Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

6 burning questions Robert Mueller will want to ask President Trump (Analysis | 6 burning questions Robert Mueller will want to ask President Trump)

President Trump could sit down with special counsel Robert S. Mueller III's investigators as soon as the next few weeks, though any cooperation from the president is being carefully negotiated right now, according to The Post's Carol D. Leonnig.

Leonnig reports that Trump is eager to sit down with Mueller's team in an effort to clear his name, but his lawyers are understandably more cautious. They would like to set parameters for the discussion and possibly respond to certain questions via written answers, as President Ronald Reagan did with Iran-contra.

In other words, there's a lot that hasn't been decided, and we don't know that Trump will even sit down for an interview at this point. But with the prospect of the president answering questions now on the table, it's worth reviewing a few things that badly need an explanation from the man at the center of this whole investigation.

Below are a few burning questions for Trump.

1. Why did you craft Donald Trump Jr.'s misleading response on the meeting with the Russian lawyer?

2. You told NBC News's Lester Holt, “When I decided to [fire FBI Director James B. Comey], I said to myself, ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story.’” Did you mean that you fired Comey to impact the investigation? And if not, why did you mention Russia while talking about your decision to fire Comey?

3. Have you done anything official for the purpose of protecting yourself from this investigation?

4. Did you tell Flynn what to say to Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak about President Barack Obama's sanctions?

5. Did you know Flynn had lied to the FBI when you fired him? And did you ask Comey to take it easy on Flynn?

6. Did you ever direct anybody in your campaign to reach out to Russia, or did you hear about anybody doing such a thing?
Trump has already taken the test on whether he is stupid and insane (Opinion | Trump has already taken the test on whether he is stupid and insane)

President Trump is now insisting he’s sane. He has all but said that he’s the only one who’s sane — it’s everybody else who’s crazy!

Admittedly, this is a tough spot he’s in, having to convince people that you are sane, especially when you’re actually not. Trump is about to undergo a health exam because the citizens would like to know if their president is fit to serve. Conveniently for Trump, the exam will not include a check of his mental or emotional state.

This leaves the rest of the nation to sort through the rumors that his staff thinks he’s an idiot of the blithering variety, and to wonder whether when tying his shoes he is verbally confused as to whether the bunny “runs around the tree” or “is shot and thrown in the pot.”

But we don’t need to have all the details as to whether he spends his days shouting at the presidents in the portrait gallery or repeating 12 times that he wants a Diet Coke and drinking them all when he wanted only one. We have all the evidence we need that he is stupid. And that he is crazy.

Stupid: It is fair to say that in the 21st century, a baseline measure of intelligence is the ability to understand how science works, acquire a rough understanding of relevant research and base your decision-making with the evidence in mind. Trump has so spectacularly failed in even the most rudimentary understanding of climate research that it is appalling and incomprehensible to a literally planetary degree. While there are plenty of self-interested parties who pretend that the science is unsettled, Trump genuinely appears to be confounded by what is now a straightforward case for the carbon warming connection.

Insane: Whatever the excuse for his stupidity, laziness or cynicism about the science, his actual policy of subverting efforts to slow and stop the ongoing catastrophe of climate change is nothing short of active madness, plain and simple. His alternative of relentlessly trying to reverse progress already made by trying to get even more coal burned on Planet Blast Furnace while simultaneously filling our breathing air with disease-causing particulates is nothing less than dementia of a high-crimes-and-misdemeanors magnitude.

Given the seen and forecast consequences, we don’t need one CO2 molecule more of evidence than this.

Senate Democrats on Tuesday released the transcripts from a closed-door Senate Judiciary interview with Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson as part of the committee’s Russia probe. Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA), a Republican, had previously denied multiple Democratic requests to make public the transcripts.

Among the highlights from within the transcripts: Simpson claimed that the FBI informed Trump dossier author Christopher Steele that the bureau had a “walk-in” whistleblower “from within the Trump organization or campaign,” possibly on issues related to alleged collusion between the campaign and Russian officials.