Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

TrumpFuckingIdiot ...

Donald Trump made the biggest policy blunder of his Presidency Thursday by announcing that next week he’ll impose tariffs of 25% on imported steel and 10% on aluminum. This tax increase will punish American workers, invite retaliation that will harm U.S. exports, divide his political coalition at home, anger allies abroad, and undermine his tax and regulatory reforms. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 1.7% on the news, as investors absorbed the self-inflicted folly.

WASHINGTON — Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin was taunted with hisses, heckles and profanity during a lecture and moderated discussion at U.C.L.A. this week. Protesters were carried out by armed police officers. A sixth grader in the audience questioned him about the fairness of passing permanent tax cuts for companies and expiring cuts for individuals.

But the official video footage of the university’s Arnold C. Harberger Lecture, hosted by the Burkle Center for International Relations, is nowhere to be found. That is because Mr. Mnuchin took the unusual step of revoking his consent for it to be released given the contentiousness of the event.

“The Burkle Center and Treasury Department officials had an agreement to post the video of Secretary Mnuchin’s lecture at U.C.L.A. to the center’s website following the event,” said Peggy McInerny, a university spokeswoman. “Treasury Department officials subsequently withdrew their consent to post the video.”

Although Mr. Mnuchin did not want to give additional publicity to those who disrupted him, the shielding of the video has drawn more attention to the series of tense exchanges. Snippets of the scene that were captured on cellphones have ricocheted around social media in the days since the event. American Public Media’s “Marketplace,” whose host, Kai Ryssdal, moderated the discussion, published the complete audio.

The report accuses DeVos of: having "damaging conflicts of interest;" working to limit, delay and revoke regulations that seek to hold colleges accountable; rolling back relief for students ripped off by for-profit colleges; and undermining key protections for public school students contained in the Every Student Succeeds Act.

It also suggests that she "has spent her time in office meeting with school choice and privatization advocates, while largely ignoring the needs of public school students and teachers."

Further, the report alleges that the education secretary has "curtailed protections for victims of sexual harassment and sexual violence; eliminated protections for transgender students; weakened protections for students of color; and weakened enforcement of civil rights protections by the department's Office for Civil Rights."

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt dismissed evolution as an unproven theory, lamented that “minority religions” were pushing Christianity out of “the public square” and advocated amending the Constitution to ban abortion, prohibit same-sex marriage and protect the Pledge of Allegiance and the Ten Commandments, according to a newly unearthed series of Oklahoma talk radio shows from 2005.

Pruitt, who at the time was a state senator, also described the Second Amendment as divinely granted and condemned federal judges as a “judicial monarchy” that is “the most grievous threat that we have today." And he did not object when the program’s host described Islam as “not so much a religion as it is a terrorist organization in many instances.”

I don’t really have much to say about today’s cartoon, except, there’s probably something wrong with me.

I was going to do something with a strong, poignant opinion. Then, I thought of this and it made me laugh. I don’t make myself laugh very often. I tried to take a nap, but I kept laughing thinking about it. I had to draw it.

That’s it. Blog done. I’ll try to be poignant and less of a knucklehead tomorrow.
