why I thought it made no sense for them to recommend it. I wasn't thinking I was gonna make a miraculous comeback lol. Clinic is recommending it and I wondered what possible benefit could be derived from it other than to make me feel like shit for 4/6 weeks.

The benefit appears to be all for the clinic. $$$$
Is it correct to assume you have been non-responsive to SERM and or HCG, HTPA induction therapy previously ?
Is it correct to assume you have been non-responsive to SERM and or HCG, HTPA induction therapy previously ?

Thanks for responding Doc. The short answer is I have never done any of these. Basically after many years of training naturally I was barely treading water and feeling tired. Never had ED problems ever though. Got bloods drawn and found to be low T. Clinic put me on trt which I assumed was gonna be for life now. I would greatly appreciate your thoughts.