Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Wouldn’t it be awesome if the liberal anti Trump folks actually appreciated the things Trump has done and is doing to better our country and put America first with our own tax dollars vs being blinded by hate and the loss of thier horrible crooked loser candidate, Hillary Clinton, and the loss of her election.

“Refusing and Not excepting the election results from a duelly elected presidential candidate during a presidential election is a direct threat to our dimocracy”
-Hillary Clinton
& (repeated daily by CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and NBC)

keep googling anti Trump memes though @Michael Scally MD since you obviously cant think of even a somewhat educated response to my question earlier.

Rudy Giuliani on Wednesday night said President Donald Trump fired James Comey because the former FBI director wouldn’t offer assurances that Trump wasn’t a target of an investigation.

“He fired Comey because Comey would not, among other things, say that he wasn’t a target of the investigation,” the former New York City mayor, who recently joined Trump’s legal team, told Fox News’s Sean Hannity. “He’s entitled to that. Hillary Clinton got that and he couldn’t get that. So he fired him and he said, ‘I’m free of this guy.’”

The president has changed his reason for Comey since he dismissed the former FBI director in May 2017. The White House initially said Trump fired Comey at the recommendation of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who penned a memo suggesting firing the FBI director over his handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.

However, several days later, the president told NBC’s Lester Holt that he fired Comey over the investigation into Russian collusion.

If Rudy Giuliani was a doctor, and he was your doctor, that would mean you are going to die. Likewise, if he was your lawyer, you’re going to prison.

Donald Trump does not hire the best and the brightest. He hires lackeys, flunkies, and lick-spittles. He hires people who will tell him what he wants to hear. For example, take his New York doctor.

During the campaign, Dr. Harold Bornstein, who was Trump’s doctor for 36 years, issued a letter stating that if elected Trump would be the “healthiest president ever.” This week, he told the press that Trump had his goons (Yes. Trump has goons) raid his office. He also said that Trump dictated that infamous letter. Apparently, what peeved Trump off was the doc’s disclosure that the president is prescribed Proprecia, a hair-loss medication. The doctor doesn’t think it’s a big deal that he gave out that information.

Sure, it’s not a big deal that we know Trump uses medication for his hair loss. You can spot that shit from the space station. What is a big deal is releasing a patient’s medical information and not understanding that you’re not supposed to do that. Remember, Trump hires the best.

But maybe, they go from being the best to ridiculous sycophants. Dr. Ronny Jackson was a very respected doctor for several presidents. Then he gave a report on Trump which sounded like a report from Doctor Crazy Pants in New York. Dr. Jackson said Trump was in excellent health despite his heart disease and with weight a pound under being officially obese. He also said with a better diet that didn’t consist of nothing but Big Macs and KFC, Trump could live to be 200. Did Trump write these statements too? Now, Dr. Jackson has been laughed out of his nomination to lead the Veterans Administration and the Pentagon is considering investigating him for all sorts of shady and sketchy shit.

Rudy Giuliani went from being the best, a federal prosecutor who brought down mobsters to the kind of lawyer you’d swear got his legal training from Green Acres’ Mr. Haney.

Trump lawyer/fixer Michael Cohen has claimed he paid porn star Stormy Daniels $130,000 to remain quiet about sleeping with Donald Trump and that Trump was unaware of the payment. Cohen says he took out a line of credit on his home out of the the goodness of his heart and his love for all things Donald, and Trump never paid him back. Enter Giuliani.

Lawyers usually tell their clients not to talk so much. They don’t typically go on TV and torpedo your entire defense and expose you as a massive liar. Rudy went on Fox News and told Sean Hannity, another client of Cohen’s, that Trump paid Cohen back the $130,000. Wait. What? I thought Trump didn’t know about it. Trump told us from Air Force One he had no clue what was going on. Now they’re saying he paid Cohen back?

Giuliani also said it wasn’t a campaign violation because the money wasn’t from the campaign. Uh, I’m not a lawyer but I do know that you can commit a campaign finance violation without giving directly to the campaign. If it’s to help the campaign, it’s still a contribution.

Giuliani says the money was paid back in installments, which may be another crime. Rudy even used the word “funneled.” Why would a billionaire pay it back in installments like it was a rent-to-own hooker? If the money was paid back in smaller amounts to avoid tracking, it could be a major felony. I have a question that hasn’t been answered yet. If these payments continued while Trump was president, then it wasn’t just private citizen or president-elect Trump committing a crime, it was President Trump committing a crime. Doesn’t this mean he can be indicted while he’s president? Maybe Robert Mueller has the answer.

When all is said and done, Trump’s going to wish the only thing exposed is that he porked a porn star and cheated on Melania.

What happened to Rudy? He was America’s mayor. He had a stellar legal career. Now I’m surprised he didn’t go on Hannity and release the pee-pee tape.
