Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse


Conservatives lie. That’s the honest truth. They’re not just incapable of discussing any issue without fabrications because they lack an ability to comprehend. They use lies because that’s their weapon of choice. They use lies because their base is dumb enough to fall for them.

Conservatives amplified fake news from Russian trolls 30 times more than liberals. They even complained when Twitter conducted a purge of Russian bots.

Look at their leader, who is the king of lies. Look at his spokesperson, who told so many lies yesterday it was hard to keep up. Try to find a Republican who realizes we’re paying for Trump’s stupid border wall, not Mexico.

When Republicans can’t counter an argument, they don’t just lie about the issue. They lie about the messenger and engage in campaigns to vilify their political opponents. They told us Obama was a Marxist Muslim born in Kenya planning to take everyone’s guns away right after he was finished invading Texas.

Enter the students who survived the school shooting in Parkland. This is a situation where victims of a mass shooting are speaking out in favor of gun control, and conservatives and NRA supporters are resorting to their usual tactics of assaulting the messengers. In this case, they’re attacking minors who hid in closets during a shooting, and had to step over the bodies of their friends, classmates, and teachers to evacuate the building.

How do conservatives frame these kids? Ben Shapiro accuses them of being manipulated by Democrats. Actor James Woods compared survivor David Hogg to Nazis. Dinesh D’Souza celebrated the failure of a Florida gun control bill by taunting, “Adults 1, kids 0.” Leslie Gibson, a candidate for Maine’s House of Representatives said of survivor Emma Gonzalez, “There’s nothing about this skinhead lesbian that impresses me and there is nothing to say unless you’re frothing at the mouth moonbat.”

Iowan Republican Congressman Steve King noticed Gonzalez was wearing a jacket with a Cuban flag at the March For Our Lives rally, and shared a meme on Facebook page stating, “This is how you look when you claim Cuban heritage yet don’t speak Spanish and ignore the fact that your ancestors fled the island when the dictatorship turned Cuba into a prison camp, after removing all weapons from its citizens; hence their right to self defense.” Gonzalez’s parents did flee Cuba, and some conservatives are questioning her citizenship despite the fact she was born in the United States.

A doctored animation of Gonzalez tearing the US Constitution in two (taken from an actual video of her tearing a bulls eye poster) went viral on social media after Gab, a so-called “free speech social network” that features the controversial Pepe the Frog as its account image, posted it on Twitter. Adam Baldwin, famous for being related to talented Baldwins, also tweeted the animation.

Conservative propagandists impersonating political cartoonists A.F. Branco and Ben Garrison both drew cartoons of Hogg as a puppet (conservative cartoonists always draw the same idea. Always. Now there’s a Borg collective). I seriously doubt these two hacks will get the irony of both of them repeating the same Republican talking point while accusing someone of being a puppet.

The criticism and attacks on the students started with conservatives accusing them of being paid actors, which must mean Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School is giving Juliard a run for its money.

I understand that Republicans would be skeptical of the maturity and eloquence of these students as their current leader has a fourth-grade reading level, resorts to childish insults, and has displayed an ability to comprehend equivalent to that of a garden snail. But, to vilify them because you see their activism as a threat to your fetish is deplorable. And, yes. When half the guns in this nation are owned by three percent of the population and the average gun owner owns between six to eight guns, it’s not for protection or sportsmanship. It’s a fetish.

They say you shouldn’t argue with children. I try to extend that to arguing with Republicans on social media, and I often fail to be the bigger person as I feel a need to debunk false information (and troll conservative cartoonists). But Republicans aren’t even engaging or challenging these kids in an honest debate or disagreement.

What Republicans are doing is showing us, once again, who they are. When someone shows you who they are, believe them.

I believe Republicans are nothing but a bunch of knuckle-dragging, racist, sexists, Nazi-pedophile supporting, lying shit weasels.


Capitol Hill wants Facebook’s blood, but President Trump isn’t interested. Instead, the tech behemoth Trump wants to go after is Amazon, according to five sources who’ve discussed it with him. “He’s obsessed with Amazon,” a source said. “Obsessed.”

