Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

[O]n Wednesday, Trump again called some undocumented migrants in the U.S. “animals.” Calling people animals has been a parlor sport with Mr. Trump, and he has often gotten things wrong, as when he used his wealth to persecute the falsely accused Central Park Five.

Calling people “animals” is not just the use of an ugly epithet. It is not merely impolite.

It is a call to mistreat the class of people so designated, to fear them and blame them and ultimately to seek to wipe them out.

“Animal” functions similarly in this regard to the Nazi technical term “untermensch,” or underman, subhuman.

Richard A Etlin in “Art, Culture, and Media under the Third Reich” translates passages from the infamous SS pamphlet of 1941, titled “Der Untermensch”:

  • “It is a frightening creature, a mere shadow of a man, with humanoid racial features, yet spiritually and psychologically more base than any animal. Within this being rages a vile chaos of wild, uncontrolled passions, a nameless desire for destruction, the most primitive desires, and naked vulgarity.”
The pamphlet goes on to be more specific about the identity of this horrible category of apparent human beings, who are actually animals or worse. It specifies eastern Slavs (Russians and Poles) and Jews, among others. Not even some members of those groups, but all of them. The pamphlet functioned as a call for and a justification for the genocide of Jews, Gypsies, gays and other groups, as well as the slaughter of Russian boys at the Eastern Front.

That is, denigrating people as less than human is a step toward permitting their elimination.

Trump apologists would say that he is only calling gangbangers “animals,” not all Mexicans or Mexican-Americans. But anyone who actually has listened to him talk about those groups knows that he tars them all with the brush of gang violence. It is worth underlining that the vast majority of immigrants are law-abiding, since they fear that tangling with law enforcement could get them deported.

The priorities for the Trump administration and the entire Republican party are seriously messed up. When the press reports that a White House staffer dissed Senator and Vietnam veteran John McCain by saying, “he’s dying anyway,” the outrage isn’t directed at the staffer, who still has her job, but at the leaker.

Now it’s reported that the FBI may have had an informant following the moles Russia had in the Trump campaign. Is Trump’s outrage directed toward Russia? Of course not. It’s toward the agency that’s trying to protect our nation from interference from a hostile foreign power.

Trump tweeted, “Wow, word seems to be coming out that the Obama FBI “SPIED ON THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN WITH AN EMBEDDED INFORMANT.” Andrew McCarthy says, “There’s probably no doubt that they had at least one confidential informant in the campaign.” If so, this is bigger than Watergate!”

Trump has to say “Obama’s FBI” so it’ll gin up his base with outrage. But he is right about one thing. If Donald Trump allowed Russian spies into his campaign, it’s bigger than Watergate.

And Trump did allow Russians into his campaign headquarters. When the Russians contacted them claiming they had dirt on Hillary Clinton, did Donald Trump Jr say “no thanks?” Did he report it to the FBI? No. That treasonous trust-fund baby said “I love it!” If the Trump campaign did not collude with Russia, it’s not for the lack of trying.

While the campaign was ongoing, Trump was trying to work out a business deal with Russia. When Trump says he doesn’t have any business with Russia, again, it’s not for the lack of trying. And on that issue he’s probably lying.

While the FBI was secretly following Trump’s Russians around, they announced to the world that they were investigating Hillary Clinton, and then they weren’t, and then they were. The FBI was also leaking information about the investigation into Clinton to Rudy Giuliani, who is now complaining about the bias at the FBI. I’m a cartoonist and even I can’t make this stuff up.

Trump sycophants who parrot his claim of the investigation as a “witch hunt” and “no collusion don’t stop for a second and ask, but why were there so many people with Russian connections in your campaign? What sort of organization was Trump running that let spies in to sit at the big table with Trump?

Now, Trump, Republicans in Congress, the idiots in conservative media like Breitbart and Sean Hannity, are screaming for the FBI to publicly identify the informant. What happened to protecting sources? Why would they want to give someone up, not just for the conservative base to chew apart, but for Vladimir Putin? People who anger Putin have a tendency to suffer accidents, like falling off buildings and walking face first into a batch of Russian-made nerve agent.

This is another instance of Republicans putting sycophancy over country. They worship at the alter of a stupid, racist, snake-oil selling conman complicit with Russia, and their love for their deity is stronger than their love for the country.

You know what they say runs downhill. You know who’s on top of that hill. Trump’s leadership has set an example for the corruption rampant throughout his cabinet. His leadership encourages leaks from the White House. And, it was his leadership that invited Russians into his campaign. This is a man who didn’t devote himself entirely to his country while seeking to be its leader, as he was working business deals with Moscow at the same time while also asking for them to hack his opponent’s campaign.

We need to leave the informant alone. Quite frankly, Melania’s been through enough this week.


Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani went on an angry tirade against Chris Cuomo on Friday after the CNN host played an old clip of him saying that presidents must comply with subpoenas to testify.

During the CNN interview, Giuliani claimed that back in the 1990s, he simply argued that former President Bill Clinton couldn’t ignore subpoenas to hand over documents as part of the Whitewater probe. The former New York mayor then said that he would never have argued that a sitting president must comply with a subpoena asking him to testify.

Cuomo then rolled the clip of Giuliani being interviewed by Charlie Rose in which Rose directly asked him about whether a president must obey a subpoena to testify — and Giuliani said he did.

Giuliani at this point began ranting at Cuomo and accused him of being “unfair” to him simply for playing back arguments he made 20 years ago.

“That’s really unfair!” Giuliani fumed. “That’s extremely unfair what you’re doing right now! This is the reason people don’t come on this show!”

Giuliani then attacked Cuomo for regularly inviting “ambulance chaser” Michael Avenatti onto his show, to which Cuomo replied, “What does that have to do with this?”
