Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) blasted President Donald Trump on Sunday over an apparent chemical weapons attack in Syria, saying the regime was "emboldened" after the U.S. president suggested that it was time to reduce U.S. involvement in the country.

"President Trump last week signaled to the world that the United States would prematurely withdraw from Syria," McCain said in a statement. "Bashar Assad and his Russian and Iranian backers have heard him, and emboldened by American inaction, Assad has reportedly launched another chemical attack against innocent men, women and children, this time in Douma."

On April 7, 2017, the U.S. armed forces (fired 59 cruise missiles) at a Syrian airbase to punish Bashar al-Assad for his use of chemical weapons against his own citizens. The Syrian president reportedly celebrated the one-year anniversary of the strike on Saturday by ordering (another attack) with chemical weapons that opposition activists said killed dozens of people in the city of Douma.

This appears to be at least the (eighth) such attack by Assad this year — and the most brazen. Having seen that the United States would not react to his repeated violations of international laws, Assad has intensified his use of weapons of mass destruction.

The latest atrocity reveals as hollow much of the praise for President Trump’s 2017 strike. That applause came not only from his sycophants (“We’re proud of you,” radio host Mark Levin told the president) but also from critics bending over backward to appear fair. Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), for example, said in a joint statement: “Unlike the previous administration, President Trump confronted a pivotal moment in Syria and took action. For that, he deserves the support of the American people.”


Since taking a victory lap for his cruise-missile strike, Trump has left Assad, along with his Russian and Iranian backers, undisturbed to continue their meticulous work of mass murder. Trump even discontinued support for rebel groups fighting Assad and instead focused narrowly on the goal of eradicating the Islamic State. Now, with the finish line in sight, Trump appears to have set a for the Defense Department to pull our troops out — even though the Pentagon, State Department, CIA, Israel and the Arab states are all telling him that this would be a monumental mistake. A premature departure will risk the success of the anti-Islamic State campaign and hand eastern Syria to Assad and his patrons.

(CNN)Stormy Daniels' attorney, Michael Avenatti, has once again filed a motion to depose President Donald Trump and his lawyer, Michael Cohen, to ask about a $130,000 payout before the 2016 election.

In the motion, filed in federal court in California on Sunday evening, Avenatti also asked for the production of documents on topics relating the agreement, which Daniels argues is not valid.

Daniels is also again seeking an expedited jury trial to determine the validity of the agreement.

Late last month, a federal judge in California put a temporary stop to Avenatti's initial motion for an expedited trial and discovery process. Judge S. James Otero of the US District Court for the Central District of California said Avenatti was "premature" in making the motion because Trump and Essential Consultants LLC, the company established by Cohen to pay Daniels the $130,000 to keep quiet about an alleged affair between her and Trump, had not yet filed a petition to compel arbitration. That petition was filed last week.

In the legal filing Sunday, Avenatti requests a deposition of Trump of no more than two hours, a deposition of Cohen of no more than two hours and 10 requests for production of documents directed at Trump and Cohen.

Avenatti said the questions he wants to ask include whether Trump is "David Dennison" or "DD," as referenced in the agreement; whether Trump knew about the agreement; whether he "truly did not know about the $130,000 payment"; whether the payment was made with Trump's money; what was Cohen's role; and "was Mr. Trump personally in an effort to silence Plaintiff in order to benefit his presidential campaign by preventing voters from hearing Plaintiff speak publicly."

The motion is the latest in the legal battle between Daniels, an adult film actress whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, and Cohen, Trump, and the limited liability company Cohen created to pay her to keep quiet about the alleged affair with Trump more than a decade ago.

(CNN)Stormy Daniels' attorney, Michael Avenatti, has once again filed a motion to depose President Donald Trump and his lawyer, Michael Cohen, to ask about a $130,000 payout before the 2016 election.

In the motion, filed in federal court in California on Sunday evening, Avenatti also asked for the production of documents on topics relating the agreement, which Daniels argues is not valid.

Daniels is also again seeking an expedited jury trial to determine the validity of the agreement.

Late last month, a federal judge in California put a temporary stop to Avenatti's initial motion for an expedited trial and discovery process. Judge S. James Otero of the US District Court for the Central District of California said Avenatti was "premature" in making the motion because Trump and Essential Consultants LLC, the company established by Cohen to pay Daniels the $130,000 to keep quiet about an alleged affair between her and Trump, had not yet filed a petition to compel arbitration. That petition was filed last week.

In the legal filing Sunday, Avenatti requests a deposition of Trump of no more than two hours, a deposition of Cohen of no more than two hours and 10 requests for production of documents directed at Trump and Cohen.

Avenatti said the questions he wants to ask include whether Trump is "David Dennison" or "DD," as referenced in the agreement; whether Trump knew about the agreement; whether he "truly did not know about the $130,000 payment"; whether the payment was made with Trump's money; what was Cohen's role; and "was Mr. Trump personally in an effort to silence Plaintiff in order to benefit his presidential campaign by preventing voters from hearing Plaintiff speak publicly."

The motion is the latest in the legal battle between Daniels, an adult film actress whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, and Cohen, Trump, and the limited liability company Cohen created to pay her to keep quiet about the alleged affair with Trump more than a decade ago.


Depending on whom you followed more closely, there were two accounts of the fire Saturday night that tore through a 50th-floor apartment in Trump Tower, President Trump’s namesake building on Fifth Avenue in New York.

The first narrative unfolded through official alerts and images from the New York Fire Department, which painted a picture of an extraordinarily challenging — and ultimately fatal — blaze to contain and extinguish.

The fire broke out just before 6 p.m. Saturday, officials said. Soon, flames could be seen making their way across the unit as dark plumes of smoke billowed upward, obstructing many of the floors above.

By the time firefighters arrived at the 50th floor of the building, they found “the apartment was entirely on fire,” New York Fire Commissioner Daniel Nigro said Saturday.

Forcing their way into the unit, firefighters pulled out one person, unconscious and unresponsive, who had been trapped inside, Nigro added.

The man was taken to the hospital in critical condition, police said. He later died.

In all, six firefighters — of the roughly 200 or so who had responded — suffered minor injuries fighting the blaze, Nigro said.

For the president, however, the fire seemed first a chance to boast of the construction quality of Trump Tower on Twitter, his preferred method of communicating with the public.

“Very confined (well built building),” Trump tweeted Saturday, about an hour after the fire broke out. “Firemen (and women) did a great job. THANK YOU!”

Trump also declared that the fire had been extinguished — before it actually had been.

The fire was still not considered to be under control then because of smoke conditions above the 50th floor, Nigro said Saturday. It was brought under control shortly before 8 p.m. Saturday, about an hour after Trump’s tweet, fire officials said.

“This was a very difficult fire. As you can imagine, the apartment is quite large; we are 50 stories up,” Nigro said. “The rest of the building had a considerable amount of smoke.”

Though Trump thanked the “firemen (and women)” who responded to the blaze, his tweet made no mention of those who had suffered injuries.