Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

LG Electronics Inc. 066570 -6.39% has told retailers it plans to raise prices on its laundry appliances following President Donald Trump’s approval this week of steep tariffs on imported washing machines.

“As a result of the trade situation, we will be initiating pricing actions, which will be sent under separate cover shortly,” Thomas Yoon, an executive at the South Korean manufacturer, told retailers in a memo dated Wednesday and reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

Industry experts say they expect LG will raise published retail prices on at least some of its washer and dryer models by approximately $50. Washers and dryers are often sold in pairs.

There are a lot of things I don’t get. Some things are just so out of reach for me that I’m not even going to try to understand. Like, an old man wouldn’t try to understand Kajagoogoo in the 1980s. I would have gone for a more relative reference, but I’m too old for current crappy musical trends.

Take planking for instance. This was a thing a few years ago and I never understood it, and I might have tried for ten seconds to figure it out before I moved on with my life. What’s planking? I’m not sure I understand it enough to even give a description, but here goes.

Basically, it’s laying still, very stiffly, in strange places, like hanging between two tables…or in traffic. Yes, people did this. It seemed like a great way to combine laziness and danger into one useless activity. If you can describe it better, then please, post it in the comments.

There’s a new stupid thing you’ve probably heard about. It’s called the “Tide Pod Challenge.” Before we get to the challenge, there may be a few of you who don’t even know what’s a Tide Pod. OK, guys, it’s laundry detergent. It’s in a plastic-like wrapper that you, or people who actually do laundry, throw in with their dirty clothes instead of pouring liquid detergent into the machine. The wrapper apparently vanishes, just like Republican dignity. I like them. I don’t use the Tide ones as I found some Gain “Flings” on sale.

The Tide Pod Challenge is kinda like the Ice Bucket Challenge of a few years ago, except where that challenge was raising money for charity, this challenge is exclusive to stupid people. They are eating the pods. Yes. You heard that correctly. People are eating laundry detergent. They are kinda cute and nifty looking. Appetizing? I don’t think so.

While your mother may not have killed you by washing your mouth out with soap when you said “fudge” as a kid (the Queen Elizabeth of all dirty words), eating laundry detergent can kill you, or at the very least, mess you up seriously. I don’t get it. I don’t understand it. It just don’t make any sort of sense to me at all. But, it does make more sense than Republicans who deflect for Donald Trump.

People, like Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, Donald Trump, and several Republican members of Congress are going on about a “secret society” within the FBI. Previously, the conspiracy theorists were going on about the “deep state.” This is Tide-Pod-Challenge stupid, which is still isn’t as dumb as the conspiracies Trump believes in.

The GOP in Congress has been way more concerned with deflecting from investigations into his campaign’s collusion with Russia and his obstruction of justice than with defending our nation or finding the truth. Do you remember when Republicans were all about defending our nation from Russians and supporting law enforcement?

Donald Trump fired the Director of the FBI after he refused to pledge his loyalty to him and drop the agency’s investigation into Michael Flynn. He asked the acting-Director who he voted for. He’s asked other people in intelligence agencies to kill investigations into him and his surrogates. According to news today, Trump asked James Comey to drop the investigation into Flynn the day after he learned Flynn lied to the FBI.

Trump is trying to purge the FBI and create it into his own personal protection agency. He’s complained about Attorney General Jeff Sessions decision to recuse himself from overseeing the Special Counsel, and has said he wouldn’t have appointed him if he knew beforehand that he would do that. His idea of draining the swamp is to turn the Justice Department into an agency that protects him and defends his corruption.

This does not concern Republicans at all. What does concern them is a make-believe society within the government trying to overthrow the presidency. They are basing this belief on the texts between two FBI agents who disliked Trump. One of them joked in a text about having a meeting of their “secret society.” The GOP probably also believes there’s a double-secret probation.

A lot of these text messages have vanished and the blame is being placed upon Samsung. Samsung is defending itself, but as an owner of several Samsung products…yeah. Your Samsung device can make shit disappear without any warning. I have had texts delete between me and a contact as new texts are written on a Samsung Galaxy. And, Fifty music demos, Samsung. FIFTY!!!!

