Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The Roseanne saga is a microcosm of the Trump experience, America’s past 18 months writ small.

Truly, it has everything.

“To hold a young boy responsible for what was going on around him during the Holocaust as part of a larger effort to denigrate the man is repugnant,” the director of the Anti-Defamation League, Abraham Foxman, wrote. “George Soros has been forthright about his childhood experiences and his family’s history, and there the matter should rest.”
“Until now, I have been mostly silent on these matters because I have not wanted to add fuel to the fire by giving them further attention,” he continued. “But I find one lie so odious that I feel duty bound to address it directly.”

And then he said it: what his father had done, and what he had not, as a scared Jewish boy in a land ruled by Nazis.

“Roseanne Barr’s claims are not just an insult to my father,” the younger Soros concluded, “but all those who endured the Holocaust.”

Just another day in the life of another ignorant trump supporter

(Of course there are also non-ignorant trump supporters)

The legislation that Mr. Trump signed into law on Wednesday allows terminally ill patients to seek access to experimental medicine that is not yet fully approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Whether it will save “hundreds of thousands of lives” is a prediction that is, at best, unclear. But the effect of similar laws in some states has been muted.

A program known as compassionate use, or expanded access, has been in place since the 1970s. It allows patients with a serious disease or condition to obtain experimental medicines; the Food and Drug Administration says it authorizes 99 percent of the requests for expanded access that it receives.

The new national law — like similar laws in more than three dozen states — allows patients and doctors to ask drug companies directly for access to the experimental drugs, rather than wait for approval by the agency.

Yet these laws “do not ensure that manufacturers will provide the drug or that insurance companies will cover the cost,” according to Obtaining the medicines from manufacturers can be more cumbersome than going through the Food and Drug Administration’s existing program, the report found.

Colorado enacted the first right-to-try law in 2014. Since then, “there have been no documented cases of anyone receiving access, because of a right-to-try law, to an experimental product that would not have been available via the F.D.A.’s expanded access program,” concluded.

After Roseanne blamed Ambien for her racist tweeting, I made a joke in yesterday’s blog that the drug will need to place on its warning label; “May cause racist tweeting.”

Sure enough, after I did that, the company that makes Ambien, Sanofi US, issued a statement which read, “People of all races, religions and nationalities work at Sanofi every day to improve the lives of people around the world. While all pharmaceutical treatments have side effects, racism is not a known side effect of any Sanofi medication.”

There have been a lot of jokes about the warning label and side effects, and there’s even a trending hashtag, #AmbienTweeting. Several cartoonists have also taken it on. I couldn’t resist either. It’s just too funny.

Roseanne tweeted, after stating she was leaving Twitter, “It was 2 in the morning and I was ambien tweeting.”

Ambien does have side effects. It’s a sedative for insomnia. The side effects include blackouts, sleepwalking, and sleep feasting. People who take Ambien often wake up to an empty refrigerator and wonder if they’d been burgled by raccoons when it was just really themselves to blame. Some people hallucinate, like seeing raccoons in their fridge. But, I don’t think you can blame the drug for racism.

Looking at the side effects, I would think you should try marijuana before Ambien. It’ll make you wanna feast too, but without the blackouts.

While Roseanne may be gobbling the stuff like Tic Tacs, I’m going to bet she was a stupid racist before she started taking Ambien.

Some of the tweets at Roseanne over her Ambien excuse are golden.

One person tweeted, “While on Ambien I’ve made sandwiches, initiated sex with my husband, and called a friend to read her poetry at 3am, and didn’t remember doing any of it, but I wasn’t a racist asshole.” Her husband probably is not complaining too much.

Another posted, “I’ve taken Ambien and all I did was eat a quesadilla cooked inside another quesadilla.” I don’t need Ambian to do that.

One guy shared, “not sure if Ambien makes you tweet racist stuff but I can confirm pairing Makers Mark with Hot Pockets at 1AM will make you ‘like’ all of your high school crush’s Facebook photos.” I’m going out on a limb here, but I’m gonna bet that 1:00 AM liking your high school crush’s photos is from the Makers Mark more than it is from the Ambian. Also, pepperoni pizza Hot Pockets are delicious at any time.

Donald Trump tweeted about the Roseanne controversy too, but he didn’t reference Ambien. He was wondering why the president of ABC never called him to apologize for mean stuff said about him on the network. I’m not sure why Trump thinks the episode is about him. It’s not Memorial Day.

Full disclosure: I had to look up Ambien to find out what it was for. I avoid all drugs (not because I’m such an awesome person, but I’m a coward with drugs) and usually don’t know what a particular one treats until it’s in the news.
