Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse


Donald Trump says the Special Counsel’s investigation into his collusion with Russia and obstruction of justice is “the single greatest witch hunt in American history.” The problem for this argument is that it’s turning up a lot of witches.

What else would you expect from an investigation into a person like Donald Trump who ran a family business like a third-rate mafia? He has spent his entire career associating with witches and warlocks who are extremely bad at hiding the fact they’re witches and warlocks.

Michael Avenatti, the attorney for porn star Stormy Daniels who Trump’s lawyer paid to keep quiet that she slept with Trump, expressed shock at the ineptness of the president’s lawyer. Talking to Nicole Wallace on the 11th Hour on MSNBC Tuesday night, he discussed his amazement that Trump got so far ahead in business and public stature while hiring people as stupid at his lawyer, Michael Cohen.

The Russia investigation has been described as Watergate, but with stupid people. The main target is the biggest dumbass of them all.

Mueller’s witch hunt has led to charges against 19 people, five of whom have plead guilty to at least one criminal count. That’s a lot of witches. And the people at the top of the witch hunt who Trump is blaming, are all Republicans.

The Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, who recused himself isn’t just a Republican. He supported and campaigned for Trump. The Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, is a Republican. Andrew McCabe, who Trump fired days before his retirement from the FBI so he couldn’t collect his pension, is a lifelong Republican. Rod Rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney General overseeing the Special Counsel and who Trump is threatening to fire, is a Republican Trump appointed. Geoffrey Berman, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York which is leading the investigation into Trump’s stupid lawyer, is a Republican, appointed by Trump, who Trump personally interviewed.

It’s really hard to claim they’re out to get you when they’re from your side. What do you expect them to do when everything about you is sketchy?

Trump’s business is connected to Russian oligarchs. His buildings have been used for money laundering by these oligarchs. He ran a scam university. He has a scam charity. Half of his appointments are engaging in corrupt practices from Jared selling access to his EPA chief literally sleeping in a lobbyist’s bed.

There is a better chance of Stormy producing a sex tape of Trump killing porn star ass than there is of Mueller not finding anything on Trump. Frankly, I’m shocked Cohen wasn’t paying porn stars to say they slept Trump and that it was amazing.

Soon, I expect federal penitentiaries to contain more witches than Trump Towers.


House Speaker Paul Ryan has told confidants that he will announce soon that he won't run for reelection in November, according to sources with knowledge of the conversations.

Why it matters: House Republicans were already in very tough spot for midterms, with many endangered members and the good chance that Democrats will win the majority.


President Donald Trump personally ordered the Department of Justice to hire a former White House official who was fired after he was caught up in a controversy over the release of intelligence material to a member of Congress, according to people familiar with the matter.

Ezra Cohen-Watnick, who left the National Security Council last year, will advise Attorney General Jeff Sessions on national security matters. He was fired from the White House following reports that he had shown House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes classified documents.

The material allegedly revealed that members of the Obama administration had sought the identities of Trump campaign officials and associates inadvertently caught on government intercepts, in a process known as “unmasking.” Nunes then disclosed that information publicly in an attempt to bolster Trump’s unsubstantiated allegation that President Barack Obama had wiretapped him.

As a matter of policy, the White House generally doesn’t approve the rehiring of staff who were fired, aides said. But after it became clear the president wanted Cohen-Watnick on Sessions’ staff, the move was approved.
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka was a landmark 1954 Supreme Court case in which the justices ruled unanimously that racial segregation of children in public schools was unconstitutional. Brown v. Board of Education was one of the cornerstones of the civil rights movement, and helped establish the precedent that “separate-but-equal” education and other services were not, in fact, equal at all.


Due to his closeness with President Donald Trump, there is a lot of talk about the recently raided Michael Cohen being the key to unraveling all of the president’s alleged and supposed crimes. We want answers and it appears Cohen has some. It’s natural to project the desire that Donald Trump be held accountable for something onto the decisions of Robert Mueller, the U.S. Attorney, or the Department of Justice.

It may well be that the raid of Cohen’s office is the beginning of the end of Donald Trump, but let’s not lose sight of the fact that Michael Cohen is a terrible attorney, the Wreck-It-Ralph of fixers. It is as likely as not the S.D.N.Y. is just looking for evidence of election fraud that Cohen has basically already admitted to.

Anything about Michael Cohen that suggests competence flakes off with a light scratch. Yes, he’s a lawyer, but when you look closely, you notice that he got his law degree from Cooley Law School, which is one of the worst law schools in the country. Cohen’s business seems to be taxi cabs, for which he owes back taxes. He doesn’t have a roster of clients; like Tom Hagan in the Godfather, Cohen seems to only have one client. Cohen’s brief association with the otherwise respected law firm of Squire Patton Boggs is already over, leaving one to wonder why the firm sullied itself with a Cohen liaison to begin with. (Answer: I assume the firm thought that having the ear of the president could be useful.)

Cohen is regularly referred to as Trump’s “pit bull” — which is NOT A COMPLIMENT. It appears that Cohen used what legal knowledge he had as an intimidation tactic, as opposed to the basis from which to give sound counsel and advice.