Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

From both the Panama Papers and the Paradise Papers, vast disclosures illuminating previously hidden offshore accounts of the rich and powerful worldwide, we can see the full extent to which corruption has become the master narrative of our times. We live in a world of smash-and-grab fortunes, amassed through political connections and outright theft. Paul Manafort, over the course of his career, was a great normalizer of corruption. The firm he created in the 1980s obliterated traditional concerns about conflicts of interest. It imported the ethos of the permanent campaign into lobbying and, therefore, into the construction of public policy.

And while Manafort is alleged to have laundered cash for his own benefit, his long history of laundering reputations is what truly sets him apart. He helped persuade the American political elite to look past the atrocities and heists of kleptocrats and goons. He took figures who should have never been permitted influence in Washington and softened their image just enough to guide them past the moral barriers to entry. He weakened the capital’s ethical immune system.

Helping elect Donald Trump, in so many ways, represents the culmination of Paul Manafort’s work. The president bears some likeness to the oligarchs Manafort long served: a businessman with a portfolio of shady deals, who benefited from a cozy relationship to government; a man whose urge to dominate, and to enrich himself, overwhelms any higher ideal.

2018 Grammy Winner
Best Arrangement, Instruments and Vocals:
"Putin" — Randy Newman, arranger (Randy Newman) -- WINNER
Grammys 2018 Winners: The Complete List (Live Updating)

Putin puttin' his pants on
One leg at a time
You mean he's just like a regular fella, huh?
He ain't nothing like a regular fella

Putin puttin' his hat on
Hat size number nine
"You sayin' Putin's gettin' big headed?"
Putin's head's just fine

He can drive his giant tractor
Across the Trans-Siberian plain
He can power a nuclear reactor
With the left side of his brain
And when he takes his shirt off
He drives the ladies crazy
When he takes his shirt off
Makes me wanna be a lady
It's the Putin Girls!

Putin if you put it when you put it where you put it
Putin if you put it will you put it next to me?
Putin if you put it when you put it where you put it
Putin if you put it will you put it next to me?

Now Putin hates the Putin girls
'Cause he hates vulgarity
And he loves his mother country
And he loves his family

He and his ex-wife Lyudmila
Are riding along the shore of the beautiful new Russian Black Sea
Let's listen in, a great man is speaking

We fought a war for this?
I'm almost ashamed
The Mediterranean
Now there's a resort worth fighting for
If only the Greeks or the Turks
Would start to sniff around
I'd bring the hammer down
So quick their woolly heads would spin
Woolly head, woolly head, woolly head

Or, wait a minute
Even better
What if the Kurds got in the way?
Hey! Kurds and way, curds and whey!

Sometimes a people is greater than their leader
Germany, Kentucky, and France
Sometimes a leader towers over his country
One shot at glory, they don't get a second chance
I dragged these peasants kicking and screaming
Into the 21st century
I thought they'd make it
I must have been dreaming
These chicken farmers and file clerks gonna be the death of me

I can't do it
Sure, you can
I can't do it
Yeah, you can
What makes you say that girls?
Tell you why, 'cause you're the Putin man
Who whipped Napoleon?
We did!
Who won World War II?
The Americans!
That's a good one ladies
It's our turn to sit in the comfy chair
And you're the man gonna get us there!

I don't know, Lenin couldn't do it
I don't know, Stalin couldn't do it
Now they couldn't do it
Why you think I can?
You're gonna lead our people to the Promised Land
You're right, 'cause, Goddamn, I'm the Putin Man

There are good reasons to be wary of impeachment talk. Congressional Republicans show zero interest, and they’re the ones in charge. Democrats, for their part, need to focus on retaking Congress, and railing about impeachment probably won’t help them win votes.

But let’s set aside realpolitik for a few minutes and ask a different question: Is serious consideration of impeachment fair? I think the answer is yes. The evidence is now quite strong that Donald Trump committed obstruction of justice. Many legal scholars believe a sitting president cannot be charged with a crime. So the proper remedy for a president credibly accused of obstructing justice is impeachment.

The first article of impeachment against Richard Nixon argued that he had “prevented, obstructed and impeded the administration of justice.” One of the two impeachment articles that the House passed against Bill Clinton used (that identical phrase). In both cases, the article then laid out the evidence with a numbered list. Nixon’s version had nine items. Clinton’s had seven. Each list was meant to show that the president had intentionally tried to subvert a federal investigation.

Given last week’s news — that Trump has already tried to fire Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating the Trump campaign — it’s time to put together the same sort of list for Trump. Of course, this list is based only on publicly available information. Mueller, no doubt, knows more.