Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The Fresno Bee, the newspaper of the largest city in Rep. Devin Nunes’s California district, ripped the Republican lawmaker in a (scathing editorial) this week.

In the piece, the Bee’s editorial board refers to Nunes as President Trump’s “stooge” and criticizes him for prompting GOP attacks on the FBI with a classified memo that Republicans have latched onto as potential proof of political bias in the FBI.

“[Nunes] certainly isn’t representing his Central Valley constituents or Californians, who care much more about health care, jobs and, yes, protecting Dreamers than about the latest conspiracy theory,” the editorial board wrote. “Instead, he’s doing dirty work for House Republican leaders trying to protect President Donald Trump in the Russia investigation.”

You may have missed this story from last week as it was overshadowed by a government shutdown, shitholes, Davos, The Women’s March, DACA, Tide Pods, Republican conspiracy theories, and Trump’s weekly attempt to obstruct justice and slime his way through the presidency. But, what may have transpired while Trump was sliming his way toward the presidency is that Russians helped him through the National Rifle Association.

We know Russia helped elect Donald Trump. That’s a fact. We also know there was collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign, no matter how many times Trump says “no collusion,” which has become how he starts and finishes every statement he’ll ever make for the rest of his life. Inviting Russians to Trump Tower to provide dirt on Hillary Clinton and trading messages with Wikileaks is the very definition of collusion. It also hasn’t helped that Trump has spent his entire presidency groveling to Vladimir Putin, as if the guy has something on him as if they were in a “Stormy” relationship.

During the campaign, Trump made a visit to the National Rifle Association’s convention in Louisville, Kentucky. Most people go to Kentucky for horse racing and bourbon. Trump went to meet porn stars. Oops, that’s Vegas. Trump went to meet Russians. Yes, at the NRA convention, Trump met up with Aleksandr Torshin, a good buddy of Vladimir’s, a mobster, and deputy director of the Russian central bank. Why would a Russian mobster fly to Kentucky to visit Donald Trump?

On a side note, last week’s school shooting happened in Kentucky.

Besides meeting up with Russian mobster pals of Putin’s in Kentucky at an NRA convention, Russia may have used the Republican’s favorite fundraising organization to funnel money to the Trump campaign. There are several connections between Russia and the NRA (click the link above).

Trump supporters have made a lot of sacrifices to back their guy. They’ve given up their dignity. Evangelicals have given up the right to preach, bitch, scream and pretend family values and morals are important to them. Republicans can’t pretend they’re more patriotic than Democrats as they’re closing their eyes and allowing Russia to attack our nation. They also can’t pretend they care about law enforcement since they’re spending all their leisure time attacking the FBI for investigating that Russian collusion thing. They can’t even criticize future Democratic presidents in the future for vacationing and golfing too much.

Before Trump even became president, the GOP lost the argument that they’re the pro-life party and care about children as they’ve stood by and watched school shooting after school shooting kill American children. They’ve haven’t been entirely inactive on the issue, as they continue to take money from the biggest proponent of no-gun legislation ever, the NRA.

Now, the party that has refused to defend our nation from Russia, refused to defend our children from gun violence, and has refused to defend us from stupidity, gets to help the champions of the Second Amendment, the NRA, wash Putin stank of them.

Does the GOP really advocate protection for anyone in this nation? Can someone please tell me what it is the Republican Party is doing for the United States other than helping rich people get richer?


The (final GDP growth figures) for 2017 are out, which gives us an opportunity to answer this question: Is America currently experiencing a spectacular Trump Boom, in which the economy delivering so much winning that we’re all tired of winning?

The answer is: Of course not. And it would be too much to expect any president to do that in their first year. The problem, though, is that that is exactly what Trump and his most sycophantic advocates are claiming.


The economy added just over 2 million jobs in 2017, which is the lowest since 2010, when we were still dragging ourselves out of the recession.

Of course, that’s not the story you hear from the president. He likes to argue in anecdotes: every time a corporation says it’s going to create some jobs, it’s proof that his stewardship is bringing spectacular results. But in an economy as enormous as ours, corporations are constantly adding jobs and cutting jobs, and the fact that a few thousand are being created here or there tells you nothing about how the entire economy is doing.

Trump may trumpet every time a factory opens, but he won’t talk about, for instance, the steady stream of job losses in the retail sector. And Trump’s more specific promises aren’t being kept, either. Remember how he was going to revive the coal industry? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, last January coal mining employed 50,000 Americans, and as of December it employed 50,500 Americans. Quite the coal revival. Remember that Carrier plant in Indiana Trump worked so hard to “save”? They’ve laid off 600 people.

But isn’t the stock market up, as Trump never tires of telling us? Yes it is — the S&P 500 rose over 20 percent in 2017. Which is not as much as it grew in, say, 2013, when it rose 30 percent and some Kenyan communist whose name I can’t remember was president, but it’s still doing quite well. And if your economic well-being is tied closely to the stock market, that’s good for you.

But for most Americans, the performance of the stock market matters little if at all. At a more fundamental level, Trump is taking the most acute problems the American economy faces and exacerbating them. He’s showering benefits on the wealthy and corporations. He’s moving power away from workers and into the hands of employers. He’s allowing corporations a freer hand to mistreat their employees, pollute the environment, and (screw over consumers) without accountability. He’s also helping Republicans launch a war on the safety net. The net effect of all these policies will be to increase inequality, the most critical long-term problem the economy faces.

