Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

WASHINGTON — The White House has grown frustrated in recent weeks by what it considers the Pentagon’s reluctance to provide President Trump with options for a military strike against North Korea, according to officials, the latest sign of a deepening split in the administration over how to confront the nuclear-armed regime of Kim Jong-un.

The national security adviser, Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, believes that for Mr. Trump’s warnings to North Korea to be credible, the United States must have well-developed military plans, according to those officials.

But the Pentagon, they say, is worried that the White House is moving too hastily toward military action on the Korean Peninsula that could escalate catastrophically. Giving the president too many options, the officials said, could increase the odds that he will act.

The tensions bubbled to the surface this week with the disclosure that the White House (had abandoned plans) to nominate a prominent Korea expert, Victor D. Cha, as ambassador to South Korea. Mr. Cha suggested that he was sidelined because he warned administration officials against a “preventive” military strike, which, (he later wrote), could spiral “into a war that would likely kill tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of Americans.”

Barclays Plc is challenging U.S. President Donald Trump’s claim of credit for record stock market levels.

The U.S. equity market’s “Trump rally” actually has its roots in the period before the 2016 presidential election and is due to economic factors, such as oil’s recovery and looser policy in China, according to Barclays. The S&P 500 Index rose to multiple records in January, following a 19 percent jump last year.

“Buoyant capital markets primarily reflect economic forces already in motion rather than any change of political personnel,” William Hobbs, head of investment strategy at Barclays’ wealth management unit in London, said in a blog post. “The ongoing rally in global stocks rests primarily on the improving economic backdrop, rather than the so-called ‘Trump Rally.’”

Had Trump been the primary reason for last year’s stock-market gains, equity returns would have been driven by valuation expansion, since the Senate didn’t pass the tax overhaul until December, Barclays said. Instead, the bank’s calculations show that valuation growth accounted for less than a third of the MSCI USA’s total returns, which were dominated by rising corporate earnings.

While Trump’s tax overhaul delivers a deep, lasting cut for corporations and temporary benefits for individuals and is expected to stimulate economic growth and earnings, Barclays warns that stimulus isn’t needed during economic recovery. While the step “may make for good politics with midterm primaries approaching, it is unlikely to make for good economics long term.”

President Trump on Friday accused the top leadership of the Justice Department and FBI of favoring Democrats and having “politicized the sacred investigative process,” posting an incendiary tweet hours before the expected release of a controversial congressional memo alleging surveillance abuses by the FBI.

“The top Leadership and Investigators of the FBI and the Justice Department have politicized the sacred investigative process in favor of Democrats and against Republicans — something which would have been unthinkable just a short time ago,” Trump wrote on Twitter.

He added: “Rank & File are great people!”

Law enforcement and intelligence officials have expressed “grave concerns” about the memo’s release, saying it contains classified information and inaccuracies.

The four-page memo was written by Republican staffers of the House Intelligence Committee, which is chaired by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.).

It alleges that the British former spy who wrote the dossier passed bad information to the FBI and suggests that information was used in the application to conduct surveillance on the former campaign adviser, Carter Page, according to people familiar with the document.

President Trump on Friday accused the top leadership of the Justice Department and FBI of favoring Democrats and having “politicized the sacred investigative process,” posting an incendiary tweet hours before the expected release of a controversial congressional memo alleging surveillance abuses by the FBI.

“The top Leadership and Investigators of the FBI and the Justice Department have politicized the sacred investigative process in favor of Democrats and against Republicans — something which would have been unthinkable just a short time ago,” Trump wrote on Twitter.

He added: “Rank & File are great people!”

Law enforcement and intelligence officials have expressed “grave concerns” about the memo’s release, saying it contains classified information and inaccuracies.

The four-page memo was written by Republican staffers of the House Intelligence Committee, which is chaired by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.).

It alleges that the British former spy who wrote the dossier passed bad information to the FBI and suggests that information was used in the application to conduct surveillance on the former campaign adviser, Carter Page, according to people familiar with the document.

As a former prosecutor, it is impossible to see this behavior as anything other than a guilty person who knows the facts and law are against him trying to put the prosecution on trial. Given the FBI treatment of HRC and their likely impact on the election, it is pretty impossible to credit the idea that the institution--especially run by his appointees--is out to get him for political reasons.

Based on all of the available data, it is much more likely that they were concerned about his dealings with Russia, his lying about it, and the possibility that he is a Russian asset. Their investigation to protect the country is exactly what one would expect given the known facts.

Trying to make this all about the dossier might have worked were he and his people not caught hiding information, lying repeatedly, etc. So far, we know at least two people have pled guilty and are cooperating, and two others indicted for actions that came out of this investigation. Most of the people paying attention want to see what else is there to be found and wish to see our laws and country protected. (Trump escalates attacks on FBI leadership. This time claiming agency favored Democrats over Republicans.)

President Trump on Friday accused the top leadership of the Justice Department and FBI of favoring Democrats and having “politicized the sacred investigative process,” posting an incendiary tweet hours before the expected release of a controversial congressional memo alleging surveillance abuses by the FBI.

“The top Leadership and Investigators of the FBI and the Justice Department have politicized the sacred investigative process in favor of Democrats and against Republicans — something which would have been unthinkable just a short time ago,” Trump wrote on Twitter.

He added: “Rank & File are great people!”

Law enforcement and intelligence officials have expressed “grave concerns” about the memo’s release, saying it contains classified information and inaccuracies.

The four-page memo was written by Republican staffers of the House Intelligence Committee, which is chaired by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.).

It alleges that the British former spy who wrote the dossier passed bad information to the FBI and suggests that information was used in the application to conduct surveillance on the former campaign adviser, Carter Page, according to people familiar with the document.

Good grief America - this is getting very serious for you and therefore the rest of the world. For the first time I feel genuinely fearful for the future of US democracy.

Whatever happens we will remember that it was enabled by Republicans who hate liberals more than they love their country. And by Rupert Murdoch, without whom none of the lying and fake news could have gained traction

Good night and good luck! (Trump escalates attacks on FBI leadership. This time claiming agency favored Democrats over Republicans.)

President Trump approved release Friday of a GOP memo alleging surveillance abuses by the FBI, intensifying a fight between the White House and Republican lawmakers, on one side, and the nation’s top law enforcement agency over whether the origins of a probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election were tainted by political bias.

The memo was approved for release without redactions, according to two White House officials.

The president told reporters in the Oval Office, “I think it’s a disgrace what’s happening in our country. A lot of people should be ashamed of themselves and much worse than that.”