Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Earlier this week, Donald Trump's loose-lipped lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, made it clear that the president reimbursed his fixer, Michael Cohen, for the $130,000 Cohen paid to adult film star Stormy Daniels in exchange for her pre-election silence about an alleged affair with Trump.

The money in question, Giuliani told the New York Times, was paid by Trump to Cohen on an installment plan. "Some time after the campaign is over," Giuliani said, "they set up a reimbursement, $35,000 a month, out of his personal family account."

On Friday afternoon, Giuliani released a statement insisting the settlement, initially paid to Daniels by Cohen through a shadowy Delaware LLC, was "made to resolve a personal and false allegation to protect the President's family," adding: "It would have been done in any event, whether he was a candidate or not." As a legal matter, Giuliani is seeking to counter the claim that Cohen's payoff to Daniels was a violation of campaign finance law.

But Giuliani's dubious damage-control campaign continues to raise more questions than it puts to rest.

In interviews this week, the president's lawyer also revealed that Cohen was compensated for far more than the Daniels debt – up to $470,000. This disclosure demands an answer: What else is hidden in the $340,000 difference between the Daniels settlement and Cohen's take?