Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

A home improvement contractor married to one of Donald and Melania Trump’s former household staffers is now working as an official at the Environmental Protection Agency, the latest example of someone with a personal connection to the Trump family finding work in the administration.

New Jersey-based Steve Kopec joined EPA’s Region 2 office in New York as a special assistant on Dec. 18, according to a memo obtained by POLITICO. “Steve comes to us from private industry, where he fashioned his career around customer service and organizational efficiencies,” EPA Region 2 Administrator Pete Lopez wrote in the memo. “Steve is an experienced manager with skills in team building, management and organization.

According to public records, Kopec previously ran a contracting business from his home in Haskell, N.J., called Steve’s Tools in Motion. Kopec’s wife, Dagmara, previously worked for the Trump family in New York, according to a person familiar with her situation.
Holy fucking shit!!
i haven’t clicked on this thread in a long time. all it is is Scully posting one post after another after another every day every half hour at least. nobody even responds or likes any of his posts. this guy is seriously mentally ill, obsessed and must has have some kind of OCD. wow!!

scully, I hope you can find something more constructive to do with your life. But I guess if you think this is your calling more power to you! lol.
Like get a doctorate? Couple master's degrees, perhaps?

does he have a current medical license?

there’s a lot of people who are supersmart but has zero social skills. they have a hard time with personal relationships and dealing with people. they also have a lot of other issues like OCD. I suspect he’s in that category. i’m not knocking the guy. i actually feel bad for him. he has a severe mental illness its not something to be made fun of. at first I thought this guy was just a troll but now I see it’s a mental issue so I don’t make fun of him anymore. I actually feel for the guy , it’s so sad. but if this is calling and makes him happy I am all for it
does he have a current medical license?

there’s a lot of people who are supersmart but has zero social skills. they have a hard time with personal relationships and dealing with people. they also have a lot of other issues like OCD. I suspect he’s in that category. i’m not knocking the guy. i actually feel bad for him. he has a severe mental illness its not something to be made fun of. at first I thought this guy was just a troll but now I see it’s a mental issue so I don’t make fun of him anymore. I actually feel for the guy , it’s so sad. but if this is calling and makes him happy I am all for it

Get real. You're not knocking the guy? If this thread was filled with praise for Donald Trump, THEN you wouldn't be knocking the guy... You'd be his biggest fan. You don't like that his political beliefs aren't the same as yours. It's easier for you to day he has a mental illness because it makes you feel better I guess?

Your post is full of so much bullshit I don't feel like dissecting all of it. I just thought it was ironic that you think Scally needs something to do with his time - he's done more for the AAS using community than you will have done in a lifetime. Why not have some respect?
Get real. You're not knocking the guy? If this thread was filled with praise for Donald Trump, THEN you wouldn't be knocking the guy... You'd be his biggest fan. You don't like that his political beliefs aren't the same as yours. It's easier for you to day he has a mental illness because it makes you feel better I guess?

Your post is full of so much bullshit I don't feel like dissecting all of it. I just thought it was ironic that you think Scally needs something to do with his time - he's done more for the AAS using community than you will have done in a lifetime. Why not have some respect?

you must have missed my question

Does he have a current medical license?

I have no clue what he’s done for the community, and i really don’t care. that doesn’t interest me at all. this is a Trump thread not a steroid thread. and spare me with the respect bullshit.

i just find it a little weird the guy makes post after post after post all day every day and gets no likes or no responses and he keeps posting and posting and posting. no one reads them. yet he keeps at it. I think he’s obsessed with Donald Trump along with some other issues I’ve already stated. like I said I’m not knocking the guy. I’m just stating how I see it. you may see it differently and that’s fine too.
Does he have a current medical license?

I didn't miss it, I ignored it.

Why don't you look up the status of his medical license? I believe there is plenty on the internet, I'm not going go take my time to tell you about it if you don't care.

I have no clue what he’s done for the community, and i really don’t care. that doesn’t interest me at all. this is a Trump thread not a steroid thread. and spare me with the respect bullshit.

Dude, if you want to be willfully ignorant then, by all means, go for it.. I was pointing out that there's a lot Scally has done for the AAS and medical community in response to your statement that you hope he can find something more constructive with his life. So, spare ME the bullshit.

i just find it a little weird the guy makes post after post after post all day every day and gets no likes or no responses and he keeps posting and posting and posting. no one reads them. yet he keeps at it. I think he’s obsessed with Donald Trump along with some other issues I’ve already stated. like I said I’m not knocking the guy. I’m just stating how I see it. you may see it differently and that’s fine too.

I follow it from time to time. Most people don't like the political threads though because they get heated and fights begin. Sort of like how you come in and fire a few shots and then I come in to do the same because I know you're easily triggered. Vicious circle... Gets easier to just stay away. Scally just ignores and does his thing.
I didn't miss it, I ignored it.

Why don't you look up the status of his medical license? I believe there is plenty on the internet, I'm not going go take my time to tell you about it if you don't care.

Dude, if you want to be willfully ignorant then, by all means, go for it.. I was pointing out that there's a lot Scally has done for the AAS and medical community in response to your statement that you hope he can find something more constructive with his life. So, spare ME the bullshit.

I follow it from time to time. Most people don't like the political threads though because they get heated and fights begin. Sort of like how you come in and fire a few shots and then I come in to do the same because I know you're easily triggered. Vicious circle... Gets easier to just stay away. Scally just ignores and does his thing.

This thread serves as a chronology of TrumpFail. Many will die from his actions. Trump is on track to be one of the worst presidents in history. And, it will get worse.

Pay no heed to the TrumpTards. Ignore feature works well! Makes you wonder why someone does not make use of it. Projection is a psychological mechanism for coping.

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