Trump has tweeted about the missing text messages. Why doesn’t he just ask Russia to find them?

The GOP is now waging a campaign about releasing the FISA Memo. What new absurd nonsense is this shit? Republicans are upset that FBI agents used details from the Christopher Steele dossier (paid for by Democrats) as part of their argument to obtain a FISA warrant. The problem with this is, so what? Law enforcement will use anything to get a warrant. The information to get a warrant are usually accusations. It doesn’t mean anything. You use the information to convince a judge that a warrant is warranted.

The Republicans are shouting for a memo written about the FISA warrant to be released. Who wrote this memo? Republicans. Who won’t release it? Republicans. The Republicans who have seen it won’t even let other Republicans see it, while screaming about how the public can’t see it. That eating Tide Pods thing is looking less and less like the dumbest new thing this week.

It was written by Devin Nunes, who is chairing the House’s investigation into the Russian Collusion thing. Nunes has made a habit of running to the White House every time he gets information on the case. Now, he’s written this memo that will supposedly destroy the FBI’s case. It’s being championed by such stalwarts of jurisprudence as Trey Gowdy and Bob Goodlatte. Forgive me if my expectations on this memo becoming anything more than another Republican distraction and talking point are low.

Believing Republican bullshit is dumber than eating Tide Pods, and will cause greater brain damage.


Melania Trump is a better indicator of her husband Donald’s fate than special prosecutor Robert Muller’s investigation, the Congressional hearings into Russian meddling in our elections, or even the acrimonious government shutdown debate.

These are welcome distractions. On that, Donald Trump Jr. is probably correct when he opined, “The shutdown is good thing for us politically.”

Read between the lines: Uglier news coming. Keep the anti-immigration chaos going.

Thus, Melania’s recent decision to skip this weeks’ trip to Davos, Switzerland, speaks volumes.


As the most popular Trump, Melania is the President’s ultimate protector, distracter and enabler.

But, cracks have appeared. The icy inaugural first dance. The hand slap walk. And the five months’ delay in moving to Washington.

You would think every high-profile and esteemed lawyer in Washington would be lining up to represent the president of the United States, especially one who is a supposed billionaire who can pay exorbitant legal fees. But every lawyer worth a crap has rejected his requests for legal representation. That’s what happens when, A.) you don’t pay your legal fees, B.) you’re the client from Hell who doesn’t know when to shut up, and C.) you continue to display your guilt in interviews and tweets.

It’s so bad that Trump had to settle for legal representation from the Quaker Oats guy. Wait, that’s not the Quaker Oats guy. That’s Ty Cobb…the racist, dead baseball player. My bad. That’s a different Ty Cobb. He’s not Wilford Brimley or the dead baseball guy, and I don’t know if he’s racist but he has one as a client.

As Special Counsel Robert Mueller gets closer and closer to Trump, his defense team is attempting to negotiate how the Idiot in Chief will provide testimony. First, they’ll present a low-ball offer, such as Trump answering in written testimony drawn with crayolas. What they’re trying to avoid is a face-to-face confrontation, on tape, or in front of a grand jury. Their first proposal definitely won’t be volunteering Trump’s testimony under oath.

Wednesday, Trump told a crowd of reporters in the White House that he’s willing to testify under oath. Seconds later, Ty Cobb crapped himself. Trump’s comments took the swirl out of his mustache. Cobb wrote a statement shortly after saying, “are you freaking kidding me? I thought he was on a plane to Europe? Jesus Christ for the love of…why? Why? Why?” Then he threw that statement into a garbage can, started over, and issued a new one which said, “Seriously. I thought he was going to Europe.” No, it actually said, “Mr. Trump was speaking hurriedly and intended only to say that he was willing to meet. He’s ready to meet with them, but he’ll be guided by the advice of his personal counsel.” Whatever Trump is not paying his legal team, it’s not enough.

