Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Today’s lesson in democracy: Oil drum calls the kettle black! (Opinion | Today’s lesson in democracy: Oil drum calls the kettle black!)

“If our leaders seek to conceal the truth, or we as people become accepting of alternative realities that are no longer grounded in facts, then we as American citizens are on a pathway to relinquishing our freedom.” Ring that freedom bell! If you want your heart to break hearing words of truth ooze from the mouth of someone whose former company has profited immensely from the manufacture and dissemination of “alternative realities,” here you go. Drink your fill. Take it away, Rex Tillerson!

The role of fossil fuel companies in syringing calculated misinformation into the collapsing arteries of American civic discourse is the crime of the millennium. Rex, take your bows, as we count the ways!

First and foremost, the fossil fuel campaign of misinformation, mal-information and obfusc-information has been instrumental, if not decisive, in delaying action on climate change to a degree that is already wreaking havoc on real people here and all over the world. And worse is to come as further catastrophe is being funneled into the pipeline every hour of every day. If you think that ExxonMobil’s current pro forma, heavily hedged, sotto voce acknowledgment of the reality of climate change mitigates this crisis, then you might have a bright future in corporate communications.

“There is a consensus that comprehensive strategies are needed to respond to these risks.” Whoa, baby! Truth to power in the passive voice! Are needed to be undertaken by somebody, somewhere, sometime or other. Why, the company is going so far as to participate in “constructive dialogue on policy options.” I’m sure you’d love to hear all the constructive dialogue that their lobbyists have with legislators on this subject. Transcripts unavailable.

Which brings us to the second level of damage the climate-change denial efforts have achieved: the terminal alienation of the Republican Party from the truth. Yes, the GOP was well along this greasy trail away from honesty already, but the climate issue slid the party right over the cliff edge and into the ocean. Causing the sea level to rise, no doubt. A Republican Party that became completely untethered to facts paved the way for the third great consequence of climate-science denial: the climate-destroying nonstop lie machine that is the Trump administration. In a whirling slurry of unending lies, there are no footholds left to correct or even talk sensibly about climate change or anything else.

So thanks a lot, Rex Tillerson, former CEO of ExxonMobil and former top official of the Trump calamity, for your help in setting the United States on the path you now look back at and warn us so unctuously about.
America ...

Interviewer: "Was there a part of you that was like, this isn't real. This would not happen in my school."

Paige: "No, there wasn't."

Interviewer: "Why so?"

Paige: "It's been happening everywhere."


No. Not everywhere. Only in the US. Horrific.


President Trump won in the electoral college in 2016, but lost the popular vote by about 3 million ballots. (California, take a bow.) He is the president and cannot be removed against his will, except by impeachment or at the ballot box in 2020. But moral legitimacy is another matter.

The sinking sense that he really didn’t win fair and square — that he and a foreign power tipped the scales — has now been fortified by a raft of information unknown to voters when they cast their ballots. Consider all the things he concealed which, if known at the time, could possibly have swung about 80,000 votes in three states.


The question is not only whether the Russian campaign (i.e., using social media; the well-timed release of hacked emails by WikiLeaks; staged campaign events) on behalf of Trump swayed enough voters to make up the gap in three critical states. We have to now consider that, but for the concealment of Trump’s connections, he would not have been elected. We know Trump thought the facts listed above were devastating, because why would he have gone to the trouble of concealing all these things if they were not potential deal-breakers for a large number of voters? When you cheat or lie, you see, you never know if you really won.

It is Trump’s own conduct that robs him of the certainty that he would have won, absent help from Russia and his scheme to conceal a host of Russia connections. We will never know — and he will never know — whether he is the first and only president to receive decisive help from a hostile foreign power.

We’ve already seen more than 100 charges, with indictments distributed among 19 people or entities, meaning a whole lot of witches have been hunted down. More importantly, the investigation by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is helping to pull the curtain back on the great deception of 2016, a breathtaking defilement of our democracy.