What we're hearing: Trump has talked about changing Amazon’s tax treatment because he’s worried about mom-and-pop retailers being put out of business.
  • A source who’s spoken to POTUS: “He’s wondered aloud if there may be any way to go after Amazon with antitrust or competition law."
  • Trump’s deep-seated antipathy toward Amazon surfaces when discussing tax policy and antitrust cases. The president would love to clip CEO Jeff Bezos’ wings. But he doesn’t have a plan to make that happen.
Behind the president's thinking: Trump's wealthy friends tell him Amazon is destroying their businesses. His real estate buddies tell him — and he agrees — that Amazon is killing shopping malls and brick-and-mortar retailers.
  • Trump tells people Amazon has gotten a free ride from taxpayers and cushy treatment from the U.S. Postal Service.
  • “The whole post office thing, that's very much a perception he has,” another source said. “It's been explained to him in multiple meetings that his perception is inaccurate and that the post office actually makes a ton of money from Amazon."
  • Axios' Ina Fried notes: The Postal Service actually added delivery on Sunday in some cities because Amazon made it worthwhile.
  • Trump also pays close attention to the Amazon founder's ownership of The Washington Post, which the president views as Bezos’ political weapon.

Capitol Hill wants Facebook’s blood, but President Trump isn’t interested. Instead, the tech behemoth Trump wants to go after is Amazon, according to five sources who’ve discussed it with him. “He’s obsessed with Amazon,” a source said. “Obsessed.”

What we're hearing: Trump has talked about changing Amazon’s tax treatment because he’s worried about mom-and-pop retailers being put out of business.
  • A source who’s spoken to POTUS: “He’s wondered aloud if there may be any way to go after Amazon with antitrust or competition law."
  • Trump’s deep-seated antipathy toward Amazon surfaces when discussing tax policy and antitrust cases. The president would love to clip CEO Jeff Bezos’ wings. But he doesn’t have a plan to make that happen.
Behind the president's thinking: Trump's wealthy friends tell him Amazon is destroying their businesses. His real estate buddies tell him — and he agrees — that Amazon is killing shopping malls and brick-and-mortar retailers.
  • Trump tells people Amazon has gotten a free ride from taxpayers and cushy treatment from the U.S. Postal Service.
  • “The whole post office thing, that's very much a perception he has,” another source said. “It's been explained to him in multiple meetings that his perception is inaccurate and that the post office actually makes a ton of money from Amazon."
  • Axios' Ina Fried notes: The Postal Service actually added delivery on Sunday in some cities because Amazon made it worthwhile.
  • Trump also pays close attention to the Amazon founder's ownership of The Washington Post, which the president views as Bezos’ political weapon.

Weren't liberals all about rising taxes?
Now they support lower taxes for AMZN wtf?
Make up your mind

Hollande's 75% 'Supertax' Failure A Blow To Piketty's Economics

While liberal media pretends to portray this as (false) hopes that Trump will be impeached because of Stromy Daniels affair,
she just made her first mistake so it became clear she's politically inclined = dumped in Supreme Court if challenged.

Even Clinton News Network CNN lawyers admit it won't succeed.

Get back to the crack pipe you liberals!

Another shoe just dropped in the Russia investigation. And it may leave a large footprint.

“Manafort associate had Russian intelligence ties during 2016 campaign, prosecutors say,” reads The Post’s headline this morning. (The story reports):

The FBI has found that a business associate of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort had ongoing ties to Russian intelligence, including during the 2016 campaign when Manafort and his deputy, Rick Gates, were in touch with the associate, according to new court filings.

The documents, filed late Tuesday by prosecutors for special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, also allege that Gates had said he knew the associate was a former officer with the Russian military intelligence service.


That means Mueller is now alleging that Trump’s deputy campaign manager knew in the fall of 2016 that his and Manafort’s business associate had ties to Russian intelligence. What’s more, The Post adds, (based on previous reporting), that Manafort has said he and the associate discussed in August 2016 the “hacking of Democratic National Committee emails.” One month previously, WikiLeaks — widely believed to be a Russian cut-out operation — had released stolen DNC emails.


Finally, putting this information in the filing might end up protecting the Mueller probe itself. “Mueller’s biggest strategic risk is being fired,” Rosenzweig said. “The more they put Russia into the equation, the harder it is for Trump to fire him.”

As we have already seen, Trump has now begun to directly attack the Mueller investigation, and he has gotten rid of lawyers such as John Dowd who are advising caution. The new Mueller filing, however, could make it that much harder politically for Trump to try to shut down or hamstring the probe. And if that’s what this latest shoe dropping accomplishes, that itself will leave a pretty big footprint.

