Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse


Donald Trump once asked Andrew McCabe who he voted for. I really hope he didn’t vote for Trump.

After Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, he called then interim director McCabe and yelled at him for allowing Comey to return home from California, where he was at the time of the firing, and allowing him to fly on a government plane. At the end of that conversation Trump told McCabe, “ask your wife what it’s like to be a loser,” in reference to her losing campaign when she ran for public office.

Donald Trump once cut off health insurance for a sick infant, which was the grandson of his late brother.

Currently, Trump, the president of the United States of America, is trying to collect $20 million from a porn star because she won’t be quiet about sleeping with him.

Friday night, around 10:00 PM, Donald Trump, through his troll Attorney General Jeff Sessions, fired Andrew McCabe hours before his retirement in an effort to prevent him from collecting his pension after 21 years of government service.

In case you can’t tell by this point, Donald Trump is a petty asshole.

Trump has been bullying McCabe for months on Twitter and through the press threatening to fire him.

Trump has been upset that McCabe is a witness for James Comey. Trump’s move to fire McCabe tells the entire Federal Bureau of Investigation that if doing their job crosses Trump, he’ll come after them.

During the presidential debates, Hillary Clinton warned us that Trump would use the presidency and Justice Department to go after his political enemies. Once again, he’s proving him right. Just as she was right about Trump being Putin’s Puppet, she was correct about him acting like a tinpot dictator of a banana republic.

Trump is also trying to move his case with Stormy Daniels out a state court to a federal court, where he appoints the judges. By the way, this legal proves Trump was a part of the non-disclosure agreement.

If you’re not angry and afraid at this point, you’re an idiot.

Trump’s supporters say they didn’t want Obama’s socialism. But they’re perfectly fine with authoritarianism. I’m not and Donald Trump needs to go.

Trump’s supporters and sycophants love his court appointments and tax cuts, but will they love what’s left of this nation after he leaves? That is, if he leaves. He’s already “joking” about being president for life, or in this case, ruler for life.

McCabe has been on an FBI SWAT team. He investigated the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. He’s worked in the FBI’s counterterrorism Division and National Security Branch. He deserves better than to be attacked politically by the most self-serving president in our nation’s history. If Donald Trump is petty enough to attack career servants for perceived slights against him, he’ll sacrifice our national security for his personal interest.

Also on Friday night, retired four-star Army general Barry McCaffrey tweeted, “Reluctantly I have concluded that President Trump is a serious threat to US national security. He is refusing to protect vital US interests from active Russian attacks. It is apparent that he is for some unknown reason under the sway of Mr Putin.”

What the general failed to mention is that Trump is a petty asshole.


I preemptively apologize for the blatant schadenfreude, but I am going to love it when Donald Trump, Jr.’s ex-wife screws him with his father’s tax plan. This week, after twelve blissful years and five children Vanessa Haydon Trump, the wife of the president’s oldest son, filed for the big D. The case is proceeding as an “uncontested divorce,” meaning that (at least at the time of filing), Ms. Trump isn’t expecting a trial. Instead, the two will likely negotiate through lawyers to arrive at a mutually-satisfactory settlement agreement that works out child custody and support, property distribution, and alimony.

The uncontested status is exactly what I’d expect from a couple like the Trumps; I’m sure they have a prenuptual agreement, which would have had a clause about what happens with spousal maintenance (New York legal term for “alimony”), as well as property distribution. That prenup couldn’t have contained provisions with any kid-related issues, but it would definitely have included alimony. That doesn’t exactly mean that there won’t be any fighting over alimony – but just that the argument would focus on the enforceability of the prenup, as opposed to alimony more generally.


Starting January 1, 2019, alimony payments are no longer deductible to the payer or included in the income of the recipient. That means the Trumps have about nine months to resolve all their divorce issues before things get expensive for Don Jr.

Vanessa Trump (or at least her lawyer) is no dummy. She can see the Mueller indictments and discovery demands being handed down daily. She knows that the smart move is to legally distance herself from her in-laws, stat. Few maneuvers have the guillotine-like power of the filing of a Complaint for Divorce. Once it’s filed, the marital clock stops. Assets and income are no longer acquired jointly. Spousal privilege no longer prohibits one spouse from testifying against another. Things are different in the eyes of the law, even if the divorce hasn’t yet been finalized.

President Trump, weighing in directly on the Stephanie Clifford case for the first time, claimed in court papers filed by his lawyers on Friday that the porn actress who alleges she had an affair with him violated a confidentiality agreement at least 20 times, exposing her to damages of at least $20 million.

President Trump’s lawyers filed two motions on Friday in United States District Court in California in a public legal fight that Ms. Clifford, whose stage name is Stormy Daniels, started last week. That’s when she sued to get out of an agreement that she had struck to be paid $130,000 to stay silent about an affair she alleges to have had with Mr. Trump starting in 2006.

Mr. Trump formally joined his legal team’s response to Ms. Clifford’s suit in a motion, filed Friday, to move the case from state court in Los Angeles, where Ms. Clifford filed her claim, to federal court.

Mr. Trump’s reason for asking that the case be moved probably concerns the Federal Arbitration Act, which makes arbitration the preferred forum for resolving many kinds of disputes. Federal courts have applied that law more strictly than state courts, particularly ones in California. Mr. Trump may be hoping that his chances of keeping the dispute in arbitration and out of public view are better before a federal judge than a state one.

Porn star Stormy Daniels confirmed she had an affair with Donald Trump in an exclusive 2011 interview with In Touch, five years before she was reportedly paid $130,000 by the president to stay silent about the fling. Here is the full transcript of the interview conducted by former Bauer Publishing reporter Jordi Lippe-McGraw. Subsequent to the interview, Ms. Daniels took and passed a polygraph test. The account of her affair was corroborated by one of her good friends and supported by her ex-husband, both of whom also passed polygraph tests. This interview has been lightly edited for clarity and style.