Trump says a lot of things “hurriedly.” He hurriedly asked James Comey for his loyalty. He hurriedly asked Comey to drop the investigation into Michael Flynn after he found out Flynn lied to the FBI. He hurriedly told Lester Holt that he fired James Comey as FBI director because he wanted to kill the Russia investigation. He hurriedly asked Andrew McCabe, while he was considering him to be Comey’s replacement, who he had voted for. He hurriedly complained about his Attorney General’s decision to recuse himself and that he wasn’t loyal enough. He hurriedly put pressure on his new FBI Director to get rid of his deputy. He hurriedly stated that he’s trying to purge the FBI and Justice Department and rebuild them into his own personal protection service.

Trump even hurriedly tweeted that he fired Flynn for lying to the vice president and…for lying to the FBI. That was an admittance that he knew Flynn had lied to the FBI when he asked Comey to drop the investigation. It’s an admittance of obstruction of justice. Later, his other stupid lawyer, John Dowd, said that Trump didn’t issue the tweet, and that he was the twitter machine operator for that particular tweet. Lying for the president makes that lawyer complicit in obstruction. I think the Quaker Oats guy would have been smarter than that.

Trump’s lawyers are not excited for him to testify. Normally, you’d be eager for him to talk because that would mean the investigation is wrapping up and you’ll be cleared and able to move on with your life. Not with Trump. Trump lies.

Trump has gone through several depositions in the past for civil suits, and he has lied his way through all of them. The lawyers for those depositions were probably very good, but they’re not Robert Mueller and the team he has put together. Trump is in trouble. Even if Trump is innocent of collusion and obstruction of justice, he’s in trouble.

When telling the press he’d testify under oath, he brought up Hillary Clinton, again. He’s probably thinking about her in his sleep at this point. She’s gotta be popping up in there between cheeseburger dreams and shark nightmares. Trump informed the press, who already knew, that Clinton didn’t testify under oath to the FBI. That is true. But, Trump should know from Michael Flynn’s predicament that the FBI doesn’t need you to be under oath when they talk to you. Lying to the FBI is illegal.

Clinton did testify to Congress under oath, and for several hours. Trump would never be able to sit through hours of Congressional testimony. I hope Mueller grills Trump for hours, as he doesn’t have the energy for long debates, stairs, or golf courses. You know the Special Counsel’s team is going to have a lot of questions for him. From his statements admitting obstruction, to his businesses, to money laundering, to collusion, to paying off porn stars, etc.

The thought of Trump testifying before Robert Mueller is exciting and sad at the same time. Exciting that Trump is no match for Mueller. Sad that it won’t be broadcast live. That would be more exciting than the Super Bowl, World Series, Stanley Cup, and Wrestlemania combined. I would need a lot of popcorn and chicken wings. I hope they release it on DVD.

You couldn’t play a drinking game for Trump’s lies as you’d die from alcohol poisoning, but you could make a pool with friends placing bets on how soon Trump will lie. I’ll put a wager on within the first ten seconds.

One great thing about stupid people is that they don’t know they’re stupid. Kinda like racist people don’t know they’re racist. Trump believes everyone believes his lies. He’s been taught that he can get away with lies in the business and political worlds. He refers to actual facts as “fake news.” Dogma and conspiracies will not save him from Mueller. Trump believes he’s smarter than everyone when he’s really only smarter than his sycophants. If you’ve talked to one of his sycophants, you know that’s a low bar.

Trump is in trouble and his legal team is no match for Mueller or Trump’s stupid mouth. They should find out if the Quaker Oats guy is available.


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A document that former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort's attorneys appear to have accidentally filed in court Wednesday suggests that federal investigators had an informant inside Manafort's consulting firm who provided information about his financial dealings.

The one-page memo submitted along with a routine scheduling motion seems to have been prepared by a defense lawyer or investigator trying to assemble information that could support a claim by Manafort's defense of improper contacts between the prosecution team — now headed by special counsel Robert Mueller — and the media.

The document, titled "DOJ, OSC and the Press," says that a reporter appeared to have obtained access to internal documents from the firm Manafort founded, Davis Manafort Partners International.

The memo indicates that an affidavit for a seizure warrant obtained by prosecutors on the same day Manafort was indicted in October says that a Davis Manafort staffer acknowledged allowing a journalist to look at the firm's digital records.