None of that is going to stop the White House from saying over and over that Trump’s extraordinary leadership has made us all prosperous. Nor will it stop Trump supporters from attributing everything good that happens in the economy to Trump, just as they insisted when Barack Obama was president that he had nothing to do with any positive developments.

The (final GDP growth figures) for 2017 are out, which gives us an opportunity to answer this question: Is America currently experiencing a spectacular Trump Boom, in which the economy delivering so much winning that we’re all tired of winning?

The answer is: Of course not. And it would be too much to expect any president to do that in their first year. The problem, though, is that that is exactly what Trump and his most sycophantic advocates are claiming.


The economy added just over 2 million jobs in 2017, which is the lowest since 2010, when we were still dragging ourselves out of the recession.

Of course, that’s not the story you hear from the president. He likes to argue in anecdotes: every time a corporation says it’s going to create some jobs, it’s proof that his stewardship is bringing spectacular results. But in an economy as enormous as ours, corporations are constantly adding jobs and cutting jobs, and the fact that a few thousand are being created here or there tells you nothing about how the entire economy is doing.

Trump may trumpet every time a factory opens, but he won’t talk about, for instance, the steady stream of job losses in the retail sector. And Trump’s more specific promises aren’t being kept, either. Remember how he was going to revive the coal industry? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, last January coal mining employed 50,000 Americans, and as of December it employed 50,500 Americans. Quite the coal revival. Remember that Carrier plant in Indiana Trump worked so hard to “save”? They’ve laid off 600 people.

But isn’t the stock market up, as Trump never tires of telling us? Yes it is — the S&P 500 rose over 20 percent in 2017. Which is not as much as it grew in, say, 2013, when it rose 30 percent and some Kenyan communist whose name I can’t remember was president, but it’s still doing quite well. And if your economic well-being is tied closely to the stock market, that’s good for you.

But for most Americans, the performance of the stock market matters little if at all. At a more fundamental level, Trump is taking the most acute problems the American economy faces and exacerbating them. He’s showering benefits on the wealthy and corporations. He’s moving power away from workers and into the hands of employers. He’s allowing corporations a freer hand to mistreat their employees, pollute the environment, and (screw over consumers) without accountability. He’s also helping Republicans launch a war on the safety net. The net effect of all these policies will be to increase inequality, the most critical long-term problem the economy faces.

None of that is going to stop the White House from saying over and over that Trump’s extraordinary leadership has made us all prosperous. Nor will it stop Trump supporters from attributing everything good that happens in the economy to Trump, just as they insisted when Barack Obama was president that he had nothing to do with any positive developments.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Just last month, President Donald Trump was crowing about his chances for seeing the U.S. post 3 percent economic growth in 2017 and scoffing at the skeptics who predicted much less.

Turns out the skeptics — actually, mainstream economists — were right and he was wrong.

This became clear Friday just as Trump was speaking about an America “roaring back” in remarks at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

That speech served as the week’s curtain raiser for the main act in presidential rhetoric, the State of the Union speech coming Tuesday.

A look at a selection of his remarks and how they stack up with the facts:

TRUMP: “After years of stagnation, the United States is once again experiencing strong economic growth.”

THE FACTS: This is an exaggeration. The economy is doing better by some measures but data released right as Trump finished speaking shows it hasn’t yet accelerated meaningfully since his inauguration.


TRUMP: “Since my election, we’ve created 2.4 million jobs. And that number is going up very, very substantially.”

THE FACTS: Actually, job growth is going down.


TRUMP: “The tax cut bill is expected to raise the average American’s household income by more than $4,000.”

THE FACTS: Most mainstream economists are skeptical of this figure. The average household will see its income rise $1,610 in 2018 because of cuts in income tax, according to the Tax Policy Center.


TRUMP: “The world’s largest company, Apple, announced it plans to bring $245 billion in overseas profits home to America. Their total investment into the United States economy will be more than $350 billion over the next five years.”

THE FACTS: This is misleading: It’s not clear from Apple’s statement that it is actually increasing investment in the U.S. from its current levels.

Evangelicals have never had it so good, politically speaking.

Since President Trump took office in January, the White House has become a Christian roundtable, with just about every top-tier seat filled by a faithful member of the fold or someone who is happy to further the fold’s agenda.

The lineup of believers who are in positions of power is truly dizzying. Betsy DeVos, who leads the Department of Education, has stated that her goal as a public servant is to “advance God’s kingdom.” Secretary of Energy Rick Perry employed mass prayer as a means of addressing social problems when he was governor of Texas. Ben Carson, secretary of Housing and Urban Development, believes that the theory of evolution was encouraged by the devil.

It doesn't stop there. Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions has said that people who don't believe in God can't be truthful. Scott Pruitt, the Environmental Protection Agency chief, is a devout Baptist who denies that climate change is real. Mike Pompeo, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, is an evangelical who opposes abortion even in cases of rape. The president's attorney, Jay Sekulow, another evangelical, has defended school prayer at the Supreme Court, and Trump's spiritual advisor, Paula White, is a Pentecostal televangelist who teaches that if people give her church thousands of dollars, God will reward them with favors. Vice President Mike Pence might be the most piously anti-gay politician in America.

What's really remarkable about this group, however, is not that so many ardent worshippers of Jesus are running the country, but how non-Christian this ostensibly Christian government is proving to be. The Trump administration's Bible devotees are pushing an agenda that flies in the face of their own savior's message.