Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed – if all records told the same tale – then the lie passed into history and became truth. "Who controls the past," ran the Party slogan, "controls the future: who controls the present controls the past." And yet the past, though of its nature alterable, never had been altered. Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. It was quite simple. All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory. "Reality control," they called it: in Newspeak, "doublethink." George Orwell, 1984

For a week, the world has waited: When would “60 Minutes” air its interview with porn star Stormy Daniels alleging an affair with President Trump? CBS has been silent. Now there is a planned date, March 25, according to two people familiar with the timing.

Daniels’s attorney, Michael Avenatti, heightened the suspense. After Daniels sat for an interview with news anchor Anderson Cooper, the lawyer tweeted a photo of the three of them, along with the Twitter handle @60Minutes — teasing a tell-all from the woman who has been silenced for more than a year by Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen.

The Daniels lawsuit will not be dismissed. The court may be expected to rule that Daniels owes Trump no duty not to speak about the affair. The arbitration was apparently brought solely by the LLC, not Trump himself. Daniels may technically owe a duty of silence to the LLC, which paid the $130K; but the liquidated damages provision for $1M per violation cannot be enforced by the LLC because, as an empty shell company, the LLC suffers no actual injury or damage from anything Daniels does. You cannot use a liquidated damages clause where there is no realistic possibility of actual damages. Trump would be damaged by Daniels' disclosures but he did not pay and did not sign. While a signature is not needed to have an enforceable agreement, it is necessary to have an offer and acceptance. Here, Trump himself offered and gave nothing. While in some circumstances a third party can sue to enforce an agreement made for his benefit, even though he is not a party--a so-called third party beneficiary claim--in order to assert such a claim Trump would have to start a suit in his name. And that is something he obviously does not want to do. (CBS tentatively sets March 25 for airing ‘60 Minutes’ interview with Stormy Daniels)

There is a blue wave coming, and Republicans can’t stop it. They can only hope to contain it.

I’m not saying a blue wave is coming because that’s what I want, and I do want it. I’m saying it because it’s true, though a lot of Republicans are denying it.

Connor Lamb won Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District Tuesday night. During the campaign, Republicans ran ads accusing Lamb of being Nancy Pelosi’s sheep. After the campaign, Republicans claimed he ran on Republican issues. Paul Ryan said he ran as a conservative and supported the Republican tax cut. Trump told supporters, “He ran on a campaign that said very nice things about me. I said, ‘Is he a Republican? He sounds like a Republican to me.’” As we now know, Donald Trump actually brags about lying and his stupidity.

Lamb does support gun rights, opposes new restrictions on guns, and favors Trump’s steel tariffs, but he’s not a conservative. He supports a woman’s right to choose. He favors Obamacare. He said the Trump tax plan was a giveaway to the rich. And, yes…he supports increased background checks for gun purchases.

Lamb is a Marine and a prosecutor. His opponent said people who supported Lamb hated Trump, our country, and God. If all that’s true, then why did this Democrat win a district that went for Trump by 20 points?

In each election since Trump’s stolen victory, Democrats have closed the gap, even in races in red states they didn’t win, like in Georgia and Montana. They’ve won numerous state legislative seats and would have turned Virginia’s General Assembly from red to blue if not for a coin toss. Democrats won a United States Senate seat in Alabama. It takes serious denial to say there’s not a blue wave coming.

When Democrats win, Republicans don’t just throw out excuses, they produce lies. They accused Acorn of illegally helping Obama’s victory. They claimed Black Panthers (not the Marvel superhero) was scaring people away from polls. They claim millions of illegal immigrants voted. Trump claimed illegal immigrants voted for Clinton as his excuse for losing the popular vote and even created a special commission to study it (which was later dissolved after going nowhere). When Democrat Doug Jones beat pedophile Republican Roy Moore in Alabama, conservatives claimed blacks were bused in from Mississippi to vote.

The party holding the White House tends to lose seats in the first midterm after the presidential election, even when the president is doing a fairly competent job. With the Republicans holding their nose to support the worst president in the history of the United States, Democrats are going to retake the House.

Democrats need to flip 23 seats. Republicans hold 118 seats that lean Democratic. It’s crazy to believe Democrats will fip over 100 seats, but they’re going to win enough to take the House. The only reason they may not gain control of the Senate, and perhaps even lose seats, is because more Democrats are defending seats than Republicans in 2018.

The good news for Republicans, since the message “help us help Trump make things even worse” isn’t a real vote generator, they still have Russian troll farms to help them out. The Russians are still meddling in our election. Additional good news for the GOP is that our government isn’t doing anything about it. It’s like the Trump administration actually wants them to meddle. It’s not likely voters are going to give Trump more Republicans to help him deflect investigations and ignore Russians attacking our nation.

Trump is our punishment for embracing a bankrupt value system (Opinion | Trump is our punishment for embracing a bankrupt value system)

It does no good to talk about values, because nobody cares about your values. It is a tiresome abstraction, and nobody wants to be lectured.

It may not do any good, but a lack of values can certainly end up doing some bad.

Every culture has people whom others look up to, but ours has taken a peculiar, empty turn. When celebrity became defined as being “famous for being famous,” and we realized that it was accurate, we embarked on our national Greek tragedy, where our own flaws would eventually become our undoing.

Hello, Donald Trump. The fact that Trump ended up as president of our nation tells us something almost more disturbing than everything Trump actually does, something fundamentally damning about our culture. And that something is this: There was no downside risk for Trump inflicting his narcissistic pathology on us. In a culture of celebrity, there are no consequences for contemptible behavior, only more celebrity. Trump reputedly didn’t expect to win, and maybe didn’t even want to. He certainly was operating on the calculation that running for president on an outrageous, toxic platform had no downside risk, and in the worst case would yield him more fame and therefore more money.

More money. Yes, that’s the conjoined twin of more celebrity. It is the other big value in this bankrupt value system we seem to have adopted. And over time, so corrosive. In a world where success is measured in dollars and fame, where is the reward for simply being a decent human being? The reward is suspecting that you’re really nothing but a fool, and that working hard and playing by the rules is a sucker’s game. What could go wrong in a nation that starts to think this way?

Donald Trump is what. And if we live to see him leaving the White House, let us hope that there are consequences for Trump, consequences that will give him something to think about.

And give us something to think about, too.