Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

(CNN)On Sunday morning, President Donald Trump tweeted. And tweeted. And tweeted.

Between 9:04 am and 9:37 am, Trump sent 5 tweets -- all around the same basic theme: He is being unfairly persecuted by special counsel Robert Mueller even as Mueller and the broader FBI overlook crimes by Democrats.

The tweets are riddled with misinformation and, in some cases, outright falsehoods. Taken together, Trump said 11 things that aren't true. Here's the breakdown -- tweet by tweet.

President Trump said Sunday that he would demand that the Justice Department explore whether it or the FBI “infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes” — escalating a battle over federal law enforcement's use of a confidential source to aid its probe into whether the Trump campaign and Russia coordinated to influence the 2016 election.

Trump wrote on Twitter, “I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes - and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!”

The tweet seemed to be a response to recent reports about (the FBI using a longtime intelligence asset) to advance its investigation into Russian election meddling. Trump and his allies have seized on the use of the asset to claim that the FBI has spied on his campaign.

The president's impending demand is significant in its own right: the nation's chief executive ordering an investigation into the investigation of his campaign. But it also could presage more important developments.

And here’s the worst part: The sudden trashing of long-standing American policy objectives — like the Iran deal or delaying any move of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalemuntil a true Israel-Palestinian peace deal — risks war on large scale. People could die in the name of keeping 666 Fifth Ave. and the Trump Organization afloat. Arguably, some already are.

The scope of the Trump-Kushner foreign policy auction is so vast that it would take a whole book to cover, and indeed several have been written. But it helps to break down the outlines of a conspiracy into three simple components. In each of these areas, the accumulating evidence has grown from a whisper to a scream over the last two years.
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TrumpFuckingIdiot, TrumpTard, ...

“Trump may be preparing for the wrong game: a two-player round of checkers when Kim is steeling for a multiplayer two-board chess match,” he wrote. “On one board will be the future of North Korea’s nuclear weapons programs, what Trump came to negotiate. On the other will be what Kim and the other participants know is also crucially at stake: the future of geopolitics in northeast Asia.” Mr. Kim sees himself as a player in that game long after the Trump administration is over.