Another shoe just dropped in the Russia investigation. And it may leave a large footprint.

“Manafort associate had Russian intelligence ties during 2016 campaign, prosecutors say,” reads The Post’s headline this morning. (The story reports):

The FBI has found that a business associate of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort had ongoing ties to Russian intelligence, including during the 2016 campaign when Manafort and his deputy, Rick Gates, were in touch with the associate, according to new court filings.

The documents, filed late Tuesday by prosecutors for special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, also allege that Gates had said he knew the associate was a former officer with the Russian military intelligence service.


That means Mueller is now alleging that Trump’s deputy campaign manager knew in the fall of 2016 that his and Manafort’s business associate had ties to Russian intelligence. What’s more, The Post adds, (based on previous reporting), that Manafort has said he and the associate discussed in August 2016 the “hacking of Democratic National Committee emails.” One month previously, WikiLeaks — widely believed to be a Russian cut-out operation — had released stolen DNC emails.


Finally, putting this information in the filing might end up protecting the Mueller probe itself. “Mueller’s biggest strategic risk is being fired,” Rosenzweig said. “The more they put Russia into the equation, the harder it is for Trump to fire him.”

As we have already seen, Trump has now begun to directly attack the Mueller investigation, and he has gotten rid of lawyers such as John Dowd who are advising caution. The new Mueller filing, however, could make it that much harder politically for Trump to try to shut down or hamstring the probe. And if that’s what this latest shoe dropping accomplishes, that itself will leave a pretty big footprint.


WASHINGTON — A lawyer for President Trump broached the idea of Mr. Trump pardoning two of his former top advisers, Michael T. Flynn and Paul Manafort, with their lawyers last year, according to three people with knowledge of the discussions.

The discussions came as the special counsel was building cases against both men, and they raise questions about whether the lawyer, John Dowd, was offering pardons to influence their decisions about whether to plead guilty and cooperate in the investigation.

The talks suggest that Mr. Trump’s lawyers were concerned about what Mr. Flynn and Mr. Manafort might reveal were they to cut a deal with the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, in exchange for leniency. Mr. Mueller’s team could investigate the prospect that Mr. Dowd made pardon offers to thwart the inquiry, although legal experts are divided about whether such offers might constitute obstruction of justice.

Mr. Dowd’s conversation with Mr. Flynn’s lawyer, Robert K. Kelner, occurred sometime after Mr. Dowd took over last summer as the president’s personal lawyer, at a time when a grand jury was hearing evidence against Mr. Flynn on a range of potential crimes. Mr. Flynn, who served as Mr. Trump’s first national security adviser, agreed in late November to cooperate with the special counsel’s investigation. He pleaded guilty in December to lying to the F.B.I. about his conversations with the Russian ambassador and received favorable sentencing terms.

Mr. Dowd has said privately that he did not know why Mr. Flynn had accepted a plea, according to one of the people. He said he had told Mr. Kelner that the president had long believed that the case against Mr. Flynn was flimsy and was prepared to pardon him, the person said.

The pardon discussion with Mr. Manafort’s attorney, Reginald J. Brown, came before his client was indicted in October on charges of money laundering and other financial crimes. Mr. Manafort, the former chairman of Mr. Trump’s presidential campaign, has pleaded not guilty and has told others he is not interested in a pardon because he believes he has done nothing wrong and the government overstepped its authority. Mr. Brown is no longer his lawyer.

It is unclear whether Mr. Dowd, who resigned last week as the head of the president’s legal team, discussed the pardons with Mr. Trump before bringing them up with the other lawyers.

It only took a week for Pennsylvania Rep. Ryan Costello, a moderate Republican representing suburban Philadelphia, to recognize the headwinds that Donald Trump’s presidency would create for him and members in similar districts.

“After the travel ban,” Costello said in an interview Tuesday. It wasn’t just the overwhelming protests at airports but all the protesters who gathered at his office, too. They were linking him, their Republican member of Congress, with the decisions of the new Republican president. He remembered “the expectation that, somehow, I needed to issue a statement within X number of minutes or somehow I was complicit, or whatever they were trying to accuse me of.”

“And what that told me,” he continued, “is that they were very engaged, and there was a lot of anger, and they were just waiting for Trump to do something so that they could express their outrage.”